Cast of Journey (In No Particular Order)

Tristy - Barmaid at bar Ranma first was bouncer at

Kahil - Mindmage, huge fellow

Grayson - Warlock

Anhur - Egyptian god of war of the Pantheon of Taut. Primal Manifestation, lion headed man.


Thoth - Egyptian god of knowledge. Primal Manifestation, Ibis headed man.

Stabula - Middle aged evil warlock. Has dirt phobia.

Jess - Palladium Warrior Monk, Ranma's student

Master Reteife - Master of Timiro Monastery

Monfrey - King of Timiro

Cindra - Daughter of Monfrey, princess of Timiro

Balthazar - Royal Summoner, pervert

Phebe - Balthazar's pet wolf demon, Fenry

Captain Inrio - Captain of the royal guard in Timiro Capital city

Abdul-Ra - Lord of the Raksasha, Demon Lord

Rhada - Deevil Lord, fenry lord

Master Airen - Anhur's mind mage servant

Leviathan - Demon Lord

Random - Abdul-Ra's manservant

Splynncryth - Splugorth, the present owner of Atlantis

Summoner Garthon - First summonner in Western Empire that brought Ranma over

Komar - Child found in Rifts Japan, New Empire

Masayo - Possessed demon queller

Matsuda - Japanese Republic law enforcer, complete conversion cyborg

Kirinen - Martial arts study buddy in New Empire. Knows Withering Touch

Emperor Itomas - Western Empire leader

High Mage - Dragon advisor to Emperor Itomas. He is aware of possible Old One awakening.

Ueda - Shogun's grandmother, ninja contact and priestess

Ohnishi - Psychic that did mind meld on turn coat ninja

Hashimoto - Traitor elite ninja of the Otomo Shogunate

Mariko - Ryouga's great, great grandmother