The next day I went to meet my teammates at the hokage's office. After arriving at the office I saw a young woman with a spiky, violet ponytail. Her clothes, beige coat, forehead protector and a orange skirt. Next to her a boy with a hooded brown coat, glasses and a forehead protector around his neck... my new team, they seem...
"This is your temporary team for now, this is Mitarashi Anko your new captain and Ota Aburame and this Areth Edepar. Ota this will be your new team aswel... for now atleast ... dismissed!" said the 3rd as he continued his paperwork.
Anko told us to follow her, a few moments later we arrived at a dango shop and only after ordering a dozen dango's did she turn to us:" Introduce yourself, your strength and
weaknesses included!"
As Anko started eat her dango's and looked at us. I turned to Ota but he didn't seem to start talking anytime soon, so I started:" As you already know I am Areth I like training and I am pretty good with all kinds of weapon in close range combat. I suck at mid a mid and long range. I am good at defending long Nin-Jutsu. Goals... I only want to meet a close person to me again, before I meet her again I don't have any goals in life!"
After I finished Anko looked thoughtful for a second and then at Ota.
He stated:" Like almost everyone in my clan I like bugs. I am good at supporting and tracking average in long, mid and close range combat."
After he stopped talking, did we both look at Anko who was happyly eating dangos and doesn't really seem to care what we said so far. She stopped eating for a moment and then started again, she ate another dozen of dangos's before finally finishing, then she said meet me in the training field four in an hour and she vanished.
Fifty minutes later at training field four.
"So .... what happend to your old teammates Ota? Asked Areth after ten minutes of silence, finally trying to start a conversation with the quiet almost mute Aburame.
Ota:" Last mission a accident happend ... the village had wrong information ... my old captain is probably a cripple now, one teammate still is not awake and the other got trauma and has to quit beeing a shinobi."
I didn't know how to reply, I never thought about what could happen after becoming a Ninja... It was the first time i heard about something like this, all I heard before was storys about some amazing feats and their glory. I was shocked, before becoming determine;" I have to get stronger as soon as possible and find Nyx so I can protect her!" When I snapped out of my thoughts, Anko was standing in front of us and a determined glint could be seen in my eyes.