

"Quest Received: Tutorial part 1"

After finishing character creation, the surroundings blurred as Elle, now Frigga, was transported to the beginner's area. When the sudden rush of vertigo subsided, she opened her eyes. She was lying on a bed, inside a room. The room was about fifteen square meters in area, with a wardrobe, a cabinet, and a bed. Sitting up, she tested her body. She looked at the rustic furniture, the mottled streaks showing the age of the wood. A heavy iron chest was sitting at the foot of the bed. She slowly stood up, detecting a faint mustiness to the room, as if it was some time since someone had opened it up. Outside, she could hear voices, seems like people and animals, walking about. She raised both her arms, then stretched upward, feeling the virtual blood circulating through her simulated body. Satisfied, she then opened up the system menu.

"Quest: Tutorial Part 1,

Welcome to Age of Heroes Adventurer! As an Adventurer, you will need to know how to interact properly with your environment! Open the user interface and start exploring!

Open the In-Game Menu (1/1)

Open the Character Page (0/1)

Open the Online Store (0/1)

Open the Adventurer's Journal (0/1)

Open the Inventory (0/1)

Quest Rewards: 1 Chest Key, 100 EXP"

The first part of the tutorial consisted of familiarising with the user interface. Since the start of Deep Dive, a few command gestures have already been established as universal. It was also possible to use voice activated commands. The most common command gesture was the menu open button, which was done by tapping the user's temple twice, or by saying Open Menu.

Manipulating the menu, she spotted four icons. The first was a stylised stick figure which represented the Character Page, then two dollar signs over a storefront, which represented the Online Store. Next was an open book and a pen representing the Adventurer's Journal, and finally a big leather pouch representing the Inventory.

She opened her Character Page by selecting it from the menu. Inside was a model of her character with its current equipment. She's wearing a white sleeping gown, since she had just started there was not much in the equipment section. To the side, the current character stats were displayed.

"Character Page"

"Frigga Level 1 (0/100)

Race: Daemon

Class: None

Subclass: None

Title: None

Affiliation: None


STR: 13 Physical Attack: 21

DEX: 16 Magical Attack: 14

VIT 12 Physical Defense: 18

INT: 9 Magical Defense: 17

WILL: 10 Maximum HP: 240

Maximum MP: 190

Remaining Stat Points: 0


...Pretty standard... She muttered in her mind. Closing the character page, she then opened the inventory, which was still empty. Then the online store, which showed some items obtainable using real life money. As the game was still new, there was not much there either. There were some name change coupons, a few sets of race costumes and some special potions. Finally, she opened the Adventurer's Journal.

"Adventurer's Journal"

"Chapter 1: Three Kingdoms and Five Nations

Prairie Town - Progress 0%

Prairie Town is one of the several towns and villages in the province of Lorraine. The current population of this town is around sixty people, and the town head is Old Man Hall, a kindly gentleman who was a former adventurer. The people are kind and welcoming. The fields in the surrounding area are filled with low level monsters such as slimes and horned rabbits.

On your 18th Birthday, you wake up to your house in Prairie Town. You have lived here for as long as you can remember, with the kindly villagers welcoming you and your mother, even though you are both members of another race. Now, as an adult, you are ready to explore the world."

...It seems that the starting village is called Prairie Town... She thought.

Ting! The system once again sounded out.

"Quest: Tutorial Part 1 Complete!"

"Received Rewards: 1 Chest Key, 100 EXP"

"Level up! You are now Level 2!"

"Stat Points Received"

"Quest Received: Tutorial Part 2"

"Quest: Tutorial Part 2,

You are now an adult! As a young kid, you have always wanted to become an adventurer. Now, you can start your journey! First, open the heavy chest at the foot of the bed with the chest key and collect the basic equipment inside. Then equip the appropriate equipment into the corresponding slot.

Adventurer's Cloth Upper (0/1)

Adventurer's Cloth Pants (0/1)

Adventurer's Shoes (0/1)

Adventurer's Belt (0/1)

Quest Rewards: 30 silver, 200 EXP"

Frigga then opened up the inventory, selecting the chest key. Immediately, a solid, iron key appeared in her hand. Crouching down, she inserted the key into the chest's keyhole. She heard the sound of the key turning, and the internal mechanisms of the lock smoothly sliding before an audible click; then the chest shuddered. Now unlocked, Frigga proceeded to open it up. Inside, she could see a set of clothing.

"Would you like to collect the following items into your Inventory? Y/N

Adventurer's Upper

Adventurer's Pants

Adventurer's Shoes

Adventurer's Belt"

"Yes." She replied. She opened up the menu and started inspecting the items in her inventory.

"Adventurer's Cloth Upper"

"Basic equipment for a starting adventurer. A thick cotton long-sleeved shirt that can only protect against the weakest monsters but will not hinder the movement of the wearer.

Phys. Def: +2-3

Durability: 100%

Weight: 0.8kg"

"Adventurer's Cloth Pants"

"Basic equipment for a starting adventurer. A thick pair of cotton pants that can only protect against the weakest monsters but will not hinder the movement of the wearer.

Phys. Def: +1-2

Durability: 100%

Weight: 0.8kg"

"Adventurer's Shoes"

"Basic equipment for a starting adventurer. A pair of sturdy leather shoes that protects and comforts the wearer's feet against the ground.

Movement Speed: +3%

Durability: 100%

Weight: 0.2kg"

"Adventurer's Belt"

"Basic equipment for a starting adventurer. A thick leather belt with straps and pouches that can be used to hold many things.

Weight: 0.2kg"

All of them were starting equipment. As an experienced gamer, Frigga was already familiar with the inner workings of such games. One has to use their low level equipment to complete quests and hunt monsters. Which in turn will help one level up and collect better and better equipment. That will be used to hunt stronger monsters and complete more dangerous quests. And so on, the cycle continues.

Although such a thing might prove to be boring and repetitive; to gamers, it is the adventure, the constant grind of hunting stronger and fiercer monsters, and exploring through magnificent citcyscapes, through exotic forests and otherworldly places that gets their blood boiling. The thrill of battles, of experiencing success amidst constant death and defeat, and the hard choices that one must go through, that makes one truly feel alive.

Unbeknownst to herself, Frigga was already smiling, reminiscing at the memories of her past.

Ting! The system notified once again.

"Quest Updated!"

"Rewards Received: 3 silver, 200 EXP"

"Level up! You are now Level 2!"

"Stat points received!"

"Quest Tutorial Part 2,

You now look like a proper adventurer! You may now proceed to Drill Master Henry to learn the basics of being an adventurer. You can find Drill Master Henry by the village gate in the training grounds.

Talk to Drill Master Henry (0/1)

Learn the basic skill Throw (0/1)

Learn the basic skill Bash (0/1)

Learn the basic skill Pierce (0/1)

Learn the basic skill Side Step (0/1)

Quest Rewards: 1 Red Potion (Low Grade), 1 Blue Potion (Low Grade), 1 Basic Weapon, 300 EXP"

Finally, she thought. She walked over the door. Gingerly, she turned the knob over and pushed, revealing a quaint living room. There was no one there, it seems like the house was generated only for her. She then quickly stepped outside, following the faint yellowish glow of the quest trail.


Frigga was greeted by the bright mid-morning sun and a soft summer breeze. She followed a rough, cobblestone road that led into a small square in the middle of the village. Villagers were walking and working all around the village square. A few women were washing clothes by a well while children played around. There were men carrying chopped down timber. As she passed by them, most of the folk greeted her with smiles.

As the village was quite small, it only took a minute for Frigga to locate the training grounds. The spirited shouts of youngsters and the occasional clash of weapons led her to just outside the village gates. There was a small fenced area where a few target dummies, and a dozen youths were practicing with weapons.

It was immediately obvious who the Drill Master was. Standing under a large tree was a stern faced man with graying auburn hair, a light stubble and wrinkles that snaked across his forehead. Arms crossed, he continuously shouted out instructions to the youth practicing. While she was walking over, the Drill Master noticed her and said.

"Well, well if it ain't our little miss sunshine. What brings you here?"

The young lads immediately stopped what they were doing and looked over in curiousity. Suddenly, Frigga felt a bit nervous. She gulped, unlike a computer screen, the level of realism was incredible, she almost suspected that the people were players instead of NPCs. Composing herself, she remembered the quest objectives and replied.

"I-I want to learn the basics of being an adventurer."

"Eh?" the Drill Master scratched his head. "Right, today is your 18th birthday. Could've sworn it was just yesterday you were a little lass playing by the river."

He cleared his throat, "You want to be an adventurer? Hmph! First you need to learn the basic skills"

"An adventurer always has good aim, see this axe?"

The Drill Master strolled over to a wooden table with a few hand axes. Each one had about a foot long wooden handle, with a small but sharp iron edge. In one smooth motion, he picked one up, then threw it strongly at a nearby tree. Thunk! the axe spun a few times in the air before lodging itself deep into the wood. The Drill Master then straighted up and said,

"Your turn!"

Ting! A notification popped up in front of Frigga.

"Basic Skill 'Throw' can be learned."

"Do you want to learn the Basic Skill 'Throw'? Y/N"

"Yes" Frigga mumbled.

"You have learned the Basic Skill 'Throw'!"

"Help: Learning a Skill

In Age of Heroes, skills are special abilities that your character can perform. There are many ways to learn skills, it is possible to learn skills through a teacher, through skillbooks, or through discovery on your own. To view skills, open your Character Page and select the 'Skills' Tab.

In order to perform skills smoothly, there is a 'Movement Assist' system that guides you. Performing the skill correctly multiple times will increase Skill Mastery. Higher Skill Mastery helps you perform the skill better, decreases casting speed, and may allow you to learn stronger versions of the Skill."

Dismissing the Help window. Frigga walked over to the table. She picked up the wooden axe, studying it. She felt that the axe's balance was poor, but it was quite light in her hands.


"A wooden Throwing-Axe. Can also be used to hack at wood.

Phys. Attck: +2-3

Durability: 100%

Weight: 0.4kg"

Preparing herself, she eyed the tree which the Drill Master had targetted and mentally visualised throwing the axe. Raising her right arm, she twisted her body before releasing the axe. Thud! Although not quite as deep as the Drill Master, the axe was able to lodge itself atleast into the bark of the tree. As soon as they saw the axe in the tree, the young lads all cheered for her.

...So that is movement assist... She thought; it was overly difficult for someone untrained to throw an axe perfectly. But she felt as if an invisible force was guiding her body through the proper motions. In the end, she was able to execute it correctly without failing. However, it's probable that it was still possible to fail if one's form is too poor and the movements are lacking.

"Good!" the Drill Master said. Next, the Drill Master grabbed a practice sword before demonstrating the basic skills: Bash, Pierce and Side Step. After learning the skills and mimicking him, she felt that her control over her avatar was improving. The Drill Master nodded to the side, satisfied with her abilities. Breathing heavily, she tiredly collapsed under one of the trees, wiping the sweat off her brow. Drill Master Henry walked over, before saying,

"Good Work! Heh, here's a small reward." He then took out two small glass bottles from his pouch. Each bottle looked like a small round flask, slightly translucent, a cork prevented the contents from flowing. Inside was a thick, viscuous liquid, one colored crimson and the other a light, sky blue on the other.

"Red and Blue Potions, Red ones help you heal up, while the Blue ones help you recover your energy."

Frigga reached out to the bottles, before looking at them curiously.

"Red Potion (Low Grade)

"A crimson red colored potion synthesized by an amateur alchemist. It is capable of healing minor wounds and injuries.

+10 HP per 5 seconds

Heals for 50 HP"

"Blue Potion (Low Grade)

"A sky blue colored potion synthesized by an amateur alchemist. It is capable of replenishing mana and energy.

+10 MP per 5 seconds

Replenishes 50 MP"

"Store them in your pouch, you'll never know when you're gonna need it. Don't worry about it breaking, those are pretty sturdy, you'll need to smash it hard to break 'em."

"Also, If you want to be an adventurer, you should have a proper weapon. We have some stored here, why don't you pick one out?"

Drill Master Henry pointed at a bench repurposed as a weapons rack, were some weapons were haphazardly propped over. it was a mixture of swords, axes, polearms, daggers, bow and arrows, and a staff.

Contemplating in silence, Frigga finally chose to pick up the sword. She held it in her hands, automatically equipping the weapon and inspected it. The edge seemed sharp, but the blade itself was slightly asymmetrical. Fortunately, it didn't seem to affect the balance of the sword itself. The handle was made from wood, with a leather strap wound around it to help the user grip it properly.

"Iron Sword"

"A sword forged from wrought iron.

Level Requirement: 3

Phys. Attck: +2-4

Durability: 100%

Weight: 0.8kg"

"Hmph, if you really want to be a proper adventurer, you should not only know how to fight, you should learn how to cook, get food, and know at least the basic knowledge of the world. Unless you can do that, you will probably only starve in the slums of the big cities." Drill Master Henry finally said.

Ting! The quest completion message popped up as expected.

"Quest: Tutorial Part 2 Completed!"

"Rewards Received: 1 Red Potion (Low Grade), 1 Blue Potion (Low Grade), 1 Sword, 300 EXP"

"Level up! You are now Level 3!"

"Stat points received!"

"Quest Received!"

"Quest: Tutorial Part 3"



