Jerry's Master Plan

Radio chattering

"Monsoon heading the states" This time More than usual Weathers department.

Jerry flies to his Nest , planning Something behind fury.

Susan sitting lonely at the end of branch .

Mary - Oh Susan what were you doing here ! I'm searching for hours .

Susan remains silent and never replied.

Mary Approaches Susan Mr. Brave is Everything alright

Susan Eyes were not stable he's thinking of something

Mary - Susan what happens why are you so dumb ..

Susan - Mary I got a bad feeling of losing something

Mary - Losing of What ?

Susan - Our Family! You Our kids our home everything I love .

Mary - Say what ?

Mary Convincing Susan

Mary - It's just a bad feeling Susan , Until you Stay with us nothing can come for us .

Susan - You can't understand

Mary - Shut Mr. brave I'm starving will you go for us to find food or I'll need to go choice is yours.

Susan - Oh Mary Sorry Give a minute I'll go for food.

Susan Flies to Harry's Home .

Harry was waiting for him for their breakfast parcel.

Harry Notices the face of Susan.

Harry - Susan what's going on in your mind

Susan - Nothing Harry everything's cool.

Harry - ok Susan I gotta go clocks running fast. Meet you at sunset .

Susan - Ok Harry Safe while on bicycle .thanks for the food Harry .

Harry - Never mention it .

Meanwhile Jerry came with plan .

Fury - It's going worse than ever Jerry we had to do something .

Jerry - My old friend I got a plan things gonna rollout smoothly . Our Nest will be safe as before.

School bell rings

For Harry class was bored , waiting for the final bell

He was curious about to tell Susan and Mary what happened next with Selena.

Meanwhile Susan Mary teaches their kids for flocking their wings they having too much fun . Susan has little thought of that dream .

Jerry Narrating his masterplan to Fury .

Fury Refused the plan

Fury - Jerry you nut have you lose your mind .

Jerry - Fury this will workout just we never going to do anything worse Just follow my instruction Fury everything will be smooth as raining clouds.

Fury - oh is that . I'll ask you something in your life ever feel deadly pain in your ribs.

Jerry - Why were you asking that which is irrelevant here.

Fury - I can give that to you as my gift for your Almighty plan .

Jerry - it's not that serious it's just a dramatic plan.

Fury - Listen Jerry I have some principles . That is our plan should never ever affects any birds cost or their families . They are my birds I'm their guardian . Never ever come with these kind of stupid plan .

Jerry - Do you maintain principles here too , what happened to your old nest and your birds with your principles . Remember that Fury !

Fury chokes his throat and threw him away.

Jerry Managed and flied back to his Nest

Jerry decides to move to Plan B . Flying with Evil Smile .