Golden Foxes Bring Calamity

Sitting in seiza, Naruto's ears twitched with every sigh the Uchiha made. After being discovered, the kitsune had no choice but to come clean. Being made to wear human clothes had been a struggle. Sasuke had to help the blond find which holes to put his limbs through. After the struggle the fox was then made to sit and explain what he was.

It was useless to hide his ears and tail. Out of nervousness from the steely Uchiha gaze, the tail would flick ever so slightly but the movement didn't go unnoticed by the Uchiha male.

"Where do I start?"

Sasuke contemplated for a while. "Your name."

The fox demon chuckled and scratched his whiskered cheek shyly. "It's Naruto. I don't exactly have a last name, demons don't."

"So you're a fox demon?"

The blond only nodded and eeped when Sasuke's frown deepened.

It may have been a trick of the light but no matter how hard he tried to focus, only one tail came in sight. The fox demon had only one tail. Were the myths wrong?

"I thought fox demons had nine tails?"

Naruto blinked. "Well, only the ones who have earned the mark of maturity. I've only got eight but I'll have nine soon! I just need to stay in the human world for a little longer before I can go back."

"Why are you even in the human world? When I found you it didn't seem like you were going to live very long."

Hearing that from a human made the kitsune seethe. "Don't talk as if you know everything."

Rolling his eyes, Sasuke pointed out how Naruto could have been mauled by stray dogs should he not have fallen ill in the rain or frozen to death first. "You're an usuratonkachi."

Nobody has insulted him to such an extent, in his fury the control over his form wavered. Eight tails manifested as a red angry aura encompassed the whole of Naruto. "Do make speak as if you were so familiar with me, human!"

Eyes widened as Sasuke observed how the fox demon radiated power. The air felt unbearably hot and his throat felt suddenly dry. Black spots filled his vision as the air continued to thicken, the Uchiha felt no fear strangely. In fact, everything disappeared almost as suddenly as it happened.

Naruto watched as the human coughed for air. Sasuke Uchiha was a weird human. He wasn't afraid of Naruto and definitely wasn't one to cower in fear. Kurama was the only exception who didn't judge Naruto for his different coloured fur and appearance. The other kitsunes detested him and feared him. Only every thousand years a golden fox would be born who would spell calamity on all the fox demons. Or so the legend said.

"Why aren't you afraid of me?"

Sasuke scoffed once he regained his composure. "Why should I? You're dumb and defenceless. You can't kill me like that, you're far too kind."

"Kind? I'm a fox demon, a golden one. I bring calamity."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "So? You're just different. Besides, I haven't seen any calamity happen."

"Are you really ok with me being a fox demon?"

Sasuke chuckled. "Well, I don't have prejudice to anyone. As long as you aren't a pesky fan girl I'll survive."

Before Naruto could heave a sigh of relief, Sasuke continued. "However I expect you to payback for all the care I've provided. You don't have any place to go for now so I suggest you listen to what I say."

"What? You can't just decide that by yourself!" An indignant Naruto squeaked. "You're a bastard!"

"Oh really? I guess fox demons don't have it in them to repay gratitude then. Just my luck."

At that, the kitsune bristled. "How dare he…"

"Fine! I'll do whatever it takes to pay you back. But in return please don't kick me out… I need a place to stay until I can earn my mark of maturity…"

Sasuke smirked. "Good boy. Now for the terms and condition, I'll provide you with a place to stay and food in return I need you to be my pet. That means you'll obey whatever I say for now."

"For now?" the blond squawked. What else did that bastard want from him?

"Yes, for now, because you probably can't work your expenses off yet. You don't exactly have the necessary human documents to start working."

"Oh…" ears flopped and Sasuke internally squealed at the adorable sight. On the exterior, he remained impassive although a certain smirk promised something else.

"You're first order is that you'll have to help me clean the mess in the kitchen that you made and then take a bath."

Naruto scowled. He hated baths. "I don't like water…"

"I'll brush your fur later so don't complain. Be a good pet now."

Seeing ears stand at attention at the mention of brushing his fur, Sasuke took mental note of what the fox likes.

"You promised alright? No take backs!"

The Uchiha smiled as he watched the blond bumble around looking for cleaning supplies.

Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX

Sasuke didn't know if foxes were actually capable of purring but this one in his lap certainly does. Now in his miniature form, Naruto was a pile of goo while pale hands worked a brush over his sixth tail. Despite doing the same thing for over an hour, Sasuke showed no signs of wearing out. In fact, the duo had grown so comfortable that Naruto began dozing off. Sasuke loved the way the silky fur ran through his fingers. The brushing of fur had stopped a while ago and the student had opted to pat the little demon.

Unconscious sounds of content slipped past the slightly agape snout and the raven-haired boy allowed himself a gentle smile.

"Goodnight," the pale man whispered before tucking them in.