Truth About Golden Foxes

The moment Naruto left, Kakashi told Iruka he would be going out for a while. Not one to question his eccentric lover's behaviour, the teacher merely smiled and kissed his masked lover before putting the dishes away.

The werewolf then left from the bedroom window and headed to the nearest alley. After confirming there was nobody in the vicinity, the silver-haired alpha slapped a talisman on the wall. The flimsy piece of paper glowed bright red for a brief moment before it disappeared with a pop. Smoke obscured the vision but Kakashi knew his guest had arrived.

"So soon? I thought the brat would at least manage a month on his own before you needed to summon me."

A man in his late twenties appeared before Kakashi. His teeth were sharp and animalistic while his pupils were blood red. Long locks of blood orange hair fell in tresses passing the shoulders and stopping by his prominent hip bone. The man was the definition of sin and everything wrong that felt right.

"Kurama," the alpha greeted.

"So? What happened?"

The werewolf grimaced beneath the mask and suggested a change of location. The fox yawned and followed his long-time friend.

They arrived at a very run-down bar and ordered a few drinks. The bartender did not seem puzzled by their odd appearances having been in the industry for too long. They took a seat in the far corner of the empty bar, speaking in low voices and hushed tones.

"I think the prophecy is going to come true. Having him come to this world is a terrible decision!"

Kurama raised an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"He's a golden fox! You told me he was going to bring calamity to the clan if he fell in love! And of all creatures, this fox had to choose a human, a human male at that."

Kurama burst out in laughter before becoming serious. "Look, I know you're concerned about what could happen. Naruto won't be in danger, not immediately. The human is of no consequence either. Their children won't be a threat so Naruto's falling in love is not going to end my clan."

Confused, the werewolf was about to retort when Kurama held up his hand. "I didn't tell you the full story back then because I was also kept in the dark for a long time. If it weren't for Menma I would never have known."

"Menma? The kid who died while protecting Hagoromo Gitsune?"

Kurama nodded with a grimace. It was difficult to explain but Kakashi needed to know. He had to return to the council and had duties as the fox clan's head to attend to. To think that the elders kept this under wraps for so long too…

"He was Naruto's twin brother from birth. It was an accident because Menma and Naruto swapped places that day. Nobody knew the secret until much later. All baby foxes have the same colour of fur unless they are albino. The council never knew there was a golden fox until Naruto became sixty. I've protected Naruto for as long as I could."

Kakashi nodded, not trusting himself to speak. It was a huge secret Kurama was sharing with him.

"Normally golden foxes would die at a young age, probably at ten when the first signs of their fur colour start showing. They will be killed by the council. I'm sure there are many more cases of golden foxes who lived under the protection of the clan head but they would be summoned by Hagoromo Gitsune for a mission of sorts and end up dead. No golden foxes lived as long as Naruto did. The last one only lived up till thirty-two. Naruto is a miracle."

"What's this got to do with the prophecy? How would they bring calamity when none of them lived long enough?"

"Now that my friend," Kurama gave a spine chilling grin. "That was what I was digging up on as clan head. The elders won't speak. They are the hands and legs of Hagoromo Gitsune after all. From different sources and a little bit of help I uncovered the truth of the prophecy. Golden foxes are special. They are able to bear offsprings that can rival the mother of all foxes. It is nature's way of completing the cycle of life. A new mother of all foxes will be born to give blessings to the fox demons. Hagoromo Gitsune has been killing all golden foxes to prevent this. She is several thousand years old as of now but her time is drawing near. Every fifty years she will seek a new body to possess. As long as a new mother fox is not born, Hagoromo Gitsune can live forever. She has done so in succession for a few thousand years. However as she failed to kill Naruto who has been under my protection, she has grown desperate."

"Is that why you've sent him here?"

Kurama smiled. "Managed to trick the council not to give him a mark of blessing too. With the mark, Hagoromo Gitsune could easily know his whereabouts. He will be safe as long as he doesn't meet another fox. I heard you've settled down too?"

Kakashi blushed. "I haven't told him about what I am yet. We've only started living together."

The fox demon clan leader chuckled. "I'll say it's good progress. You've dated for a year and you're already cohabiting with that foul-mouthed teacher."

The werewolf alpha growled and Kurama backed off a little. "Whoa! Chill there, buddy… no need to get so worked up, I'm only teasing. He's a good one. The kids love him after all."

"Of course he is! He's my mate," the silver-haired alpha crooned with pride.

Kurama only rolled his eyes at his friend's sappy behaviour. "Ugh, you're so cock-whipped! Go back to your wife already! I have duties to attend to. As for that brat you can keep me updated the usual way."

Kakashi grinned. "Got it old man! Hurry up and find a wife you!"

Before the fox demon could consider pummelling the cheeky wolf into the gravel the silver-haired alpha tossed some bills and the table and hopped off nimbly.

Kurama sighed. The night was still young and he had been ditched. "So much so for friendship. Since I'm here I might as well practise my skills. Might have gotten rusty trapped in that house. What kind of rich man or women can I find tonight?"

The blood orange-haired fox sauntered down the street in search of willing prey.