When it Rains, it Pours

Iruka woke up the next day feeling worse than he did last night. Now that the adrenaline had truly worn out, he could feel the stiff muscles and the ache of every bruise. Some of his wounds were swelling, a sure sign of infection despite Kakashi's best efforts.

"How are you feeling?" Kakashi asked and passed Iruka a glass of water. After calling in sick for work, Iruka slept in. He didn't know what time it was but judging by how annoyingly bright the sun was, it should be mid-morning.

"Horrible," he croaked and accepted the glass of water. Kakashi looked over the injuries and grimaced. Already, he could see the signs of infection.

"You need to see a doctor, the wound is starting to fester."

Iruka didn't answer right away but eventually relented with a nod. Kakashi was in charge of making breakfast while Iruka did his best to complete his morning routine of brushing his teeth and washing up. It was slightly hard to move with the bandages but the teacher managed somehow.

The doctor was an old man whom Iruka knew for two years now. Needless to say, he wasn't happy to see the teacher visit him with so many wounds. It wasn't the worst he had seen but it was one of the worse ones. Luckily, the kind-looking gentleman who escorted the teacher day took care of most of the serious-looking ones. He hated to think of what kind of condition Iruka would be in if not for the first-aid done by the new face.

"I'm issuing you a five days rest to recover and a referral letter to the nearest hospital to get yourself checked. The young man beside you is right, that elbow might be fractured. You are not to return to work any earlier than that. Also, whoever you're hanging out with, I hope this is the last time you see them. It's not my job to poke my nose in other people's business but surely someone like you can afford to see someone better."

Kakashi fully agreed with the old doctor but Iruka didn't say anything. He did, however, request for extra painkillers which the old doctor begrudgingly prescribed. After a shot and some redressing with medicine, Iruka was sent outside to wait with Kakashi standing over the counter to collect the medicine.

Iruka sighed. After lending Mizuki a huge amount of money, he was having some difficulties buying food. On top of everything, he had to pay for medical expenses now. Although he didn't like it, he would have to kick Kakashi out for his own good. The teacher could no longer afford to feed both of them. Kakashi would have to find a way to contact his family and return home, regardless of his amnesia.

They were quiet on the way back to Iruka's humble apartment. With the prescription in one hand and an arm around Iruka to support the injured teacher, Kakashi wondered if there was a way he could help the teacher discreetly. He saw how Iruka didn't have much left in his wallet when he had to pay the medical bills. From the very start, Iruka wasn't a very wealthy person and struggled to make ends meet. His tiny apartment was an indication of his financial status.

While Kakashi was thinking about how to ease Iruka's worries and burden, Iruka was wondering how he should break the news. To chase Kakashi out without a valid reason would only sound suspicious. He had to come up with something convincing if he really wanted the kind stranger to leave. Kakashi wasn't someone who would just do as he was told without a good reason and it didn't take long for Iruka to figure this out. The albino was sometimes too stubborn for his own good. Iruka felt that each time Kakashi refused, he would become one step closer to breaking down the thin walls that Iruka built around himself.

The teacher only wanted to help someone in need. He didn't expect to be so cared for in return. His kindness was returned more than what he thought he deserved and Iruka was a little afraid. They say that good things come to those who wait but bad things come in waves. Will Iruka truly be able to wait it out until this storm passed? Breaking up with Mizuki was probably only the start of it. He didn't want Kakashi to be dragged into this mess because of him no matter what the albino claims. Iruka didn't know if the feelings Kakashi had for him were true but he didn't want them to bring the man any unnecessary trouble that Iruka got caught up in.

One the way back to Iruka's apartment, the teacher caught sight of a familiar face.

"Oh, isn't that Umino-sensei? What happened to you?" a friendly mother who was going to the kindergarten to fetch her son asked.

Iruka smiled uncomfortably and refused to answer her question directly. The mother looked at Kakashi and back to Iruka. Understanding dawned on her. "Is this your new lover? I received a call from the school saying that parents who could fetch their kids should go immediately because there's a mad man who is constantly harassing the staff and children around the school, smearing your good name. Of course, I don't believe a thing. Liking man has nothing to do with the job you have. Umino-sensei has always been a respectable person. This isn't the first time it has happened but Mizuki-sensei has really gone over the line with his recent stunt."

Iruka paled and Kakashi growled. It hasn't even been a full day since Mizuki left and already he was taking it out on Iruka's workplace after beating him up. Kakashi couldn't exactly leave Iruka right now when he was so vulnerable. The werewolf cut the conversation short so that Iruka wouldn't need to hear any more things that would add to his worries. However, the damage was already done. As the mother left, Iruka's complexion became ghastlier. He was obviously shaken by the new information and Kakashi hated himself for not being able to prevent it even though he was there.

Iruka sat on the couch and stared blankly at nothing n particular. Kakashi put the medicine away and brought a glass of water for the dazed teacher. Whatever reason Iruka was thinking about earlier to chase Kakashi away simply disappeared like a cloud. Too overwhelmed by the news, the poor teacher couldn't even cry.

The next thing he knew, Iruka received a call that he numbly received and answered. It was his boss informing him that he didn't have to turn up at work anymore. They didn't need a teacher who was known to be gay around the boys. Even though most the parents were understanding and didn't believe that Iruka would do anything bad to their children, the same couldn't be said about the business' public image.

As Iruka listened to his boss apologise, he didn't care about anything anymore. The teacher didn't tell Kakashi about what the call was about but from the other side of the room, Kakashi heard every single word of it with his exceptional hearing.

Silently, Kakashi swore to make the douche pay. However, he would not do it today. Right now, Iruka needed him.