
It wasn't very difficult to get Kakashi to agree to move back to the mansion. Iruka suspected that the trader might have regained more of his memories than he let on but the teacher pretended not to know.

The coffee was bland but neither of them minded. The apartment was stuffy but Iruka didn't take notice. He was simply too into the moment of seeing and hearing Kakashi in person before him. Mizuki was behind bars and it had been a while since Iruka was feeling like himself again.

Kakashi's family liked him and the teacher felt as if the dead world in his heart was slowly being brought back to life by the man before him. Kakashi was everything that Iruka ever wanted in a lover. When Kakashi asked about his injuries, Iruka just knew that this was the right person he wanted to be with not because of obligation or pity. He wanted to be with Kakashi because it felt right, because he was in love and because he would be an utter fool to let such a fine man slip away.

On the other hand, Kakashi was having a hard time playing it cool. Iruka, his long-awaited mate, was right before him but the short distance was a very cruel thing, teasing his control. The man was just within his grasp but yet he was unable to hold him in his paws. It didn't help that Kakashi could smell the attraction Iruka had for him. The two pups waiting outside could smell it too and their excitement only incited the excitement in the alpha.

It was obvious to even the blind that these two men were very interested in each other. Iruka fell into a comfortable arrangement of laughing at the things Kakashi said while the werewolf easily found himself falling deeper in love whenever he hears Iruka's laughter. It had been far too long since they'd seen each other and while Kakashi had no intentions of letting Iruka go, it had been far too long.

Nobody knew who closed the distance between them on the couch but with their faces so close, their fingers touching and their breaths mingling, the tension drew them together, gravitating their lips towards each other. Iruka closed his eyes in surrender with the burning gaze of the trader and allowed Kakashi to close that last gap.

The moment their lips touched, an unknown hunger consumed them. Kakashi couldn't stop himself from pushing the teacher down to ravish his mouth and taste everything that Iruka had to offer. The scent was so cloying and the wolf in him just wanted nothing more than to mark this man as his. The obsession was so strong that Kakashi didn't realise how hard he had been gripping Iruka's wrist. He didn't even give the teacher any pause in between the heavy make-out session for oxygen.

Iruka moaned and felt the strength leave his legs when Kakashi exerted dominance in the kiss. Anything that he learnt about a kiss before was completely thrown out of the window. Unlike the other kisses he experienced, this one simply sucked his soul out and left him weak. Iruka shivered under the intense waves of passion coming from Kakashi when the man pushed him over to lie flat on his end of the couch. As if that wasn't enough, the heat of Kakashi's body passing through his clothes when he straddled the teacher made Iruka unknowingly part his legs to accommodate the albino.

Iruka couldn't resist Kakashi at all when the man demanded more and licked at his bottom lip before nipping it in a warning when Iruka didn't open his mouth to let the man in. however, as soon as he parted his lips, Kakashi ravaged everything from luring his tongue out and sucking hard on it to pinning his wrist above his head with one wrist and the other hand trailing down Iruka's sensitive side.

The kiss burned and Iruka could feel his blood rushing to his head and his heart working on overdrive. If this was what it felt like to be alive then Iruka was very sure that he had never been alive before until this very moment of Kakashi kissing him within an inch of his life.

They only parted when Kakashi finally regained control of the beast in him and when Iruka started to shiver in his hold. The realisation that he was hurting the teacher and scaring him with his feelings worked like an effective mood killer for Kakashi.

"I-I'm so sorry I lost control of myself... we've done it backwards now but Umino Iruka, I've fallen for you. Won't you be my boyfriend?"

Kakashi's shaky voice reflected his nervousness and Iruka found that very endearing. Knowing that his feelings were mutual made Iruka very happy. Despite the dizziness from lack of oxygen and weakness in his lower half from the hot kiss, Iruka was very happy to agree.

Exhilarated and slightly giddy from receiving Iruka's reply, the wolf swooped down again to recapture those lips and locked their bodies in a tight embrace, conveying the depth of his feelings for the human. Kakashi's inner wolf crooned with pride and happiness at Iruka's acceptance. His mate was beautiful, strong and kind. He'd wanted to do this for so long and finally, the beautiful man was in his arms.

Iruka couldn't believe his luck. Kakashi was a very good man who had everything. If he wanted to, he could easily settle for someone better but the man had specifically chosen him so the teacher felt very special. The way that Kakashi treasured him could be seen through his soft actions like threading of fingers through Iruka's tangled hair and gentle caressing of his wrists that were beginning to show faint bruise marks. Still, it didn't dampen the happiness Iruka felt.

Kakashi may have many secrets but Iruka wouldn't pry. He believed that the trader would tell him soon if he wanted to. Back when they were living together, he already figured out that Kakashi was keeping many secrets. Now that he knew Kakashi's family, he was more convinced that the albino's secrets ran deep. Iruka really wouldn't be surprised if Kakashi turned out to be a yakuza with the strange mansion he lived in and the 'family' he had.

Still, whoever Kakashi turned out to be, Iruka would never hate him or regret his decision to stand by this man. Kakashi who took in orphans and cared for them must also be a kind person regardless of his profession. The teacher didn't think that someone who could take in orphans would be a bad person. Circumstances could change a person terribly just like Mizuki but unlike Mizuki, Iruka felt that Kakashi wouldn't succumb to the darkness as Mizuki did. The teacher decided that he wouldn't allow that to happen.

"How should we celebrate our first day of dating officially?" Iruka asked in a whisper once the both of them had calmed down a little. His lips were still swollen from the heated make-out session but it only added to his shy charm in Kakashi's eyes.

The werewolf grinned. "We can buy some food and head back together. The kids are waiting outside, aren't they? Gai actually informed me about it two days earlier so I've been packing. This feels like a rather familiar situation, doesn't it?"

Iruka laughed. "For you, yes. I don't remember packing my belongings back then, you did everything."

The werewolf grinned and snuggled into Iruka's chest, listening to the calming heartbeat and enjoying the warmth of their contact.

"I want to celebrate it with family. You will have to join us," he said.

Iruka nodded and patted the fluffy silver hair, amused by how soft it actually was despite the rebellious spiky looks.

"Yes, dear," the teacher sighed and Kakashi squeezed him tighter in his embrace, demanding to hear that term of endearment again.