
A year passed after the incident with Naruto and Sasuke happened. It was also about a year since Iruka stepped into the supernatural world as the mate of Japan's last werewolf. Itachi and Kurama had somehow managed to take some time off their respective work and were touring the world on their honeymoon trip while Sasuke and Naruto were busy preparing for their graduation ceremony. It wouldn't be too long before Sasuke was learning how to run the Uchiha Empire alongside Itachi and Naruto returning to assume his clan leader duties.

Iruka smiled. He liked how things were in his life with Kakashi. Nothing much has changed ever since he became Kakashi's mate. He continued to work in his daycare while Kakashi helped out from time to time. They spent their times together in this humble home and often went back to the main mansion to visit the clan. All in all, everything was doing well until two weeks ago when Iruka caught a terrible case of unknown stomach flu that made him ill every morning.

The symptoms didn't go away and would become worse over time. Iruka found himself preferring some food over the others and becoming nauseous in the presence of others. The teacher was often pale and weak that he had to let his assistant teachers take over classes. Saya was Ino's friend who had recently graduated from the university with a degree for teaching so Kakashi helped Iruka to employ her. The girl was very smart and capable so Iruka was thankful that his students were in good hands on the days his health failed him.

Kakashi frowned as Iruka dry heaved again. Something didn't seem right. Iruka had been sick for too long and the medicine prescribed by the doctors weren't working. If anything, it was progressively getting worse. Unable to watch his lover suffer any longer, he decided to bring up the topic of moving back to the main house where Iruka could always be taken after by his clan and helped out by Ino who was a healer in case something should happen.

Surprisingly, Iruka didn't disagree but he made Kakashi hire an extra hand to help Saya out with his class if he had to take an extended leave. Naturally, the werewolf didn't refuse. If anything, Iruka had an idea about his symptoms but it still felt too unreal for him to believe it. After all, he didn't know what he was going to do if it were true.

Kakashi's usual doctor at the hospital couldn't understand how it was possible. After Kakashi moved back to the mansion with his mate, they had invited the good doctor over to have a look at Iruka. The trader requested a blood test just in case Iruka had contracted a serious type of virus and wanted to just be safe. The results were out within two days but Kakashi received no call. Instead, the doctor requested to meet up before he told them the results of the test.

Kakashi and Iruka met the doctor and the man looked uneasy. He kept glancing at Iruka oddly and back to Kakashi who had to suppress his animalistic instinct at going for the doctor's throat whenever he kept staring at Iruka's stomach for some odd reason. The doctor looked uncomfortable when he passed an envelope for Iruka's blood test results. The teacher still looked rather weak but the doctor reassured Kakashi that it wasn't bad news.

When Kakashi stared at the simple lab report, he couldn't understand what he was seeing. On the other hand, Iruka stared at the good doctor with questions in his eyes. The doctor sighed and shook his head.

"It is what it is, I suppose. Congratulations on having twins, old friend. It's something that science couldn't explain and the last time I checked, your mate isn't intersex. I suppose this is something that can only be explained by magic. As for the children, I believe you'd be able to get their identities through the usual channels. It was rather tough for me to confirm the results but I did the test thrice with the same results."

Kakashi froze and Iruka cried joyful tears. Under the list of possible illnesses that Iruka's blood was tested against, all the result were reflected as negative. However, under the column of special conditions, there was a tick mark in one of the boxes that stated: pregnant.

"I... I have pups?"

Iruka laughed at that and the doctor shook his head at Kakashi who was bawling like an overgrown kid, hugging his wife and mate. Even after working for the werewolf for so long, there were still many surprises for the doctor. He learnt that he shouldn't use silver around werewolves and even if their descendants were weak in the demon bloodline, they still reacted badly to it. Allergic reactions to silver objects were the most common reactions. Kakashi, on the other hand, reacted badly to silver and his skin seared when it came in contact with any silver. Wounds don't close up easily and it was a disaster. The first time Kakashi came to him, the doctor was threatened to sew up a stab wound that looked burnt and wouldn't stop bleeding. That was when he learnt about the existence of supernatural creatures. The doctor came from a family of shrine priests that once were the Hatake's guardians and the wolf had been in Tokyo when he was attacked by his enemies.

To think that there were still things he didn't know about werewolves even after twenty years, the doctor could only sigh and pretend that it was normal.

"Ahem, I hate to say this but it's probably the first case of a biological male pregnancy and I do not have much experience with pregnancies, much less male pregnancies. Can I introduce you to a trustworthy colleague of mine who is more experienced in this field to help you out?"

Kakashi and Iruka listened to the doctor's advice half-heartedly, too excited about their unborn children. Iruka never thought the day would come where he would be able to have children of his own because he'd been gay all his life. Kakashi kept on introducing miracles after miracles for him and the teacher smiled. He was very blessed.

Once the doctor left, Kakashi swept Iruka up in his arms and kissed him. "You're beautiful and amazing," he breathed.

Iruka only laughed and returned a kiss of his own. "They're going to turn out just like you."

Kakashi pouted. "No, I want them to look more like you. Do you think we'll have daughters?"

Iruka smiled. "Do you want daughters?"

The wolf simply grinned and nodded. "Girls are better than boys."

Iruka rolled his eyes. Just because Kakashi didn't get along well with the boys in his daycare didn't mean that having sons wasn't good. Kakashi had a special way of annoying children with his childish possessiveness when it came to Iruka. The teacher was often the subject of fights between his husband and his students who both wanted his attention.

The teacher bumped his forehead against Kakashi, listening to his husband rattle off possible names for his unborn daughters even if it was still too early to know the gender of their pups.