A small pathway where mostly poor villagers were living. Zion saw an old Lady walking and looking everywhere with a worrisome emotion as if she was looking for someone that she really loved the most. "Hello Ma'am, what are you doing in this place?" Zion asked feeling worried. "Oh, a young kid. How did you get here? Sorry, I'm a bit busy, I am looking for my grandson Gio. He has never gone home for two days now. I don't know where he is at, I hope he is fine and healthy." The grandma replied in a very worried tone. (Twinkle!) A Window screen appeared in front of Zion. *NEW SECRET QUEST! So there is a secret in this game?... Interesting...*

He then opened it. *Grandma Lina is looking for her grandson Gio. Would you like to accept or decline? There is no reward and Exp... Oh? Helping without gaining anything? Well, Thomanos made a really great game. Not only to feel the enjoyment but also to learn things morally... Then let's accept this thing!* Zion accepted the old Woman's quest and ended up completing the mission. He continued looking for those secret requests from the villagers and ended up obtaining a spellbook as his first new active-skill and some passive skills by completing 20 secret quests. Most of the villagers knew him as the kind and humble young boy, and so he had given the title of a 'MODEST CHILD'.

Zion is still at his level 0, but he already has a skill. One of the villagers gave him a room to stay and food for free. "Base on the book that I have read, Players can log out from the game however they wish to, but they can also stay log in anytime and can eat food, drink and even sleep or do whatever they want. Because this game transported not only our mind but also our whole physical body and soul too, for this is a game which the time is the same immortal world. And if you get killed in this world. You can only log in back after 24 hours, but your level and stats will decrease 1% of it. So basically, a player's level is the payment for being return back inside this game. And if their level runs out, they will be disbanded and can no longer enter this game again, even if they can create another game acct, for the system had already known the person's data." *...!Oh! No! I am still at level 0!? I really need to level up this time!?* Zion felt the agony when he realized that he is still in level 0. He spent his night eating lovely and delicious food and slept inside the inn.

Morning came, Zion is now heading inside the Quest House. A small bricked Chapel building structure, where the wall is made of stone cement, brown wood door, maroon floor, blue bricked roof, and plain window glass. As he opened the door, he saw lots of players with their title above and their level. From different races and levels. *So this is a Quest house... This place is quite noisy, but absorbing...* Zion then headed into the counter to register himself. "Good day little Player! What can I do for you?" "Etto... I would like to register and become a wanderer." "Oh? A wanderer? Such a very young age to be a wanderer... Well, since you are here, then please sign and complete this paper..." A human female NPC with an appearance of 23 years old, short bun green hair, pink eyes, thick eyebrows and lashes, small pointy nose and thin lips added with her fare light skin that made her look quite a beauty, having fitted blue-black registrar uniform that made her sexy body formed elegantly.

"Okay, it's done!" Zion gave his paper, and then she scans it. "So your name is Kyrius Zion, you have a meaningful name... Then let me introduce myself, I am Diane Alvien, one of the registrars in this Quest House. I'll handle and guide every player to help them what they want to become." "Nice meeting you big sister Diane!.." "Now, little wanderer Zion. Here are the common skills and weapons for you to practice and learn what class will suits you well..." *Hmm.. these weapons are so very rusty and old, others are made of woods... Well, since I am just going to train to level up and collecting money to buy new outfits and weapons, then this will do. How about the skills? Hhmm.. wait, I already got my skill so I think I don't need these.*

"Big sister Diane, I'll pick this dagger." "Oh! Nice choice for kids like you, how about these skills aren't you going to take one?" "Ah! Thanks, but I already have my first skill and I don't need to change it." "Hmm? you already have? If you say so, then this is your first mission and these are HP potions for you to heal yourself. It's my gift so please use it urgently." She then gave the first mission paper and 3 HP potions. A sudden new window screen pops up. *New Quest! Would you like to accept or decline?* "Accept!" *Quest has been accepted! Kill 25 bomber ball that has been roaming around the adventures field area. Rewards to complete! 5 Miracle Coin and 20% EXP! Eh? The rewards are so low...*

"Look! Look! She's here!?" "Is that the beautiful Dragon race player who failed to get inside the City?" "The goddess moonlight!" "Is that the strongest player in this village? Why is she still here?" "I heard that the player is very poor in real life, and her parents abandoned her and now she is only living with her sick grandma. That's why she can't go into the next City because she can't pay the gate pass .." "What a poor Player, it's still useless if you don't have money." "Even though she is playing the game for almost 7 months now?" "Yes, because all the Miracle Coin she has, she immediately converted it into real money to pay for her grandma's hospital bill and her daily basis."

"Such a pity.." "Her only choice now is to quit the game and find real job offline." All the adventurers were whispering and talking to the person who is heading in the counter. Zion saw an appearance of a 19 years old half human-half dragon person in front of him. Having silver bluish long hair, angelic face with dark-violet dragon eyes, thick eyebrows and eyelashes, pinkish lips, pointy dragon, bluish dragon horns, bluish ash gray dragon wings, and tail. Wearing purple sexy fitted armor that wrapped her sexy fair light and smooth body, half-covered chest with bandages on her arms, long legs with long purple armor boots, that made her full appearance as one of the beautiful players in the game.

"Who is she?" Zion asked out of curiosity when hearing those rumors with other players. "She's Stella White and her Title-Code is the Goddess Moonlight." Zion saw her title and level floating on her head. "Why do they call her the Goddess Moonlight?" "Hmm... you'll know when the moon comes out every night, but you must be careful.." *Hhhmm? Why is big sister Diane warned me?* "Anyways, gotta head out now and complete my mission! Thanks, big sis!" "Good luck little Zion!"

Zion rushed out where his mission is, for him to focus on leveling up, so he is heading to where the bomber balls are located on the east side of the village. As soon as he saw the bomber balls that have a size of ping-pong balls, he then summoned out his borrowed dagger and tried killing it. But killing the ping-pong balls were very hard for him, not only they can explode when touching, but their speed is quite high. Zion tried attacking it but he always got stumbled. A few minutes passed and his body was now having some bruises.

"Aarrggh... This is harder than I thought. I am not used to killing, I am used to creating something... But in order to satisfy my self, for my children and my kingdom! I'll fight to the very end! Grraahh!" Zion got fired up and start attacking again and again. An hour passed, Zion is now almost done with his mission, but suddenly a bell sound is ringing, coming from the Starting Village place. (Attention! To all the heroes around! A new monthly Boss has appeared in the North area of the village! A special mission will be submitted to you directly! Again..) Repeat 2 times. (You only have 1 hour to eliminate the Monthly Boss! May you win the Raid!)

An unknown voice coming from the sky was heard by everyone on the Starting Village, and as soon as it finished its announcement, all the players immediately rushed through and headed to where to Monthly Boss is with their excitement. "Oh yeah! New boss's new rewards and items!" "What kind of boss could it be?" "Let's go, guys!" As soon as they arrived, they then saw a big Taurus skull monster with fire every part of its body armor. "Holy shit!?" "How can we kill this boss?! Its level is higher than before!" "What's wrong with this game? I thought that Boss's level will be limited for us newbie players?!" "Are we going to win this?" "Yes, we can!?"

A male player with his silver armor shouted in front of them. "But how? Most players here are still rookies and still at level 3! Not to mention, there are only 100 players are logged in today in this place right now!" "Even though that thing is level 10 and it's stronger than us, but if we cooperate and fight it together then it will be a win-win! And did you forget? We have the Goddess Moonlight with us! She is the only one who is now at level 7 than all of us out here, so it's a sure-sure win!? Right ms. Stella White?" *I am actually at level 8 now..* "Anyways, I'm not good at leading and commanding, but I'll do my best.." "Ohh!?" "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!?" "Yeah!?" All of them rushed and started attacking.

Meanwhile, Zion never minds the Monthly Boss since he didn't accept nor decline the mission and still so focus on completing his very first quest. "Yes! I am almost done completing my first quest! Only two bomber balls left! Yeah!? Come here you little balls!?" He then continued to attack the two remaining bomber balls on the field. On the other side, the 100 Players have been decreasing simultaneously for they got killed by the Taurus-skull Boss Titled as the General Tauron.

"Clerics! Heal every wounded person around! Tankers and fighters, go aggro and keep attacking! Rangers and Magicians, support the Warriors and Knights! Rogues must attack to where behind! keep attacking!" "Leader! Our group is getting smaller and smaller! If we keep doing this, there's a tendency that all of us will be wiped out or we will rub out of time before we kill it!" *He is right, Since I am the only one who has high level than them, I can still fight it. Little minutes left before the sun will set...* Stella keeps on thinking while fighting the boss. "Just keep on attacking and try not to get caught by it!?" The leader shouted while they keep on attacking.

40 minutes have passed and only 25 Players were left and still keep on fighting the Monthly Boss. "I can't do this anymore!? We will all be going to die!?" "I don't want to lose another level again! It's really hard to level up!" "How are we going to kill this damn Boss if it's stronger than us?! Its HP is still not in half!? But our groups are already quarter left." All the Players were complaining. "Just bear with it a little longer! Keep attacking! We will win this for sure!?" As soon as the sun is setting Stella ran further away from the people. "Everyone step back! keep your distance away from me!" She shouted. "Oh!? Is it time?!" "Is this what you were saying that we can win the fight?" "What if she can't control it again?!" "We don't have a choice but to fight and don't worry, we will definitely get those rewards!? And if she killed the boss, let's sneak attack and kill her after, so that all the rewards will be ours!"

The leader Knight Player and his group were discussing their plan while Stella was starting to show her true power. "Gggwaaahh!? Aarrgghh!?" Her body becomes numb and a white light showed up around her. Skin got burned by the light and melted, transforming into a white serpent scales and then she got bigger and bigger, forming the light into some big creature and then suddenly she transformed herself into a silver bluish Dragon. "Ddraaaaahhh!?" She shouted releasing a very strong aura, and then immediately fly through the sky. When she opened her mouth, a light ball came out and rushed to the Boss that made it's HP decreases almost at its half.

All the Players got happy, but when they saw the Taurus Boss got into a rampage and shoot fired everywhere, all of them got to run back to the village, but since they cannot abandon the area, so in the end, they got all killed and only Stella left flying up in the sky. She keeps on firing and attacking the Boss, even though it's HP got lower and lower, but the Boss is getting stronger and stronger. *Shit! Why is it I can't still control it!? Only five minutes left before the Monthly Boss will disappear... I'm running out of Mana and my HP is now very low, if I got hit by that thing then This will be the end... If only... If only I am strong enough...*

Stella got frustrated looking at General Tauron's Health and Mana were still higher than hers. *If I could defeat this Boss... I can pay not only for my Grandma's monthly hospital bill but also for my monthly boarding house bill... Tssk... Why.. Why am I not a lucky person? Why do the gods give me this hellish life?! Why?! I can't even defeat this stupid Boss..-" Stella got weak and fell, she was so disappointed to herself being the unlucky person in her entire life. She keeps on blaming herself while looking everywhere, but then she suddenly lost her moment and head her attention to the little monster who jump and jump towards their direction.

*Why is it there's a Bomber Ball here?.. could there be someone still on his level 1 player here?...!!* "Come back here you little Ball!? Come back! I only need to kill you to complete my quest! Come back!?" Zion rushed towards the bomber ball and wanted to kill it, but when the bomber ball didn't notice the Boss Tauros behind it, The bomber ball suddenly got stepped on by the Boss Taurus foot. "TTTRRUUAAHH!!?"