Chapter 3


Druid and Bryson were about to knock on the Headmistress's office door when they both were startled by a sudden burst of shouting. "Grayson? That rat bastard."

Druid looked back at Bryson. "What's going on?"

Bryson just gave her an unconcerned look. "It's Statson, he's always shouting about one thing or another."

Druid turned back to the door. "True." But something was off. She tried to use her foresight, but all she could see was fog. Except, beyond the haziness, something was trying to peek through, something chilling.

Druid quickly looked away, coming back to the present, to see Bryson worried gaze. She mustered up a smile. "it's nothing."

Bryson was about to respond when the door suddenly opened to find Miss. Andres standing beyond it. "Come in, the headmistress is waiting for you."

They both followed her inside to find Headmistress Weatherly staring down Statson. She looked away to greet the newcomers."Oh good, I need you two to attend a conference in Towa."

Statson glared at the Headmistress. "Ha, I'm talking here. You just told me that Grayson, a guy I trained, was responsible for that Outpost debacle. And you want to talk about a fluff social event?"

"He's a slimeball." Rachel piped up. "But is he smart enough to pull it off?"

"True," Statson agreed. "Any excuse to punch him, I'll say."

"I didn't say that he was responsible; I said that he might be part of it. If not, he certainly knows something. He was scheduled to go to the Outpost instead of you, and he's known to take bribes. He also had dealings with Major Hetton. There are too many consequences." The Headmistress sighed. "Though circumstantial at best."

Bryson spoke up. "Parden for the interruption, Ma'am, but it sounds like you using the Conference as a means to investigate this Grayson person?"

"Yes, Exactly." Headmistress's answered. "And since Mr. Chesterfield isn't available to chaperone you, I want Mr. Statson to fill in for him."

"The hell I am!"

"I can be the Chaperone, whereas Statson can concentrate on Grayson." Rachel volunteered. "I am a lot better with social events than Statson."

The Headmistress turned to address Rachel. "Miss Lui, that would be ideal."

Rachel perked up. "Then…"

"I want you to stay here." The Headmistress held up at the protests. "For one thing, you are underaged, not only it will undermind how others look at you, but how they will look at me as well."

"That's bullshit," huffed Statson. "She's a trained police officer."

"That's not how the world works." Headmistress Weatherly sighed. "By law, you belong to the Compound, but your family is still making a fuss. I'm afraid as soon as you walk into the city, the Lui family will take advantage."

There was a moment of silence before Rachel sighed in defeat. "I know your right. It's just so frustrating."

"Besides, I also need someone to stay behind to oversee security. Especially when the caravan is arriving in a week." The Headmistress said, her voice tired. "It's going to a mess, and due to the Initiation Trials, I'm understaffed."

Druid looked up from her dark mode. "Ah, there's a dress I had my eye on; it looked so easy to move in. I wanted to see if they still had it." She pouted in disappointment. The caravan was how goods from compounds and cities were transported. It also functions as a mobile general store, with a lot of variety. So everyone was excited when it arrived. Well, maybe not Lilia. She still had a hard time in crowds, and her taste in clothes was questionable at best.

Druid pictured the dress; it flowed just the right way. Also, she glanced up at Bryson; it was the same shade as Bryson's ice-blue eyes.

"I could suggest some shops in Towa," Rachel advised. Druid looked at Rachel pant-suit, the clothes were well-fitted, tasteful, elegant, and they screamed expensive like she was entertaining guests in her study.

"No, offense, but any store you suggest probably be outside my price range." True Druid wore fancy dresses before, but parties like the Outpost debacle was like dressing up in costume and putting on an act. Somewhat fun, but not genuine.

"That's enough!" The Headmistress's raised voice, cutting through. Oh, this was not good, and Statson didn't look pleased either. Druid instantly stood at attention. She felt that Bryson was doing the same beside her. "Now, back to the mission. Or do we have something more important to discuss? Shoes perhaps?" Giving a pointed look at Rachel before moving on to Druid.

Rachel's face had gone pale. "No, Ma'am."

"No, Ma'am!" Druid and Bryson repeated together.


Later, when Druid walked back to the dorms with Bryson. Her mind went back to her vision. "Maybe my foresight is angry at me," she mumbled.

Bryson turned toward Druid. "Did you say something?"

Druid forced a smile. "No, nothing important."

Bryson had a suspicious look on his face, but he simply sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Okay, then, when you want to tell me, I'm here."

Druid came close to him, whispering in his ear. "I wish you show this side of you with the others."

"Hmph, Please, you know me better than that," Bryson said, arrogantly.

"This side of you is cute too." She skipped away and turned toward Bryson, playfully. "Now are you coming we have a trip to prepare for."

"Yes, Yes." Bryson's lips smiled into bemusement before following after her.


Lilia was resting behind a couple of boxes in the pick-up truck with a headband covering her eyes. She wasn't hiding; really, she wasn't. The pick-up was probably for the Initiation Trials anyways. Lilia needed a place to center herself; there were too many people crowding around; too many new smells. The truck smelled like Heather; she must have worked on it; it was calming.

"Um." Lilia wiggled her nose. She mumbled. "Why is the smell getting stronger? Now I can smell Terran?" Her foggy mind couldn't process, but when another familiar smell came into play, it made her sit up abruptly. "Wait, that's…"

*Found you.*