First Meeting

After approval of Wind , Rose contacted Shine family

about the engagement .

Diana Shine ,22 year old beautiful, elegant, with perfect figure . She was most beautiful girl of

H country .

The two family set a meeting for there childrens.

According to the schedule Wind Ji arrived first in the 5 star sweet booked by her mother ... waiting for


Door opened...a lady in beautiful white pearl gown shown up ..

She is dazzling like a beautiful pearl .

She introduced herself in an elegant way like all upper class ladies introduce them .


This Diana Shine .

(In Diana 's mind She is supperly flying in tge sky seeing a gorgeous men in front of her. ...In.Her dearm she has always taken that tycoon her love ..has really going to be the in real life partner of hers ..)

But why he doesn't say anything .. gazzimg her like that she has something on her face.

She felt little embraced because only she was saying and Wind was just gazzing her ..

In Wind's mind he was thinking of someone by seeing

..Her face remind him his last life his beloved wife Moon.)

Assistant Yu came to the room ... Boss madam is...calling .. Boss ... Excuse me Boss madam is ....

He was also shocked seeing Wind gazzing at Diana.

He touched his shoulder and shouted Boss Bosss. ....

Wind came to his sense back ..ahh yeah what happens ...

Boss are you okay ???

Yeah what happened to me .

Actually madam Rose called you many time but you didn't answer so she called me ..

OK tell her i fine . i will call her later .

Excuse me. are you really okay ??

Diana asked.

Wind said .. yeah sorry i was thinking something

sorry for my rudeness.

Hello . I am Wind ji .

Wind stand from her place and pulled the chair as a gentleman . for Diana

Please ... have a seat .

Diana sat on the chair , and they started there conversation . casually ...

Claud went out of the room

and informed madam Rose .

He gave call to Rose

Hello .

Hello Madam Sir is having Chat with Miss Shine .

Oh really great My Daughter in law will be with me soon ...


Bultler prepare feast for Wind ..

she hang up ..

Madam is just flying in the sky .


Claud went to the cafeteria hotel. He ordered a cappuccino for himself .

He saw a girl in casual dress in a ponytail.

Looking so Adorable. Her fair skin beautiful eyes pink lips .

Didn't let him see anywhere else.

He thought that girl must waiting for someone as she is looking in her wrist watch again and again.

Maybe her boyfriend ..or maybe friend, relative

But why she would have boyfriend ..

Huh what i am thinking that's her personal life.

He started looking on his phone ...

But he suddenly clicked one pic of her ..

Huh i .. snap her ..

He saw the picture its random though beautiful ..

Can i take one more ...

Forget it lets go and see what boss and miss shine doing .

Wind and Diana didn't say anything to each other.

An awkward silence was there .

Wind cleard bis throat. .hmmm.

Well what would you like to have .

Huh.. i am fine with anything .

Then i will just ask for parsty and cappuccino.

Okay .

Again the silence occurred.

These time Diana started the conversation.

What you like in your future partner to be.

I just want her to respect my family specially my dear mother.

And love me her wholeheartedly.

Love you .

Huh what did you just said?

Nothing .. Nothing

What would you like him to be .

Hmmm.i want it to be someone like you... Saying these she lowered her head.

Will you marry me?


Marry me ?

But in past you always denied marrying me .

All a sudden you wanted marry me .

In past .. I just wanted to focus on my career and Dad's legacy My company .

So I didn't want to marry you that time, But these time i am i wanted to you be my partner.

There ia no rush .. we can firstly know something about each other.

That's not a problem.

I Wind ji stuied masters in business management and i am the successor of Ji empire.

I like italian chinese and asian cusines .

I only have few friends all of them are men.

Never had girlfriends.

With a smile he said now your turn .

Huh she started laughing.

Well i am Diana Collin's .

You were thinking why i am stating my name as Collins right.


Actually my mother was only daughter of my grandparents. So when My motger was about to married my dad Grandpa asked him one promise that if my mother give birth to a daughter that mean me .. will inherit his surname. Dad agreed to his condition .. and i became Diana coliin.

Ohh so you are the heir of bith Collins and Shine's.

Haha indeed i am heir of Collins but Not shine's.

Not much people know taht i have a younger brother to .

Younger brother?