
Winds was blushing.

Diana's heart was beating faster then normal

Diana tried hard to tie her leases but due to nervousness she was not able to

Diana ..let me help you ..

Uhh.. i can do it

She tried to tie the lease but she couldn't

Wind grabbed her hand and pulled towards him ....

I am your fiancee so i have the right to do ..

be calm and let me do it .

Diana was in his arms listening his heart beat ..

Winds heart was also pouncing faster n faster.

His hands were so cold like ice but his embraced is warm.

Diana was thinking how can she see Wind now.

He has seen everything

After tieing her lease .. Wind said ..

Done can check it now

Diana looked into the mirror and said .


I don't want these type of thanks ??

Uhh ... Then what fo you want ..

A Kiss !

What .??

He pulled her towards him amd grabbed her waist

I want you to kiss me and it will be

my rewards as thanks

U... How can i kiss you ?

Like other couple do

Like other couple ... She thought of her parents .. her mothe usually thanks her dad by giving kiss on his cheeks . So she also dod the same

she kissed him in her cheek .

Am i a little baby .

Huh ..No.. why donyou say so ?

Then why you kiss me like these..

Diana lowered her head and said in low voice ....

I ...I don't know that kiss ....

He heard what she says ...he laughed

" haha haha"

Wind then grabbed her waist pulled her closer and

Let me teach you then he placed his lips against her ..

ummm .wi. ...ummm ....

She can't breath ..he left her then ..

Hey are you dumb .

Why did you stopped breathing ..

That was my first kiss ...and

i don't know how to kisss

how would i know we should breath or not ..

"He laughed '' and again kissed her ...m

Knock...knock. sir mam Madam is waiting for you ..{When Assistant Yu came to call them then only he released her }....

Her face was red as tomatoes.

Coming he said to assistant Yu

In future these will be our Thanksgiving okay my love ...

he whispered in her ears. .


He left then.... She was so emmbrassed ..

But she was happy that the person she loved is taken her first kiss. .. But also.seen her half naked.

Thinking about the incident her cheeks get red agian.

Afterba while she also came down then. R

ose asked oh my baby how was your foot now ...

Its fine aunty ..

Aunty ... Call me mom okay ....

Okay mom ..

That's like my girl .

Everything went smoothly .. all guest gave them blessings an love .. all guest were gone only the two family and servant were left ... They were also ready to go ...

Lets meet tomorrow and decide the date of wedding day .. Rose said to the Shine's

Diana and her family went back and after saying them goodbye Wind ,rose Assistant yu everyone got back on there way ....

After Wind and rose reached there mansion Claud was ready to go back to his house ...He saw ..someone was lying on middle of the road .

He stopped his car and went out of the car and moved towards them ...

One lady was knocked on the car and two mens were on the street ..

When he was approaching towards the car he thought he has seen the car before.

He step forward to the car to look for the lady .

He heard one of the men is saying save her...

Someone please save her.

He didn't see the lady and directly went tonthat men

He touched the body and he was shocked to see the person lying on blood ... in front of him...

{Who was the person there lying on the street }. ... Write in Comment