Kidnapped (part 2)

Through Mr shine's phone they tracked Diana location and went there . With some cops ... It's an old factory of shine's .

Claud you and others stay here let me alone go there and see if she is safe or not..

But boss its dangerous?

No I can't take risk now she is still there .

From back window he went inside

he saw many mens were in black choak .

He was Ninja in previous life .. its cheese of cake for him so his knocked down one by one .

he searched different chambers

he reached the room where Diana was kept .

The beautiful face of her was covered with bruises and blood

She looks so pale and bleeding .. Wind went near to her seeing her like that his headache ..the feelings of losing her again. . he couldn't even imagine it ..

Wind hold her in his arms and tied her wound with his handkerchief .. and covered her with his jacket.

Hahaha.... Not bad my ninja .. You still care for her voice came from Winds back .

Wind put Diana down , he stand and turn around but no one was there .

he saw here and there but can't see him..

No one knows accept 2 people .. why he knows something related to ninja.

Who are you ? What do you want from me and if you want something from me why did you hurt her (he shouted in angry voice)

Suddenly some Men in Black clothes jump down .

One of them thrown a sword towards him ..

Voice came again lets see if you are still capable or not .

Capable huh didn't you see your mens lying in other room.

What do you want Wind shouted ?

If you can defeat them you can see me but if you can't forget it that you can take her from here .

Fine lets see ..

They all attack at once Wind doged every move every attack . How can a top rated Ninja Prince would fall for there loowly attacks.

He then jump other side where. The sword was thrown earlier. He lifted the sword an started fitting...

Like cutting the vegetable.

And defeated each one of them .. none of them can be fight with him more then 1 minute.

Uhh. Bravo... I didn't expect you to be so skilled with these body too.

If i am skilled or not you will se when i will smash your had.

Haha oh dear Your temper is same .

Your didn't forget any move of yours.

Wind Ji...or ...Wind Ming

What should i call you my dear son.

who are you ?

See by yourself. Then

He came forward ...

Sword fell from Wind's hand and his eyes were teary.

Uhh. . Dad. are alive.

Yes my boy its me.

Hard to believe i know but i am alive and waited for you to be 3 years to come back to you .

Dad.. he hugged him.

Why didn't you returned home when you were alive.. Mom will be happy to see you alive .

I know i have to come to ypu and Rose but there are still some matter i need to figure out before I come publicly.

What's the matter you say i will do that.

No dear you just be careful and be with your Mom . Its just some days more then our family will be together.

Okay dad ... But you have to be in my contact.

Well dad how do you know something about Ninja ..

no body knows my identity did you found it ?

Son you didn't time travelled from.past but You were recarnetd As Wind Ji.

You mean that these is my own body .. i didn't came from past.

Yes .. you just got back your previous life memory and you thought you travels to these body .

But dad .. how's taht possible i clearly was stab and was dead and when i woled up i was here.

There are something ypu don't know about your past but i know .you were indeed born with same ability and body .. with same parent's.

How can i be recarnated .

Its because of your beloved fiancé .

He pointed his fingers towards Diana.

Diana ?

How ?