chapter 17

At 5 o'clock Wind and Claud went to pick the girls from parlour .

Wind was in White farmani suit he was looking so handsome and charming .

Behind him men in black looks totally different. From his daily look Claud was too looking handsome ..

Everybody was just looking the two handsome men standing outside the parlour.

Women's, girl's ,and even old grandma's couldn't taken away there eyes from them..

One of the staff came and inform them that

The ladies were ready sir .

They will be just here in a bit .

Golden shimmering gown appeared perfectly complimenting the figure of Diana Wind was looking her without blinking.

As follow her Tina in pinkish shining totally different looks hair everything makes her more beautiful claud was too stunned seeing her .

Every men present there gazing the two ladies .

Whistling and shouting ...

When Wind heard one of them said he wants to make baby with the girl in gold. He glared him as he will tear his mouth hundreds times .

His aura is enough to make them quite.

Bith of them moce towards car and opened the doors for the lovey ladies .

Wind brought his Black sports car .

Claud brought his ferrari .

After tge two get in there seats both glared all the men again in an angry way . Like a lion

After driving for an hour they reached to the place where the banquet is going to happen .

Like a celebrity Wind was famous in these city .

Everyone shouted seeing him entering the red carpet .

Media were present .

Huh these is a business or celebrity award show Tina asked to Claud .

Of course business party .

Then why there were so many reporters are present.

Because all the business were going to be present tonight .

Wind Went out the car and went to the ither side to open the gate.

Please come my sweetheart .

She smiled and gave her hand to wind.

Claud also hold Tina's hand while walking through red carpet . Because Tina was looking nervous so he told her

Don't worry miss Tina i will not leave you .

With a charming smile .

Okay thankyou sir .

Huh sir... Don't say me sir inside .

Then what i should adress you .

Call me Claud . That will be nice .

Huh ... Okay boss.. no Claud .

Good come then

Holding each other hand then crossed the carpet .

Diana and Wind were just looking like an ideal couple

Though they were but not much people know that .

Wife would you wAnt me to lift you up ..

Wind asked in flirting way.

What ... Can't you see so many people where here.

So what you are My Mrs ji .

Huh.. yeah i am but now i am just your personal assitant .

Tgen stuck with me all the time personal assistant should follow there boss.

Oh really then i will stuck with you .

Seeing both smiling one of the reporter asked wind if they are really a couple.

Wind didn't say anything just gave a charming smile.

From far Roi was seeing Diana holding Winds hand so proudly

She was with genral directer Shin chu .

She cursed her in her mind

You bitch. .

These is your first and last banquet attending side by him .

He is mine and i will not let you snatch my position again and again. She was thinking in her mind to let Diana embarrassed in front of everyone.

Wind Diana and Claud Tina were standing together in a corner .

Claud said to Wind

Boss lets go and greet the old men Yun he was there .

He came fast .

You two can gelp yourself we will be back in couple of time .

Okay both nodded.

Diana felt little uncomfortable in her dress so they head to the bathroom .

Tina my dress is little messy can you come with me to the washroom .

Of course .

But where it was .

Lets ask the waitresses.

Excuse me can you tellbthe direction of ladies .

Sure mam .

Its on the third floor so please go up and the straight the turn towards your right you will reach there .

Okay thankyou.

The bathroom was on the third floor and it was so quite no one was in that floor .

They went to the washroom.

She adjusted her dress with the help of Tina .

Then they heard

Footsteps moving towards them but who was there .

They frightened little as the steps comes closer they were fearing


Voice screamed over them so they screamed ahhhh (both)

Hahaha. ..


Voice of women

They opened there eyes and saw the person

You ..(in same time)

Yep its me ...milli jas.

She was another friend of them ..

Tina scolded her

Idioo you have scared us to death.

Exactly Diana said .

Okay my fault sorry sorry my lovely ladies.

Ok ok accepted you apology. ..the Trio laughed .

Well when came To h city .

A month ago .

Then why haven't you contacted us .

Tina yield taunting her.

My parents set me up with an engagement .. and i was not allowed to go out .

Nor i can reach you people.

What engagement. ... Diana exited and asked ..

Who he is ..???

Tell us .

Dreak Wu . CEO of Wu enterprises

You mean

The hacking genius ..

Yeah he is .i have heard it too .

But haven't met him.till now .

He was abroad in business trip today he was back so we were getting engaged .

Oh my goodness ...

Both my girlfriend became commited way of dramatic herione of soap opera. Tina acted and said

Drama queen find yourself men then. Diana laughed and said

Hey what do you mean both ... Only i am engaged ...

You were just engaged but Our little princess is already a married women ..

What ... Married.

How can you leave your girlfriend Miilii shouted .

Oh god both shut up .

Hey quickly tell me its a joke . Right .??

No its Truth i am married .

What you haven't even invited your girlfriend..

How can you do that.

We haven't hold the wedding ceremony just registered our marriage.

Who is he ..tell me ..

Hey he was here why not you intro her to our brother in law .

Really he was here in the banquet.

Indeed he was present ..

Okay come with me i will introduce him to you .

And to our future brother in law too.

Tina was confused .. Hearing that.

Hey who is future brother in law of us ..

Not us its me and Miilis brother in law only ..

What do you mean ..?? Little princess Milli asked.

So as Tina.

Are you referring out Tina

Yes yes

you know somebody was going to be responsible for someone .

Responsible Tina remembered Claud saying same thing )

Who is going to be responsible for our Tina

Yes yes lets go and meet them they would get anxious

Did you heard everything Diana... Tina asked in blushing face .

Huh he little tin tin why your face was red don't tell me you already lost your virginity .

What you are talking we haven't even know each other and ...

Hahaha Diana chuckled...

You both only know to tease me .

Okay okay we won't but who is he tell me babe. Milli asked ...

Lets i will let you see him soon Diana said .

They went back to the venu
