chapter 19

After the dance Everyone praise Wind and Diana for presenting beautiful dance .

Wind Claud and Dreak went to meet some of there business partners other side of the hall .

So the trio went to drink something ..

They asked the waitresses to send something to eact and dirink in thire lounge.

Roi was planning to drug Diana and give her to some old pervert foggy.

So she went one of the waitresses and bribed her and told her to let Diana take these drugs in her drink's.

Go give these drug to that lady in grey dress .

When the waitresses was mixing the drug in the drink she accidentally sprinked on the other glasses and in some snacks.

She was about to change all the drinks and snacks so she

Was looking for another glasses to change it but Tina

Came herself and taken the drinks and snacks .

When the waitresses came back to the counter .

She didn't see anything there .

She got paincked .

Oh god what to do if they get to know i did these i will dommed .

Hurry ..i should just go from these party .

So she ran away from the hall and get out of the venue from.back doors ..

Inside the lounge the girls were chatting and eating drinking.

Soon they're drunk .

Hey guys my head hurts Tina said .

Milli and Diana to feel the same ..

Everything was moving and looking double double .

I feel so hot .. Milli said ..

Its really uncomfortable .. i need to change ..

Someone must have done something to our drinks ...

Otherwise in beverages we can't get drunk .

You are right Diana ..(together Tina and Milli said )

We have to look for someone for help .

No no you we can't go out like these

Wait i will call Wind .

And asked him to come here ...

And take us to hospital.

Ok do it fast.

They were trembling. ..

Other side Roi was waiting for the waitresses to give her good news that Diana was drunk .

Diana couldn't even look clearly ..but manged to give call to Wind.

Wind was chatting with his friends .

His phone ringed.

He saw Wife name flased Claud and Dreak too seen it ..

You bro your Wife couldn't even let ypu alone for sometimes strated missing in jut few minutes of time

Haha ...hahaha

Keep quite i am gonna pick the call now

Okay bro .

Go ahead.


Wi...wind. .. Diana's voice was trembling .

Hey what happened why your voice is .

Wind come to lounge of milli fast ..

She couldn't say much she was very much uncomfortable..

Hey bro what happened?

You look tensed ..

She is in danger.?

Come to lounge with me .

The three were so uncomfortable trembling there face were red .

Feeling so hot Diana i can't take ot anymore . Milli said

I also can't take it its to uncomfortable . Let's go out and ask help .. tina said

No endure little. They should be coming .

We can't take the risk .we don't kn.. Know wh..who i did it

Milli and Tina fainted .

Roi was becoming anxious so she went to search were is the Waitress but she couldn't find her .

where the hell that damn lowly servant has gone .

forget her let me myself go and check whether she did my work or not .

she was going to the way of lounge seeing Wond she hided herself .

She dare not to go there if he finds that She did something she might be come in his bad books so she returns to hall .

Wind claud and Dreak rusged to lounge.

Diana ...shouted Wind opening the doors ..

Seeing Diana and all other lying on the floor

Wind... Help ..

Why are you standing here what happened to sister in law.. both Dreak and Claud also came in .

He rushed to Diana .

What happened you were fine before and what happened to them.

Claud and dreak rushed to the girls tried to wake them.up .

We were drugged...

Wind its so uncomfortable.. i can't bear it now .


She also fainted.

Call Jasper over hear now claud .

Yes boss.

Dreak book room for us. .

In the top most floor lets take them there before someone arrive here okay .

Dreak booked 3 separate rooms for the girls .

Dr Jasper was checking them. Boss don't worry i have got someone to investigate these matter

Jasper came and told them that

Boss ji the girls were drugged with aphrodisiac .

The medicine which can cure them is only present in France and i contacted some of the hospitals they said that they don't have it . In H country you will nowhere to get that medicine.

I can arrange someone to get it now .

No use Claud .

Why ?

Because it will take atleast 7 to 8 hours even if you send your private plane there . And they can't hold more that 1/2 hours

Because its too strong drug that only intercourses can keep them save other then that nothing can prevent the drugs risk . And most probably they will sufer kidney failure or infertility even life risk is there .

So i advice to intercourses with them .

What !! Claud and Dreak shouted .

Yeah its only last option you had take your girls and save them before its too late .

Everyone was quite for time being than Wind said i will save Diana She is my wife .

Hey Bro she is your wife. So you can save her .

How can i do that we were just engaged only .

And what about another girl... Does She need to find a male escort .

No you save your fiancee and Claud will save her partner .

Right claud .

He kept slient for a awhile then agreed to save Tina

Well when these settled i will go back if need call me .

Jasper went back to hospital.

Wind came to Diana's room and Dreak went to Milli's room

Claud was still hesitating on going to Tina's room.

but then he tgought that he was previously seen her without cloth and doing these can save her life .

Tomorrow he will surely take her fully responsibility as gentleman .

He also went inside Tina's room.