Chapter 22

Tina was still working because Rain had not stopped.

She doesn't know someone is also present in the office.

Huh... Finally everything is completed.

Tomorrow morning just need yo have Manager's signature.

Diana called Tina to know that she Reached home or not .

Hello Tina .

Did you reach home.

Not yet just going.

What its already 7 now you haven't reach home where are you.?

I am still in the office.


Yeah i completed the Tiam Rui project just need General manager's signature.

I will get it tomorrow .

You silly .

Its heavily raining .

I know but don't worry i will reach on time .

Claud came outside from his cabin.

He take the phone from Tina and tell Diana that

Mam don't worry I am still here i will drop her . Ypu get some rest now .

Tina was stunned .

Claud how come you also in office.

I was working little late .

You don't worry .i will drop her

You are there then I am not worried anymore .

Then i am hanging up .

Okay bye .

Wind hugged her from back .

Its you right did you tell Claud to ho there .

I didn't say him to go just informed him that Tina is still working because Claud is also working extra .

Why didn't you told me before .

Before I was not knowing that he stayed late in office

He called me now for some information then i told him to catch with Tina.

Huh ... Thank god he was there. Now i am in relief .

You want to ship them . Chance is there they need to work hard just .

You .. You know that I want them to be together.

Of course I know.

Claud too like her . I feel that.

Really ?


Well what eill be my rewards then.

Reward ?? For what.

They were wearing bathrobes wind was slowly untying the knot of Diana's robe.

He turn her towards him.amd said in reward just give me yourself.

You ... Its still so early .

Ohh so you are ready to give me the reward .

Hmmm.... Yes i am ready .

They kissed ...

In office... Tina was stunned That claud was also there .

Miss Tina you come with me ..

Hu.. yes.

He bring her to his cabin .

Please sit for while i have to just do one call then i will

Take you to your home.

Okay Sir !

Claud went to his chair and became busy again.

Tina went to the lounge to sit there.

She saw the lunch bax was still packed .

She thought just clean his table while he is working .

Heavy .. how come didn't he ate .

she opened and checked it

Claud haven't eaten a bite also .

Yet he worked whole day .

My work is completed lets go miss Tina.

You haven't eaten the lunch . Why?

Lunch i forgot to eat. Don't bother with that i will eat at home.

Tina thought that he might be having a wife at home .

Okay she just let it go .

They went to underground parking.

Sat on clauds car .

Claud leaned towards her ...

Huh you just stop .. don't come near to me .

Please don't misunderstood i just helping you to wear the seat belt .

Sorry .i

Its okay .

She really felt ashamed .

Clayd didn't say anything in the way .. nor Tina .

At silent atmosphere the rain's voice can be heard clearly.

In half a way .. car stopped.

Why did you stop here ?

I guess road was blocked due to rain .

I will go and check it . Tina said

Its raining you sit i will go.

Claud taked the umbrella with him and went to see why the road is blocked.

After 5 minute he came back .

What happened why the road is blocked

Some of road lights and trees were shattered on the road so the way can nearly be open tomorrow .

What ? How i will go home now.

If you're comfortable come with me my home.

Huh. .your home.

Yeah my home or you want to go some inns i will take you don't worry .

Inn's .

Yeah .

Okay take me too somewhere near inn's.


They went to few nearby inn's but all of them were booked because of tge rain many people have checked in taht day only.

All of them are full . Where else you want to go .

Madam's home shall i drop you there .

Diana's house they were newlywed i can't go there.


Bring me your home.

You will go ?


Claud didn't say much but he was happy at least she was not mad now .

Claud live in a small villa . It was well maintained from outside.

But inside huh it was juat like a house of mess.

Claud was little embarrassed because he forgot to clean his house .

Wait here just let me clean it .

Claud hurry went inside closed the door leaving Tina outside .

He cleaned everything . Fastly .

And came back to open the door .

Now you can come.

Where is your wife sir?

Wife ??

Yes aren't you married .

No .

Huh then girlfriend.

He laughed. Neither I am married nor had any girlfriend.


Yes really.

Sorry i thought you were already married.

Why do you think that I am married.

Because you were apologizing in morning for last night , so i thought .

That's because i did something without your permission .

And i made myself clear didn't i taht i gave you my first kiss.

Tina's heart beated very rapidly.


Are you alright.

Yeah i am fine just little cold.

Claud touched Tina's cloth she was wet all .

When did you get soaked in rain.

Just a while ago . When you left me outside.

Sorry sorry .. go get washed up i will get you some cloth.


She step forward but where to go..she thought how to ask him where to go.

You go up straight and the room will be in front..


She get in the bed room it was very simple room. Maybe its a guest room she thought.

She directly went bathroom.