Chapter 24

Will you marry me? Claud proposed Tina.

Her eyes were teary she couldn't utter a single word.

Hey don't cry . I just want to be responsible for what i did.

Are you feeling pity on me.

Huh what ?

Of course not .

I feel for you . There is something in my heart i can't express that .

But i am sure i will be chasing you from now onwards .

You can take your time.

I can't marry you .

I don't know you nor your family but i am much clear about that you are from some noble family.

And i am just an orphan.

Don't even know who was my parents.

I am not asking you to be responsible.

You did something to save me . And its worth saving my life that you took my first .

Just forget it .

I don't need your background nor which family you belongs too.

Please say no more.

I don't want anything from you.

I will not force you but i am going to chase you from my wholeheartedly.

And you can't stop me.

You don't do that .

I will prepare bed for you .

Hey listen to me i am not Worthy to be your wife.

But i think you are .

He arrange bed for Tina and himself in the living room.

Tina was thinking and crying why he wants to be responsible even when she doesn't want him to be responsible.

Claud didn't push her much he just expressed his feelings.

They went to sleep soon .

But closing eyes they can decive each other.

But both were thinking .... Thinking they goes into sleep.

Another day breaks ...

Claud went up early and prepared breakfast for themselves. New bed was arranged.

And clothes for Tina.

Tina opened her eyes she found herself in Clauds bed .

How did I cam here . I was in living room last night .

I brought you up . Claud entering the room with some bags on his hand.

I brought some clothes for you .

Go fresh en up and don't let water touch you wound .

Bed was broken last night how come it was fixed .

Its new one .

Go get ready i am waiting for you in the dining table .

Tina stood and went to the bathroom with the clothes packet.

Did she cried all night .

Claud thought when he saw her red eyes.

They had break fast and they headed to the Company none of them said any words during these time.

Diana and Wind also reached at that time only.

Diana saw Tina coming with claud . She felt happy about these.

Hubby look they are coming together.

Who wifey?

Claud and Tina .

I guess Claud had taken a move then.

Lets go to them then.

After you my lady ..

As soon as car stoped Tina went out of the car without looking back .

She didn't even notice Wind and Diana .

She juat went inside the office.

Good Morning Boss Good morning madam.

Morning .

Good morning manager Claud.

Sir i have a file to discuss before meeting i will head first.


Claud faked tge smile and went inside.

Wind ..


Did you notice that?

Huh. What ??

They haven't soughted tgere matters yet .

Wife they are adults let them manage there own.

Okay .

Lets go inside.

While they were heading inside Diana felt that someone is following them.

She turn back but no one was there .

What are you looking Wind asked .

I thought someone is following us.

But no one was there.

Maybe i had juat illusion.

Then lets head inside.

Huh yes boss.

They were busy as soon as they go in .

They hold a meeting for there new project .

Due to project everyone got so much busy for 2 weeks .

In tgese 2 weeks Wind's and Diana's relationship got much more strong . They take care of each other .

Wind got call from rose .

Hey son how are you and my daughter in law.

We are doing good mom . What about you guys.

Well everything was good here . When are you going to be back .

We were going to be back today only from evening's flight.

That's great .

Diana and i will be on airport to receive you guys .

No need of that i will come home on morning .

Why ?

Your in law's home was close to the airport and just enjoy your last day together.

Last day means.

Of course last day because Diana will go to her parents home before you got officially marriage..

But we had already registered our marriage .

Can't she leave with me.

No son .

We will be going to discuss your wedding soon didn't worry just few days of separation tgen you both can be together.

Fine mom .

Okay son i am hanging up now .

Okay see you tomorrow then mom.


At that time Seeing Diana entering

Wind was just thinking how can he got separated from his dear wife.

He dragged Diana inside the room and forced her on the bed kissing her so passionately.

Diana didn't know what's happening to Wind but Though he dragged her on the room his kissing was so gentle that she didn't resist it .


Wind's phone ringed .

But he was much more concentrated on kissing Diana.

Finally after a while he let her go .

He wanted again but diana Stopped him covering her mouth with her hands .

We are still in the office.

Then let's go home , i want you all .

It's still day time i have so much work let me go .

He hold Diana's hand and said

You were going to be parted.

What ?

Mom just called me saying they are coming back and as we were not publicly married we have to live separately for a while .

Why ... Diana wa even more anxious then Wind .

Seeing her reaction Wind pulled her on the bed and against presses her under him.

So i want to make memorable our day and night today so i can be live without you .

Her face got flushed red.

Did we really have to live separate.

Yeah for some time.

But i won't let tgese some to be far we will leave together soon.

For that I needed some advance love .

Let me have you all today.

He kissed her again.

He stopped when Roi came looking for him.