chapter 30

Couple's game ?

Huh. .. i don't want to do with you. . Mr Dreak Wu.

Really babe are you abandoning after enjoying .

Humph who enjoyed your accompany?

Didn't you were enjoying 2 hour's ago with my body.

You ... Shameless humph.

Don't talk to me.

O babe where are you going.

To hell you wanna come.

My little piggy don't get mad.

Piggy ? You donkey.

Hey enough guys can't you act as a adult .

Diana interrupted and stopped Dreak and Milli from making scene in the party.

Wind was observing something unusual at party but what was that ... His face looks tense Diana saw him looking here and there ...he was looking restless.

Wind are you okay ?

Yes wife I am fine .

No you are not is anything is bothering you share it with me.

You come with me lets go there and talk here is so much noise.

They went to the yard .

Wind look at me say what bothers you.

He hugged her.

Please say i am scared just let me know.

Your saftey bothers me.

My safety why ..?

I am absolutely safe beside you wind . Stop worrying about me.

How can i stop .

Because I love you and trust you .

You won't let me get hurt .

For the sake of me please be safe or else I can't live.

Hey stop saying these now . Even if anything happens to me you have to live for me .

Then don't let anything happen to you .

Okay hubby . Now smile or else i will be getting mad at you .

I love you wife.

I love you too hubby .

They hug each other though Wind stopped thinking about that but his heart was still feeling uneasy.

Let's go back to the party .

Huh.. lets go.

Boss where have you gone i was searching for you.

Why searching me . Spend time with Tina.

Clauds face become red .

Actually boss Mr bai Called now and asked if you are free next week he would like to discuss the project .

Wife did i have anything on next weeks schedule.

Huh .. nothing for now you can meet him.

Claud give Mr Bai call and tell him to come office at 12 o'clock.

Yes boss.

Attention everyone. . soon we are going to have the fire works so please gether to your tents according to your room numbers. Everything is arranged in the garden back doors.

Huh .. so happy you are these things you will never forget Diana you bitch i will pay you back the humiliation 100 times more.

It was Roi Lin in black choak she was mixing something on the drinks which is going to be kept in the tent .

Wow fire works Tina Diana lets go .

Okay okay slow down..

Milli pulled Tina and Diana to the garden.

There tents were line by line .

the boys were following them from back .

Bro you seems to be little distracted we reached here but you are going ahead more.

If any problems you have just tell us brother.

Yes boss tell .

I didn't know but i felt that someone is spying on us.

You also felt that?

I too have a feeling that there is someone .

Maybe you both were thinking too much .

If one of us would have felt we can say that its just our random thoughts but since me and Claud both felt there is someone then that might be someone .

We are not alone here we need to be careful.

If that's the case we need to take care of them more carefully.

Lets go to the tent with our own girls and if anything goes wrong we can be there side Dreak said.

Huh let's go then.

Diana come ours is these one Wind said..

Tina we got these one.

Okay then lets go inside Tina said.

Milli was looking at Dreak i will go to Tina . I don't want to share anything with you.

You are really a third wheel for Claud .

Can't you see they need some private moments.

Humph then i am going to the room back .

Who wants to stay with you.

Just come with me . No more arguments we are going inside the tent not to the room.

He dragged her.

Inside the tent there was a sleeping bag , a jug og water juice and some fruits . Were kept and the upper part of the tent was transparent .

Wind pull Diana to sleep in the bag .

Hey how can we sleep now i want to see the Fireworks.

If you won't lie down how are you going to see it.

Look up we will be seeing through here .

Ohh .. i didn't notice that.

Tina and Claud also were lying hugging each other.

But milli was standing Not even sitting Because she is mad at Dreak even now.

Babe are you really going to stand there .

You will miss the fireworks.

Yes i am going to stand whole night do you have any problem.

You.. Dreak pull her and went up her .

You don't try to do anything i will scream.

I am saying you with so much love yet you are mad because we did sex .

Don't talk to me about that.

Why can't I you will mad at me and i can't even say

You are mine fiancee its not wrong to do that.

Millis eyes were filled with tears.

Yeah its not wrong for a couple to do that but what we are just Business engaged couple.

For business our family arranged these but Whatbwill happened if one day something happened or you might look for another girl. And break the engagement.

Only I will loose..

Huh What do you take me as ,A play boy .

Because the tents of three couples near to each other they heard the Argument of Milli and Dreak.

Your friend is really mean to Dreak wife.

She is not mean .

She is just thinking from negative perspective.

You know clearly that business marriage sometimes broke .

She was just thinking if that's happene to hervalso what she will do after loosing her viriginty .

But Dreak is not someone like a playboy.

She should have thought before saying these to him.

Let me go and talk to her.

No don't go let Dreak solve his problem.

But. .

No but lets Wait and see.

Tina and Claud didn't say anything.

But might be Tina had same thought so Claud lean more closer to her and said lets go and get our marriage registered.

Huh. ... Why so suddenly?

Because I don't want you to feel insecure.

In Millis tent she was crying and Fighting with Dreak .

If I will get pregnant someday will you be responsible .

You... Damn girl. He get up and stand in side .

Milli also sit up .

Look you can't even face question regarding this but if you really face what you will do .

People will only see me as a shameless girl doing intimacy before marriage do you think of that.

His head hurts hearing all these nonsense.

But when she said last few words.

He seems to understand why she is so mad.

Did she forgot about what I said on our consummate night.

Maybe yes that's why her head were filled with nonsense

Dreak thought in his mind .

Milli was became red . She get out of the sleeping bag .

Dreak push her to the bag and went up her .

You let me go please.

He placed a passinate kiss on her lips.

He kiss her until she was little calm.

He then let go her .

Listen you Milli Jas for the last time I am going to say these again...