Chapter 32

Yeah there was suspicious of someone following us but we couldn't find any body. Claud said.

Then they must be after you .

If they are for us why they would take others.

Wind shouted.

We are investigating Mr ji you need to control your emotions for a while..

Suddenly the monitor got blank ..

What happened to the monitors suddenly the cops asked th monitoring staff .

We don't know sir it got blank automatically. It feels like someone has hacked our servers.

Mens voice came from the monitors .

Hello Boss Ji .

How are you without your Wife.

I guess you must be furious for me now..

You cut tge crap what do you want?

Why do you kidnapped them ?

Ahh.. Boss Ji if I tell you now won't I will spoil my Perfect game.

You will definitely know once you fulfill my demand

What's are your demand name it .

Hehe Boss Ji just wait a while first take a look here ..

The screen displayed all the women's were being hostage Milli and Tina was also there but Diana were Nowhere to be seen.

Dreak screamed. You bastard

Haha curse me or accuse me I am on the top of you Mr Wu.. now

It won't be good if you curse me like these they Slapped a wipe on Milli

She screams Ahhh...

You.. bastard .

I will tear you once you get in my hands

Ha-ha hahaha.

Wind's eyes were just searching for Diana .

Where is Diana ?

Ohh it seems you notice that your beloved wife was not here . Then let me show you .

Diana was tied with rope and hanged with her hands up.

The bruises in her body were clearly seen .

She seems to be , tourcherd .

Wind's heart ached seeing her again in that state .

If you get in My hand you will regret at your birth.

Hahahaha Boss Ji . First try to catch me.

Just I want you. Come to me and I'll let go all these people including your wife.

So come to the Mount chan peak At 3 .

Alone .

Okay but first send all of them here . Then i will come to you.

No boss you're not going alone there .

I will come with you..

Mr yu you should not come between him and my matter.

Stay away from these that will be better for you all .

Mind my words .

He slapped Diana with Iron rod on her feet.

Hey.. in anger wind screamed.

Don't dare to touch her

Huhu . Seems you are in very pain seeing her tourched why not come here and i will let her go.

I will come alone no one will come with me.

But boss..

No but .

Send everyone over back here.

Hmm.. okay as you want boss ji I will send all of them except your wife . She will be my hostage . Till you surender yourself .

Okay send everyone over here first . I will be coming alone at the place.

The display blackout again...

Boss we don't know who he was it will be danger if you go there.

Nothing matters how dangerous he could be I can take the risk he still have Diana in his hand.

He want me I will definitely give him myself.

Boss how can I sit here and let you go alone there .

Yes brother let's all go together and see who he was. Dare to harm our women he surely have guts .

No you guys have to ensure Everyone's and Diana's safety before coming to rescue me.

Claud you will be following me from far that they can't even see.

Officer you let your more security to come here and let no one can leave the resort before these matter solves.

I will call them now and let them surround whole resort.

You need not to be worry.

Claud lets go Dreak you be here and track location of Diana if you get any clues let me know it asap.

Okay brother .

Claud arrage a tracking device for me.

You will be tracking me from car .

Okay boss i will arrage it now.

Claud Call someone and asked to bring the Watch with tracking mechanisms.

It was morning 10 ... Now amd they had not sent the girls till now ..

Another 2 hours have passed.

The device has also not reached to Claud.

They are getting anxious .. that kidnapper is playing with them.

But they dare not to take any careless action before ensuring there safety.

A loud sound of Truck came from the entrance of resort .

What's That?

Boss boss . .. the women's they were send back ...

One of the staff came and informed them.

Everyone rushed toward the Truck.

Milli and Tina was also with them.

They body was covered with more buries.

Clothes were shattered from every where .

Claud and Dreak rushed towards them and hugged them.

They get sigh of relief.

They saw them up to dowm body covered with bruises

They put there coat over them they covered

At that moment Wind thought of Diana.

The image flashed in his eyes the injured Diana .

His heartaches.

You guys take care of them .I will be heading To the mount peak.

Boss wait for a while they will be bringing Tracking devive for you.

Hmm take them to the room.

Everyone bring your people to your rooms.

And don't leave them alone.

After a while someone brought the watch for wind .

Claud receive it and Gave to wind .

You be here for Tina i will go alone.

But boss

No sir .. i am fine you please bring Diana she tourched her very badly.

She fainted for several times when we were there due to pain. Tina said .

She who was that did you know who was there .

Yeah it was Roi Lin .she was ganged up with them to kidnapped us .

We were kept in wood shed And Diana was hanged they are specially tourching her.

Tina cried

Yes brother in law . You take them with you We will be taking care of us. milli said.

Bring Diana back .. Why all these are happening with her.

Brother you go i will be here take claud with you.

Roi lin ... She will pay her price. . Wind said

Dreak let go Lin industries bankruptcy till 3.

Huh i will do it you go bro.

Okay... His voice was hoarsed.

They were taken back by Dreak . To the room.

Wind saw his watch it was 2 o'clock now.

Claud you will follow me after i reach there till you check if there are his mens around us .

Don't let them find them you were going to follow me.

Huh .. yes boss i will check it now.

Wind went to his car .

Before driving he think who could it ve His dad or someone else .

Last time it was Dad . Could it be he again did hurt Diana.

But why?

If Dad did it these how I am supposed to face Diana .

I can't even take action against him..

He banged his hands on sterring wheel. The horn was pressed

Boss.. claud rushed to Wind's car

Boss.. boss.. what happened.

Wind saw claud he downed the window glass .

Ohh Claud...

Claud do you think I am useless .

No boss You are not ... I know you from many year's .

You are my most admired person.

You are not use less

Then Why I was not careful though I was wondering something might happened.

Boss its not only your fault we all were careless . But these was the last time they have suffered because of us.

In future we won't let them hurt . And i know you will do anything for madam.

So sir you go ahead your loyal servant will follow you from behind.

Go and bring madam.

Huh Claud you are my brother never say you are my servant.

Okay boss now go and don't think about anything else.