Blood, Sweat, And...Meditation?

After a short 2 hour sleep, Kary woke up, fresh and energized. One must keep in mind the fact that people playing 'Sword of Fantasy', stayed in a sleep-like state for hours, not taking too much energy. So for them, a 2-hour sleep was more than enough. For Kary, that concept applied even more. She was used to short nights and long days of gaming. So too her, 2 hours was more than enough.

She got up, picked one of the uniforms in the drawer and put it on. As she walked towards the door, to leave the barracks, her path was blocked by four brutish looking girls. The four girls fit the military stereotype, big, muscular, but clearly not the sharpest tools in the shed. Perfect soldiers for the frontlines.

Kary wanted no trouble, so she tried walking around them. Only, the girl on the left abruptly walked in front of her and bumped her back, making her fall to her ass.

" Hey! Can't you see I'm standing here !? " The big dumb girl asked.

" What are you talking about! You literally walked back in front of me and pushed me! " Kary exclaimed.

" Ohh, so you're saying it's my fault? Then maybe I should drag your ass around the base, to teach you a lesson of respect. What do you think, girls? " The big dumb girl asked her friends.

" You're right, Tif. A little respect should help her get back to earth. We wouldn't want her to think she's such a hotshot, right? " The girl on the right said.

" She would never survive a day in here if everyone saw her acting this way. We are doing her a favor here " said the one on the left.

" Just don't leave to many marks on her. She might go cry to Anthony if you do " the one in the middle added.

Kary understood what happened to her. These women were getting jealous of the attention that was put on her, and they wanted to vent it out on her. She didn't know how strong they were, but she would not go down without a fight. So she steeled her mind and got back up.

" Okay. If this is how you want it to be, then so be it " Kary sighed, raising her fists.

" Hah! Look at her, girls. She thinks she stands a chance. I like it! " Tif said, charging at Kary.

Kary didn't think it would be so sudden, so she was a bit taken by surprise. Also, her senses were not as sharp out here than in the game. She raised her hands, wanting to block the fist coming for her face, but her opponent rather punched into her stomach. Kary instantly lost her breath, her legs failing her. As she started dropping to the ground, a knee suddenly appeared in her face, smashing her nose and making a fountain out of it as her head snapped back.

As she fell back, the girls started laughing. To them, this was a game. They never had any thoughts about Kary maybe winning. To them, she was a weak civilian, playing a stupid game. But reality was otherwise. They didn't know the game could strengthen one's body. And Kary's body had been strengthened quite a lot. It wasn't enough to be on equal footing with soldiers, but that, her cultivation could make up for.

Kary sat back up, before getting on her knees.

" Ahahaha! I like it. Kneel before me, bitch! Know your place! " Tif barked, before going in for a last kick to Kary's stomach.

But Kary had been hoping for this. As the foot made it into her reach, she rolled to the side, got up, swiveled to the side whilst channeling her inner energy into her fist. As the energy made it into her fist, some heat waves were leaking imperceptibly. As she struck out, Tif could feel in heart, the immense pressure coming from that fist. But even with her military training, her reflexes weren't enough to dodge this hit. When the fist connected to Tif's stomach, she was sent flying back at a blistering speed. She flew out of the barracks and into the hall. With this scene alerting the people around, some came sniffing around, and others left for the officer's quarters to alert them of shenanigans.

As for the three girls still in the barracks, they were still assimilating what had happened. Once their brain finally connected the dots, they all turned to face Kary. They were ready to fight for their friends' honor. They started walking closer to Kary, circling her to surround her. Kary was prepared. Although she knew she wouldn't win this, she had seen people leaving towards the officer's quarters, so all she had to do, was not die while they came. As she refused to go down quickly, she decided to take the initiative. She jumped right at the soldier in front of her, hitting her on the chin, sending her on her ass. Unfortunately for her, she was not quick enough for anything else, as the 2 girls behind her quickly grabbed both her arms and locked them up with theirs.

Kary could not move at all, she was not getting anywhere, any time soon. As the girl from the middle got back up, she was visibly furious.

" Come on Karen! Show her what happens when you mess with us! " said the girl on Kary's left.

" Yeah show this cunt! " The one on the right added, squeezing Kary's arm harder.

" SHUT UP, BOTH OF YOU! Karen yelled. I don't need you to tell me what to do. That's my role, remember? " She added.

" Sorry Boss " they both answered at the same time.

" As for you, Laflamme. You angered the wrong person. The girl you knocked out, happens to be my sister. And I don't like when people hurt my sister " Karen said, playing around with Kary's nametag.

Karen then punched Kary in the stomach, making her lose breath again. She then started pummeling her. Hit after hit rained on Kary, enough that at one point, she barely knew where she was. This lasted for around 3 minutes before an officer finally arrived.

" All right, break it up, ladies! " The officer hollered. " You three, you're coming with me. Ensign Anderson! " he barked

" Yes, Sir! " The petite Ensign said, getting in attention.

" Get the rookie to the infirmary. I believe she needs some care " The officer said, pointing Kary.

" Yes, Sir! Right away, Sir! " The Ensign said. She then grabbed the half-unconscious Kary and brought her to the infirmary.

Kary woke up half an hour later feeling like a train had run her over. She opened her eyes and all she could see was a white curtain all around. There were hospital machines near her, but she wasn't connected to them. While she was trying to remember how she landed here, a nurse in military garb opened the curtain.

" Welcome back to the living, Miss Laflamme " The nurse said. " You scared us a little back there when you fainted. But fortunately, you'll pull through. You're a tough one, are you? " The nurse continued, checking the time and signing the discharge sheet.

" Who brought me here, Ma'am? " Kary asked.

" Ensign Anderson did. You better not forget to thank her. She had to drag you all away across the base and you fainted halfway. Also, stow the cat away. The higher-ups have made me aware of what it is, but I still don't want to see it in my infirmary " The nurse said.

As she said that, a kitten dropped from the nearby cabinet and walked to her bed. Kary recognized the kitten. It was easily distinguishable since it was white and had tiny flickers of fire spurting from her paws.

" Nala! " Kary exclaimed.

" Miaa " Nala meowed.

Nala could have spoken, but she wouldn't want to scare the nearby humans. So she simply meowed to answer her master.

" Thank you for guarding me Nala " Kary said.

Kary knew why she got out without being summoned. She had probably felt the danger during the fight and wanted to make sure her master's enemies didn't come back to finish her off. Nala climbed up on her master's bed and licked her hand. Nala was only in kitten form to be inconspicuous. She could change at will, and it was a miracle she hadn't come out during the fight. Or else it would not have been in kitten form, and she would have let those four bullies in the state of minced meat.

Kary, seeing that she was okay to move and that the nurse had cleared her, decided to leave the infirmary. She walked back across the base to the barracks. She wanted to take a quick shower and have a change of clothes. She couldn't go train with Anthony with a bloodied face and uniform now, could she? On, her way to the barracks, people kept giving her weird stares. Some even walked out of her path when she got near them. 'What's got into them' Kary thought.

Once she was clean and changed, Kary directed herself towards the training grounds. Anthony had reserved a gym for them the day before and had given her a time to be there. Of course, with the incident from the morning, she would be late.

As she reached the gym, Kary could hear the sounds of a fight from outside. Once she got through the door, she understood why. The 4 bullies from this morning where all there, only they were in terrible shape. The big girl, Tif, was sprawled on the floor, unconscious. The two girls that had held her earlier, were both bleeding heavily from their faces as if someone had beat them with a steel pipe. And Karen, she was on the ring, getting her ass whooped by someone Kary was happy to see. It was Anthony, and he didn't have a scratch on him.

Seeing Kary come in, Karen was furious.

" This is all your fault! Why are you even here, you bitch! " Karen yelled at Kary.

* WACK *

A fist came in from her left leaving her no time to react. She staggered, and while she was trying to get to her senses, Anthony grabbed her by the collar and belt and threw her off the ring.


" Who said you could look away! " Anthony said, looking at Karen with anger and disdain. " You are lucky Kary is not used to fighting out here because if it happened in the game, she would have killed the four of you before you even understood what was happening. Now get out of here! And if I ever hear that you so much as blew into her face, I'll kill you four myself! " He hollered.

The 3 girls grabbed their unconscious friend and hauled ass out of the gym. Anthony then turned towards Kary, his face instantly switching to one of worry. He jumped off the ring and walked up to her.

" Are you alright? " he asked, looking Kary into the eyes.

" Yes, I'm fine. You didn't need to do all this for me, you know? " Kary told Anthony, nonetheless smiling.

" Actually, I did. These 4 goons are part of my squad. So as their commanding officer, I have to apply discipline when they go overboard. I knew they were vindictive bitches, but I didn't think they were stupid enough to gang up on a rookie. No offense " Anthony said.

" None taken " Kary answered.

" Okay! Now are you feeling up to training? " he asked her, smiling ear to ear.

" Well, if it's nothing too intense, I should manage " Kary laughed.

" Wait, are you still in pain? You didn't take the time to heal yourself? " Anthony asked as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

" What do you mean, heal myself? " Kary asked. " It's going to take days to heal this much damage " she added.

" Wow. Something you don't know " Anthony simply said.

" What are you talking about, Anthony? " Kary asked, uncertain what he was talking about.

" Come here, sit " he said, sitting down on a bench nearby.

Kary did as told, still no understanding.

" I heard you punched Tifanny across the hall this morning, is it true? " he asked her.

" Yes. But what does that have to do with now? " Kary responded.

" You used your inner strength to do that. The Chinese call it Chi, others call it by many names. The lab rats call it Biocosmic energy. I just call it life force. Well, it's the same to heal yourself than to hit with it. All you have to do is focus on yourself. Feel the energy. Let it flow through you, and slowly, push it outwards, towards the surface of your body. Your energy knows the form of your body, and anything that is not the way it should be will be fixed by it. Try it, you'll see " Anthony explained.

And so, Kary sat down too. She focused on her energy and went back to her inner self. She focused on circulating her energy and tried pushing it out slowly as Anthony said. In a matter of seconds, she could feel heat in her skin. Her face felt like it was inside a fire. She endured and it slowly calmed down. With the heat leaving, she could feel a sense of refreshment on her face, like it was brand new. She opened her eyes and touched her face. She couldn't feel any swelling and pressure didn't hurt anymore.

Anthony pulled out his phone and took a picture of her face.

* Click *

" Hey! " Kary exclaimed. " What the hell are you doing! " She added.

" Relax. I'm just taking a picture to show you " Anthony said with a light laugh.

He turned the screen to her and she was stunned. Her face was completely healed. Her skin even seemed a little pinker, like it had lost 5 years in moments.

" Wow! This is amazing! " She exclaimed.

" Right? " Answered Anthony. " Okay, then let's get to training then. You didn't think you were off the hook right? After what happened this morning, you need it even more " Anthony said, getting up.

" I wouldn't even hope " Kary happily answered.

He was right, after this morning's beat down, Kary knew she needed to get stronger out here. The real world was not like the game. She didn't level up, and she would need to train to get stronger. So the faster she got to it, the better.

Their training schedule was established by both of them. Starting from 8 am, they would do physical training until noon. Then they would eat, before going up on the ring, and spar for 2 hours. They would then call it a day, at 3 pm, leaving Kary time to relax before she would connect into the game at 8 pm for the night. And so, like this, would her daily schedule be set. Her days wouldn't vary much from then on out.