A meeting with Mifune

- I'm not carrying you, and that's final! - She growled, tired of the constant requests.

- Come on Lin-Lin, doesn't seeing me like this make you feel pity? - I remarked purposedly limping my leg.

- My name is Linja, not Lin-Lin! - She said while blushing.

We had both been walking for miles at this point. She led the way while I followed her exhausted. It felt like I would need a whole week of rest before I could recover entirely, but for now being able to walk seemed enough. During that time I had continously bickered her about requests. I had been capable of making her carry my armor, but I suppose carrying me was her limit.

It didn't take long before she asked:

- So Rod, how come your father knows about this scroll?

- So you can call me by nicknames but I can't?

- Just answer the question. - She demanded tired of my constant bickering, but I think that, deep down, she enjoyed it. It couldn't be healthy to travel alone for so long with no one to annoy her constantly.

- I'm not too sure myself. My dad used to work in close contact with the previous samurai general and I suppose that's when he found out about it.

- And he told you?

- Initially as a kid's story, but the more I thought about the more it made sense. Before Mifune became the samurai general, and even before the First Shinobi World War, the Land of Iron welcomed ninja with open arms, even training some there. Only after the samurai realized how violent and unreasonable the ninja were, with the First War, did we decide not to meddle with them. The only contact my land has had with ninja, was with lost visitors, or clan meet-ups. We like to pride ourselves for living in a peaceful land, so it makes sense that our previous connections with ninja and their scrolls would be hidden away.

- They might have destroyed it.

- Something so unique as Iron style jutsu? I doubt it.

- Well, if its inside the main headquarters then I'll have to break in. Guess its the same old approach.

- Samurai aren't like ninja, darling. You'll be captured on the spot. But I can think of something...

- I hate to rely on you, but you're the only one who knows your land, which begs the question... How do you not know where it is?

I shyfully looked down. I was never too good with directions. Everytime I left the Land I would go with someone to guide me. Some teachers told me that its essential for a samurai to know, whether its through the wind or the stars, how to come back home. But as I looked at the starry sky, I only felt lost.

We walked for two whole days, being forced to even sleep in the middle of the jungle at two points. I appreciated the must needed rest, but it was odd not to feel the wind hit my face as I ran through the trees. Now everything just seemed so slow. But I guess its healthy to change the routine once in a while. Linja seemed to be used to this:

- So is this what you normally do? - I asked. I was pretty curious about the way a scroll robber lives. - Do you sleep in the wilderness, looking for the next target?

- I haven't been doing this for that long. Just so you know, robbing scrolls it's my most recent hobby.

- Hobby? What do you do outside of this? - She's starting to get more interesting.

- Hunt, and sleep. I only steal scrolls when I'm bored. - And just like that, puff. All interest in her gone.

With a disappointed look, I went back to sleep as she looked at me with a confused expression.

After two days of travelling, once the gates of the Land were finally in sight, Linja hid her face with her robes, but I quickly interrupted it.

- If I were you I wouldn't do that. I feel like they would be more welcoming of a regular person rather than a ninja. Give me that.

She reluctantly dropped the cloth and kept her face revealed giving me the mask. I put it on, hiding the part of my face that had been cut. She immediately complained, but I explained I was well known, so the mask would have no effect, except for hiding my wound. From Linja's remarks it still looked pretty gruesome, and I didn't need everyone to worry about me now. I wanted to attempt the public approach, since attempting the sneaking ninja way would certainly lead to death, but there was a limit to how public.

She asked:

- So, what's your plan?

- I'm going to request to become one of Mifune's guards.

- You can just do that?

- Oh, I'm pretty acclaimed in this Land. The general has been wanting me next to him for a long time, but I never wanted the responsibility, so I declined. He will definitely agree once I ask him. - I hope she believes this blatant lie.

- Well, one thing is for sure. You're not the common samurai

Proud and happy with the girl's remark, I reached the gates. The guards looked at me, bruised and barely standing, and saw how I had a girl with me. With interest they asked:

- What happenned? You've been gone for two whole days and you come back looking like that and with a girl? We were about to call some help to go find you.

- I had to go meet up with my girlfriend, and with her, things always go wild.

An awkward silence came with that sentence, followed by the uncontrolable laughter of the guards.

- You? With a girlfriend? Ha! And I thought you were the one in trouble. - The guard looked at Linja, with a joking expression. - Girl, you may enter the village, but I'd recommend you to stay away from him. He's kind of the loser of the village.

With tears about to burst from my eyes I pushed her along with me. While grinning, she remarked with fake princess-like tone:

- Oh, great loser of the Land of Iron, please guide me to the general's headquarters, so we may acquire our dreams.

I couldn't even say anything with all the embarassment. We walked towards the samurai headquarters, reaching it somewhat nonchalantly. Once we entered the place I came across a samurai, and requested to meet with the general. He thought it was an odd request, however he seemed like he was in a rush, and pointed in the direction of the room Mifune was currently at, which was surprising. Mifune did in fact show himself in public quite often. He wasn't ever in real danger, since he was always followed by guards, and due to his own abilities, even if someone were to attempt to even hurt him, the threat would be dealt with immediately. Like I said before, the samurai were proud of their peaceful land. Even then I supposed it would take at least some waiting until he was available.

Me and Linja entered the door that led to his office, spotting him dealing with some paperwork. Two guards stepped forward, stopping us from advancing and asked:

- Why have you come here?

- I wish to discuss something with the general.

They looked at me in search of anything threathening. Thankfully I had left my armor and cracked weapons at my house before, and posed no threat. They let me through, and Mifune looked up at me as I introduced myself:

- Its an honor to see you, general. My name is Roderick and I have come here to request something of you. - Noticing my injuries, Mifune clearly asked:

- What happenned? Have you encountered any threats?

- Not at all, sir. In fact, I came here to prevent future ones. I wish to become one of your guards. - Mifune looked bored with my request.

- Get out of here, kid. You know getting that position requires more than a request.

- I know, sir. That's why to prove that I'm worthy, I challenge you in a test of laidõ! If I win, I get to become a guard.

After hearing my remark, the two guards advanced at me, getting in between me and the general in a heartbeat:

- Don't think anyone can challenge Mifune like that. - Said the guard. - Plus, Mifune is widely known as the best user of laidõ, you could never... -

- Enough. - Commanded Mifune. The guard immediately stiffenned and got quiet. - I like your courage, Roderick. I accept your challenge. Let's move elsewhere.