Teaching the obvious

- Wow. Just wow. - Said Renji speechless. - Even I haven't had such a thrilling match. - I told him everything that happenned with Kakashi, while hiding any detail about Linja and the Iron scroll. I didn't want to get the wrong attention.

- Well, the thrill is nice, but not when I lose in the end. Beside, with your ability all your fights must be massacres. - I complimented him. Something I always tried to do, since I didn't want to get on his bad side.

- I wouldn't go so far as to call it massacres. But I do admit that so far the struggles have been simple. - There's his fake humbleness, almost as fake as my pride as the town's loser. Honestly, we were perfect for each other. - Also, if you're going to train like that, tell me. I'd love to aid you in getting stronger.

- Its not like you have the time, now that you're working here.

- I'll make time. I miss you, man. Everyone here just seems... you know.

- What exactly does he know? - Commented the guard, still by the door listenning to everything. I quickly asked him:

- What are you still doing here? Don't you have a better place to be.

- I was instructed by the great Mifune to watch over you and tell him if you're well and ready for the lecture.

- Then go tell him right now. I'm sick of seeing your stupid face.

- At least I didn't bash it against the wall. - Responded the guard, without realizing he had admitted to having a stupid face. He then left to do exactly as I told him. Authority sure feels good.

- You're already going to speak with him? You really don't stop.

- You know I'm not one to slow down. But we still have time to talk and there's something I'd like to ask you. - He was the person I trusted the most, and now with no guard to watch over us, I had to tell him. - Do you know where the Iron scroll is?

- You do realize that that's just a tale?

- A very believable one. - I looked him straight in the eyes. If there was one thing we had in common, it was our stubborness.

- It doesn't seem like you'll give up so fine. I personally don't know if its real, but if its somewhere its in the tomb of ancient generals. Its actually something I've discussed with a couple partners, and its the only place it could be. - I heard footsteps from outside the door.

- Thanks man, give me the specifics later. I've got somewhere to go now.

The stupid face guard appeared alongside Mifune who seemed surprised by the presence of Renji.

- I didn't realize you already had contacts with someone here.

- Yeah, we're best buds since samurai school. - I commented. Renji seemed startled by how relaxed I was, but even with someone of such high respect I wasn't going to drop my cool, like I said, I have my fake pride as the town's loser to protect.

- You're more impressive than you seem. - My body warmed up in satisfaction. It felt so good to be complimented once in a while. - Renji, could you leave your friend for now? I've got matters to deal with him. - Renji bowed in front of the general and left the room. Now it was just me, Mifune and stupidface. - Come with me Roderick. - I got up and followed after him.

We reached the intended room, the same as the one the challenge had taken place before, even the dolls were still there. The samurai general sat on the floor, and so did I right after. He asked calmly:

- You're a user of Taijutsu, are you not?

- How did you know? - He got right to the point. I have no idea how he could have known, but still I was scared that it would raise suspicion. If a ninja like Kakashi was capable to detect in a fight, it would make sense someone else would.

- I saw you open one of the Eight Inner Gates in our duel before.

- Really? Didn't think it would be that noticeable. - He had a serious expression, which even my cool couldn't survive against, so I tried to explain things. - Look, I know what it looks like. A samurai that knows Taijutsu just seems like a ninja in disguise, right? - Why does it feel like I'm making the situation worse? - But I found out about these gates very recently. I opened one by accident.

- Accident? - Gasped Mifune in surprise. The guard went closer to him and said some words that I couldn't hear. Was he protecting me? Was Stupidface really capable of that? It didn't take long for Mifune to speak once more. - I'm sorry for my surprise, but I didn't think such a thing was possible.

- Is opening a gate something rare?

- Yes. I know only of one Guy in the Leaf Village capable of such a feat, and it took lots of training to do so. However, what's most interesting is that he is a ninja. I never heard of a samurai with such abilities. Not only that, but your laidõ.

- My laidõ?

- You're the first one I've ever seen go such a distance with a mere unsheathing of the sword. Could you explain what laidõ is to me? - The master of laidõ is asking me to explain what it is? I've never been more confused. But I wasn't going to refuse the request.

- Laidõ is the technique of unsheathing the sword as fast as possible by igniting your chakra within the scabbard and propelling your sword outwards.

- Igniting?

- Yes. Is that wrong? - Mifune made a smile. He was seriously amused.

- You're the first one to ever think of it in such an extreme way. I suppose that explains the condition of your scabbars. With all the explosions within it, its a surprise it didn't break earlier. In laidõ, all we do is easen the outwards pull of the sword by getting rid of any unecessary atriction that could slow it down. We do this by enraveling it with chakra as dense as the air itself, so that the sword isn't affected by any outside force. We don't ignite the sword, we simply cover it with chakra. Very similarly to our sword strikes, which use the chakra to make the weapon stronger, however laidõ takes a much more specific amount of chakra. - My mind felt dizzy. Did I get it all wrong this whole time? But so much made sense.

- That would explain why that happenned. I was never capable of strenghtening my sword, so obviously laidõ wasn't an option. Aahh... I'm even more of a loser than I thought.

- No Roderick, you're special. And I want you to teach me your way of the sword. - My heart trembled upon these words. The general wants to learn from me?

- Mifune, I mean no disrespect, but are you sure about this? This kid has been doing this by accident. God, it feels like everything he does is accidental. He might not even know how to teach that.

- Rakuma, you really think I'm incapable enough not to understand a technique by observing it?

- No sir, I'm sorry. - Stupidface Rakuma looked down ashamed. Mifune was just too awesome of a person.

I got up, feeling energized, happy, and was excited to teach the general. Rakuma handed me a scabbard with a sword inside, attached to a belt. I put on the belt, and my hand on the scabbard. I started teaching him about my technique. Mifune got up attempting the same, and accidentaly let the sword go against the wall. If it was me, everyone would laugh, but with him, we all just stood there in awkward silence. A couple more failed attempts of his happened, and then he said:

- Roderick, how long did it take you to learn this?

- About a year of training, sir. But I believe a man of your skill would be capable of it in a couple days.

- Don't overestimate an old man like me. - He pointed at the bandages in his head. - Since Hanzõ, its been tough to teach this old dog new tricks. But I believe its possible as well. That's why I want you to stay here as an intern until I do. I know its not the guard position you were hoping but its the best I can give.

- And its more than someone like me deserves, sir. Sorry for treating you so rudely, and challenging you, and...

- Roderick, its fine. I don't want you to lose your drive. I'm glad you're capable of being yourself even here. I'm going to be training with you, but, I hope you have your own training as well. We'll see who succeeds first. Me with your impulsion, or you with the sword strenghtening? Its the challenge I give to you. Rakuma will guide you to your quarters, so you can rest. See you tomorrow.