Naraka's Path to Pain

- 5 Sealing Slashes! - Shouted Lai, launching a handfull of chakra against the strange man.

After the supposed murderer got caught off guard by mine and Renji's double strike, he fell on the ground, and seeing his opportunity, Lai decided to keep him there. Now all the slashes he had done with his sword were enveloping his wrists, ankles and neck, sticking him on the ground. The Sealing Slashes is a technique used by samurai for interrogation purposes, since the user of the technique must maintain his focus on the chakra leashes. If Lai were to attempt to strike the fallen man, the chakra would lose its concentration and the man would be free. Therefore, even though he wanted to, he couldn't keep him still and stab at the same point. Time to get some information.

Lai got up close to him, avoiding confronting either me or Renji. We were too deep in our fight and there wasn't much that could drive us away from it. He observed the man up close. He had spiky orange hair held by a headband with a familiar symbol. Three needles were sticking out from his ears and his face had several small stones holding it together. It was an horrific sight, that only got worse with his purple eyes. The only part of his looks that I found somewhat pleasing to the eye, was the black robe with red flames drawn on it

Lai then started the interrogation:

- So you're from the Akatsuki? - As a guard of the samurai general, Lai had some knowledge about the ninja part of the world, so it wasn't too hard for him to reach that conclusion.

- Yes. Now free me.

- I thought the Akatsuki were a force to bring peace and justice to the world. Why did you cause this? Why did you paint this forest red with the blood of my comrades? - Lai was clearly distressed, however the orange-haired man seemed calm.

- This is purely a misunderstanding. Let me go.

- Answer me! - Lai shouted.

The man on the ground seemed to finally show some emotion, in this case, annoyance. He put his hand on the ground and from it a huge amount of chakra appeared in the form of purple flames. Lai took a step back, while keeping the Akatsuki man restrained. From within the purple flames a huge face emerged and his mouth opened it showed countless teeth. He was wearing a crown with the name written on it, King of Hell. Lai didn't know what it was, but what surprised him the most was that he was the only one who seemed to even notice it. Me and Renji were still on a life-or-death match, while Rakuma looked from afar, uncapable of moving very well. Lai didn't mind facing an enemy on his own, but the lack of info made the situation terrifying.

- What is that? - Lai asked curious, however that was a fatal mistake. He shouldn't have opened his mouth, since his tongue got several times larger, getting big enough for the huge head to grab it.

He had no other option but to drop the seal he had on the Akatsuki man, but he realised it was for nothing, since he wasn't capable of even interacting with the King of Hell. The Akatsuki man got up and said:

- You made a mistake when keeping me with your chakra. When I get a hold of someone or their chakra, I'm capable of summoning the King of Hell. - Lai was terrified, and couldn't even move. - You are now being put in place by your own life force, the longer you resist, the more it sucks it out of you. So let's make this quick. Its my turn to start the interrogation.

Lai looked at the man, and muttered a question:

- Who are you?

- I'm Pain. - Lai got surprised. He didn't think the man would reveal his identity. - I'm telling you this as an example as to what you should do. Tell the truth. Lie, or try to withhold information and you will die. - Lai nodded. He had no secrets, so there wasn't any point in lying to the enemy. - Have you seen or come across any man resembling me, also know as Pain?

- Another Pain? No... I have no idea what you're talking about. - Pain waited for a bit, and seeing nothing happen, remarked.

- You're telling the truth. Good. Then, second question, where is the fugitive of the clan of... - Pain swiflty stepped back, narrowly avoiding Rakuma's punch.

The giant fell forward right after, still damaged from the explosion. The King of Hell's head closed his mouth and Lai's tongue went back to normal, however he felt exhausted, as if his own life force had been used against him.

- Are you okay, Lai? It looked like you were in a pinch.

- I had everything under control, but I appreciate the help.

Pain looked displeased but not surprised. He expected resistance and with his Rinnegan it was easy to avoid Rakuma's attack, especially now after being previously hit by me and Renji, He wasn't going to fall for that again.

- You both should give up trying to fight me. With your current conditions and the element of surprise gone, you won't be able to beat me.

Rakuma growled in anger:

- You think I'll let you go after... - Lai put his hand in front of him.

- Stop that. He's not the one who killed these people. However I still feel like he poses a threat.

- At the moment I am a neutral entity. I'm not here to help you, nor hinder, I'm only here to gather information, and I can already see that all of you are useless in that department. - He started moving away. Lai asked.

- You're leaving?

- My business here is done. You seem to be the ones in charge of the investigation of this massacre, and yet you know so little. I doubt anyone from your land would know more, and if the Deva Path does show up, so be it. He's always been the one most prone to justice, I guess I'm just not as determined, but I'm not against it, if anything, I'm curious about how it'll turn out. I wonder if any of you will even survive it. I'll come back later, maybe bring someone with me and find him. And once I come back, I advise you not to get in my way.

Pain started running and kept gaining speed until neither of the teachers could see him. Lai and Rakuma let out a sigh, as if some worries were gone, even if others had arisen. They looked back and saw me and Renji on the ground.

I had a tough fight with him, not sure how long it even lasted, but we eventually dropped on the floor exhausted, or in Renji's case, frustrated. I was content. I was able to keep up with him when he was at his best, I hope. If I find out he wasn't even trying, I'm going to be really mad later. I looked up and said:

- You know what, Renji? You really shouldn't let these things get to you. You must know you're not the best. If that was the case, what's the point of a teacher, right?

- I know. It's just... I always used you as a way to measure my success, and seeing you so strong, I just... I just couldn't believe it. I really am a monster, ain't I?

- No, you're just a spoiled brat who can't take having a loser beat him at anything. - I laughed, but I felt like Renji was frowning. - Are we still friends?

- You really think a petty squabble would ruin our friendship?

- Good to hear. Just try not to lose your head next time.

Lai and Rakuma watched us with a grin, but Lai suddenly realised something awful:

- Wait, if we are all beat up, how will we get back to the Land of Iron? - He said afraid, as me, Renji and Rakuma heard in terror, but then followed it up with a laugh,

If there's anyway we're getting back. It's together.