Prison Life

(Renji's perspective, three weeks ago)

- Hey Renji, could you clean cell 108? - The guard asked, in a friendly tone. - They made a real mess there.

- It's Gordo again, isn't it?

- Yup.

After a week in prison I was now their lead dirt erradicator, which to be honest, was just a cooler name for male maid. In the beggining, I focused on my own cell. I couldn't let a single speck of imperfection fall upon my new lair. It would be unforgivable. However, I caught the attention of the guards, and once they saw my cleaning skills, I was now in charge of the whole prison. It was a lot of work, but it was definitely better than hanging out with the slugs they call prisioners. The worst of them all, was Gordo. A huge man they said was captured twenty years ago, for attempting to ruin the forest around the village. I never took the ninjas as environmental, but one look at Gordo and you'd know his place was in jail.

- Hey Renji.

- Did you barf again, Gordo? - I didn't need an answer, the stink was more than enough.

- Today was Udon Tuesday, so I went a little overboard.

- You disgusting beast. - I mumbled as I picked up my brush.

- Hey, Renji, have you heard of Jackal? I haven't seen him today.

- Don't talk to me like we're friends. - He proceeded.

- You didn't see him either, huh. They probably took them to the experiments. They say that the guards choose the ones who are most powerful and send them to the ANBU to get experimented on.

- I doubt that.

- Oh, why is that?

- Because I'm still here. - I washed the broom in the water in the bucket, as it turned into a vile green. My sensation of disgust only worsened by Gordo's laughter.

- Ha ha ack! - He coughed. - You crack me up, Renji. Now be careful out there. Try not to get snatched! Otherwise I'll be forced to save you! Ha ha ack!

I left his cell, relieved from his vile stench, as I thought to himself "The abduction's are merely a myth. Even if they were real, they wouldn't be able to catch me."

I returned to my cell, as I laid on my bed. I was in no disposition to go eat dinner, not after seeing what it did to Gordo. I decided I should rest for a bit, but right before I fell to dreamland, a voice called me.

- Get up, inmate! - I looked to the side, and saw several ninjas with masks close to the bars. They seemed familiar.

- You're the ANBU, aren't you? Sigh... - I could already guess what they wanted. - Look, I know I killed two of you, and for that I am truly sorry. The beast took over me, I didn't want to...

- Shut up, we're not here for that.

- Wait, seriously? Why not? You have all the right to.

- You want to be punished, don't you?

- I don't seek it, but I'll accept what comes my way.

- I've seen you clean this disgusting place. Do you think that's some sort of redemption?

- No, idiot. Have you seen how disgusting this place is? I just didn't want to feel like puking all the time. Look, if you're not here to call me out, then what are you here for.

- The beast inside you. - The ANBU man seemed serious, however...

- I'm afraid I have bad news. It's dead. - The ANBU seemed shocked. - It was barely a replica of a beast to begin with, it couldn't survive for long without a steady link to chakra. Once I cut ties with it, it could no longer survive.

- Is that so? - The ANBU didn't seem convinced. - We should make some tests just to be sure.

- And why would I let you do that? - If these guys want to test on me that much, they better have something to give in return.

- The beast inside is a threat both to yourself, and the entire village. I don't see what's wrong with making sure it's gone. There's nothing we owe you. - Nothing, huh?

- If that's the case than you better leave. I'm not interested. - l laid back in bed.

- Then we'll bring you the hard way. - In a quick motion, I jumped out of bed and narrowly avoided one of the ninja's blade, which cut the bed in half. The other three came at me with their weapons, as they tried to knock me out. One's kunai cut the side of my stomach, as I tried to move past him. If walking wasn't an option, then brute force it is.

- RAAARGHH! - I shouted as I tackled the ninja, throwing them all out of the cell. We all fell to the ground, only to quickly get up and ready our battle stances in the middle of the prison's corridor. I shouted:

- Guards! - But no one responded.

- It's pointless to call them. They can't help you.

With four well-trained ninja before me, and no weapon in hand, my situation was dire. They mocked:

- Samurai are worthless without their weapons. Just give up.

- Who told you I don't have any weapons. - I focused within me and guided the chakra reserved in my heart, towards my hands. Each finger of mine irradiated lighting, as the chakra in my hands took form, turning into a blade. - I am a weapon! - The ninja looked at me in surprise, and one of them even laughed.

- I actually got scared there for a minute, but you don't even have a nature for your chakra, do you? You might as well just kill yourself. All that chaotic power will kill you before it even hits us.

- Don't think I haven't learned from my mistakes. - I aimed the sword forward like a lance. All this chaos is dangerous, all you have to know is where to aim it.

I hit my sword with a discharge of power, as the hall began to be destroyed. All its uncontrolable power was directed in front of me, hitting my surroundings without hitting me, even though the strain in my hands was starting to hurt.

The ANBU dodged back, as they tried to figure out where to go, but it was pointless. If they tried to jump over they would simply get struck by my chakra. Once they hit a wall it's over. I just need to walk forward and...

"Such delicious chakra.". Part of my strands of blue chakra turned red, as a voice within me spoke. Once I closed my eyes for a split second, I was no longer in the prison, now I was in the presence of the Decaying Fox.

"Give it to me. Give it all!!", Its voice sounded like agony, as each word stabbed me like a knife.

- Stop. I got rid of you!

"I am eternal! Feed me and I will aid you."

- I don't need your help.

I opened my eyes again to reality, as a ninja's kunai hit me in the shoulder. My chakra blade was extinguished, but it didn't mean it couldn't be brought again. I hit my own head, telling myself to focus, as I then concentrated the chakra back on my arm, however the beast's voice returned.

"Yess. Mine. Give all that chakra to me."

I jumped back as I avoided one of the ninja's fireballs. If I attempted to use my chakra, the beast would attempt to take control. So I can't use my own power... Fine. I'll just have to get weapons some other way.

Two of the ANBU leapt forward as they thrusted with their blades. After dodging the first slice, I countered him with a punch, and bent back to avoid the second blade, and grab it with my hand. I kicked him to the side, as my bloody hand kept hold of the sword. Now I can battle...

- AAGH!! - The remaining two ANBU shot out two fireballs, hitting me the moment I got a weapon.

I dropped the sword as I fell on the ground burned. I couldn't move, and wasn't able to stop the ninja as they picked me up. I quickly lost consciousness.

Once I finally woke up, I saw myself tied to a wall, unable to move. In front of me was an odd man, covered in bandages. I asked:

- Who are you, and where have you taken me? What do you intend to do here?

- Slow down with the questions. You won't gain anything from being so curious. - The man seemed happy to see me awake. - I was worried my men had gone too rough and killed you.

- Your men? You mean the ANBU? - So he's their leader.

- My name is Danzo, and I'm curious about that beast within you. An incomplete form of the Nine Tails... Orochimaru sure comes up with the oddest things.

- What are you going to do to me?

- We're just here to analyse you. Nothing more. Don't tell me you're not curious about the beast within you?

- Then take me off these chains, and I'll decide if I'll let you analyse me or not!

- You don't make any decisions here, scum. I've heard the beasts tend to appear once their wielder is in mortal danger, so try not to scream as we try to get you to that point. - Danzo clapped his hands, as two ANBU showed up. He removed the cloth from a table, revealing kunais, serrated blades, lightning scrolls... The ANBU had terrifying smiles as they looked at me.

I knew what was coming. Just resist, Renji. Resist it, and they might just let you live.