"OVA" Lai and Tsunade

(Must read at least until chapter 40, "Angry Lady")

Lai had had his hands full. He had been in charge of finding Shisui, an Uchiha man he had already worked with before, to cure his best pal Rakuma from a cursed genjutsu. This trip took him to the Hidden Leaf Village as he was now stuck to being in the Uchiha's house. But he wanted fun.

- I deserve it. After all this hard work. - He said out loud, however, Minata, a rookie samurai, tried to explain to him.

- I understand master, but with how things have been, getting out at night isn't the best idea. Captain Renji and the rookie Roderick are still out there after the ruckus they caused. People will be looking around to put the blame on any samurai they find.

- Don't worry Minata, I am just going to survey the area for potential threats. No one is even going to see me.

- Oh, is that so? Then go right ahead. - Lai left the place with a smile, commenting as he headed out.

- That idiot. Ah ah! I can finally get with the ladies of this village. After all these years with duty driven women samurai, the girls from the maid café, the sexy widows all rejecting me, I can finally get some. - Lai frolicked through the streets. He went straight towards where he had seen a beautiful blonde woman, with a curvaceous body and a black diamond crest on her forehead, head towards. He had no idea where he was getting himself into, but that only increased his excitement, so much so that he couldn't hide it, aa he swinged his arms in his walk. As he had his eyes closed, dreaming about having such a babe wrapped around his arms, a man gasped:

- Hey, everyone, one of the samurai is here! - Another four men joined this one, all wearing headbands for their village, all of them jonin. They were trained ninjas, and they all shared their hatred for the visiting samurai. - How dare you walk here so freely? This isn't your land. - Lai didn't even care. He kept leaping in joy, lost in his untamed dreams. - You bastard! If that's how it is, then we will just kill you right here.

All four ninja swarmed Lai's position, with their kunais ready to slash him. However they all just seemed to go through him. The leader looked back, noticing Lai's blade as halfway unsheathed. Lai looked at him, saying after a sigh:

- I can do whatever I want, whether it's my land or not. - He sheathed his sword, as blood splattered intensely from the four ninjas' bodies. They all fell to the ground. A couple died right there and then, the rest could only feel dread.

Lai kept frolicking around, now whistling his own happy tune. He finally reached the place, and looked up.

- Konoha's betting house? So a casino of sorts? I wonder what brings such a bodacious lady to these parts. - He entered the place, only to be almost deafened by striking shouting.

- Hey you shitstains! You're cheating. I can't accept to lose like this.

- We already played ten times, you're out of money, plus you reek of booze! Get out of here Tsunade! - Two strong looking man tried to carry her out of there, but she quickly stood her ground. With insane strenght, she twirled her arms throwing the two men against the walls.

- Another game! - She shouted, as the rest of the men started to back away. The dealer answered.

- You don't have any money. There's nothing you can bet. - Tsunade looked to the side, to a worried woman and begged.

- Give me some of yours. It's just one more game. I'll win for sure this time.

- That's what you said three games ago. We should really leave, Lady Tsunade. There's nothing more we can... - That's when Lai decided to intervene.

He smashed 1000 yen against the player's table, and said.

- I'll pay for this beauty's next game. - The dealer and the security gasped. Only to then comment.

- You think a 1000 yen is enough for this high stakes game? - Lai looked at him with bloodthirst.

- It is now. - The dealer was spooked, nodding to avoid anymore trouble. He started thinking to himself "What kind of deranged man would ever do this for Tsunade?"

Tsunade got beside him, and held his hand.

-Thank you so much stranger, but I'm afraid I can't accept t... - Tsunade took a look at Lai's face as her booze slightly distorted her vision. His long white hair, his relaxed demeanor... She couldn't keep herself from calling him. - Nawaki...

- Who? - Lai asked in confusion.

- Nawaki. I suppose it makes sense. - Her drunk mind started playing tricks. - Only him could do something so kind. It's like a true blessing. But since when do you have a moustache?

Lai quickly turned around. This was his chance. Whoever this Nawaki was, was definitely a past or maybe even a current lover of hers. If he could disguise himself as him, he could possibly trick the woman, and make her fall into his arms. But he would have to risk his moustache. His symbol of admiration towards Mifune, his most prized possession that took him decades to grow. Would he really be able to risk it to get a lady? Lai, quick enough for no one to notice, unsheathed his blade and slashed off his moustache. He made his choice and turned around.

- Yes, I am Nawaki, darling, and I have no moustache. I've come here to help you. Now beat him in poker. - Tsunade got on her tiptoes, directing Lai to lower himself, as she kissed him in the forehead.

- I'l beat this cheater. - Tsunade left as blood started rushing from Lai's nose... no... wait, his upper lip.

In the attempt of cutting his moustache, Lai had accidentally pierced thorugh his own lip. He had to hide it, he couldn't let her see it. As Tsunade began her game, he went towards her assistant. At worst he could hide it with his hand, at best he could get lucky enough to get two ladies that nigth. She was the first to speak:

- You idiot. There's no turning back from what you did.

- What? First tell me, what's your name? - Lai uncovered his lip, as he graciously swinged his arm. - I wish to know the title behind such a wondrous lady.

- Your lip is bleeding. - She noted disgusted, as Lai hurriedly tried to cover it. - But to answer you, I am the legendary sannin Tsunade's assistant. And you just royally screwed up.

Lai could only look back at Tsunade's game, in dread. However something caught his eye. The dealer took a card out from undernearh the table, held it in his hand and pretended to take another from the deck. He really was cheating.

- Hey! - He stopped him. - I saw you take that card out.

- You saw nothing, you idiot. - He tried to get rid of the hidden deck, but Lai was faster. He unsheathed his sword, piercing right through his shoulder.

- Nawaki! - Tsunade shouted, as she grabbed his shoulder and started to twist it. She couldn't have him kill the dealer.

- Ah! Stop that. I just caught him red-handed. - Tsunade stopped.

- Really? - She looked at the dealer who was shrieking in pain.

- Fine. I was using a hidden deck. But stabbing me is a little extreme.

- Don't worry. You won't even feel it. - Lai took out the sword as a light shined from it. The dealer's wound was quickly healed. - Now, give all the money back to her, or next thing I stab won't be your shoulder. - The scared dealer talked to his guards, as they left. They came back with the money, as Tsunade left with a smile alongside Lai.

- Thank you, samurai. - She commented. Lai was worried, but he couldn't abandon his lie.

- I'm no samurai, I'm your lover, Nawaki.

- What? What kind of rumors have you been hearing? Nawaki was my brother. - Tsunade punched him in the top of his head, pushing his face towards the ground. Lai slowly got back up, feeling both pain and disappointment, until... - Wait, are you bleeding? - Lai's upper lip bleeded intensely, Tsunade felt responsible. - I'm sorry, I guess i got a little too ahead of myself, after all, you did save me. Let me heal that for you. - Tsunade extended her hand to heal his wound, however, Lai grabbed her hand.

- There is another pain much greater in need of healing. - He got his mouth closer, kissing her passionately. - The pain in my heart. - The moments their lips left one another, Tsunade punched him once more, and started to leave in an even worse mood. Lai couldn't let that happen. He got up and went after her. - Where the hell did you get all this strenght? - Lai thought it odd. The only other person that powerful was Rakuma, but unlike her, he actually looked strong. Tsunade answered, without even looking at him, while she walked quickly away.

- It's medical ninjutsu at its best.

- What? I know medical jutsu, and I never heard of super strenght. - Tsunade slowed a bit.

- Yeah, you did heal the guy you stabbed through. You even did it with your sword.

- Exactly. I used the principles of medical jutsu to garner chakra inside of me. I've been doing it for years, and I only tap into it when healing others.

Tsunade stopped. She was shocked. Lai had accidentally stumbled upon her trademark technique without ever using it to its full potential. She had never met someone like this before. She asked:

- And you never thought to use that to increase your strenght?

- I didn't think it was possible. - Lai was also surprised. He never expected to find such useful information in a trip to the Leaf. He wanted to ask more, however Tsunade's assistant showed.

- Lady Tsunade, it's an emergency. A kid lost his arm.

- What? I need to go reattach it. It was odd meeting you Lai. - Tsunade ran away to her duties. And even though it seemed like it was over, Lai wasn't ready to give up. He could still feel the flavour of her lips, he couldn't let her be.

A couple days passed, Renji was imprisioned while the Hokage would decide his fate and the hate towards the samurai lowered. Lai could peacefully walk the streets of Konoha without having to kill anyone, which was truly a relief. A few ninja went to investigate the deaths of the ones he had slashed through, but hopefully he would leave before they made any advancements on that case. Still, Tsunade was on his mind and on one day, as if by miracle, an opportunity lent itself to him to see her again.

The failed samurai, Roderick, was now staying at her house, recovering from his severed arm. Lai never cared too much about him, and would never go out of his way to check up on him, however it was his only excuse at the moment. He knocked on the door of Tsunade's residence. She opened it, only to then immediately close it on his face once she realized who it was. Lai knocked again, as Tsunade shouted:

- Get out of here, you pervert! I swear this village has more than enough men like you.

- I'm here to see your wonderful ti... I mean, visit my... humm... "friend", Roderick. I hear he's healing here. - Tsunade turned back, and opened the door once more.

- You know, I knew you were a samurai, and yet I didn't make the connection. If that's all it is, come on in, but if you try anything...

- I will get my ass kicked. I get it. - Lai entered the house, as he looked around in awe. It was rare the times where a woman would consent to him entering their house. The best part though was Tsunade's choice of wardrobe. She had one towel wrapped around her body, as her wondrous hair fell on top of her shoulders. She complained:

- Could you stop looking at me with such a stupid grin, and look at your friend already? I'm headed towards the hot bath. - Lai forced himself to look away, and approached Roderick. He didn't know how to feel.

"Oh no! A samurai I brought with me on this mission got his arm cut. I should probably worry.", would probably be what he should be thinking, but he always found the boy suspiscious. He didn't know what it was, but he was sure there was more to that kid than he led to believe.

He didn't take long, and quickly left the room, only to once again meet up with Tsunade. She had now wrapped her hair with a towel. She began explaining.

- Healing that kid was a really hard procedure. Reattaching every vein, reconstructing bones, all to restitch an arm was really draining.

- But you're the only one who could do it, and you didn't even doubt yourself. That's how amazing you are. - Tsunade was taken by surprise by Lai's kind words.

- You think so? It's not like I had an option.

- Helping a samurai that the whole village was into killing, isn't an ultimatum. You clearly had a choice, and the one you took just goes to show that you have a beautiful ass... - Tsunade began getting mad. - Heart! You have a beautiful heart! - Tsunade calmed down and looked down in thought, before looking at Lai in the eyes.

- You think you'd do the same in your land? If you were capable enough to heal someone like this?

- Of course. - Lai answered immediatelly. - But I'm not yet at your level.

- I suppose I could teach you. Sigh... fine. You can stay for a bit. I'm headed towards the hot bath.

Tsunade left the room, passing by the recently awake Roderick. Lai changed his clothes and did the same, ordering Roderick not to ruin this for him as he also passed by him. He followed Tsunade to the therm, as she commented.

- I didn't really invite you to come with me.

- I just want to learn more medical jutsu as quickly as possible.

- I guess that's fine. - She sat on a rock. - But first give me a foot massage. I'm exhauted. - Lai quickly kneeled before her, as he used precises strikes to get rid of the tension on her feet, however his focus was quickly directed towards the dark shadow that the towel covered her thighs in. Tsunade spoke:

- So, how close are you to him? - Lai shook his head to get his focus back.

- Oh... humm... I'm a samurai master and he's a rookie I brought along. He's my student's rival, but not much more.

- Wait, samurai master? Is that like a jonin?

- Not really. It's closer to the sannin.

- So you're the same rank as me. Huh... - Tsunade thought a bit, before realizing

something. - Hey, where are you looking at?!! - Tsunade kicked Lai away, sending him towards the other side of the hot baths..

Lai spit a bit from the impact, complaining:

- I can't believe medical jutsu gives you this much power.

- Oh right, that's why you're here. I suppose this is as good of a chance as any to train you a bit. - Tsunade smiled with a vein popping in her head. She lowered her back to hide her legs, however that only led to a better view of her cleavage, which Lai began to enjoy. Without realizing it, she proceeded. - First, tap into the power you have nurtured and augment it towards your entire body. - Lai got up and began to do as told.

He felt an enormous surge of chakra within, as he tried to cover his entire body with it. In mere moments, changes were already visible, as Tsunade gasped.

- You already have the diamond... - A black diamond appeared on Lai's forehead.

Seeing her reaction, Lai concluded that it worked, but decided to test it, nonetheless. He lift his foot and smashed the ground of the hot baths, leaving cracks all around the stone. He said:

- This is amazing. I wonder how far I can go with this. - Tsunade looked at him with both relief and disbelief. She was lost for words, deciding only.

- I'm leaving. - She got up, as she tried to rationalize the possibility of Lai achieving such mastery in seconds, when it took her years. Lai followed her then, as well as the rest of the day. When she went to sleep, Lai sneaked in, however, expecting this, she woke up and gave him the beating of his life. Roderick didn't take long to recover, and Lai left the residence. He hoped to meet her again, and at the same time dreaded that moment. All he knew for sure was that his luck with women was still the worst, and that he now had another technique in his arsenal to beat anyone.