Good and Bad endings

A large head came off the ground. The King of Hell's mouth opened as the Asura's Path walked out of it. The Nakara Path had successfully revived every fallen Path, now all they had to do was leave the village. Unfortunately there was still one inconvenience.

An injured man got up. He only had one hand, several cuts across his body, and was drenched in the blood of his best friend. Rakuma told them in between heavy exhales:

- You're not leaving this Land unscathed. I won't allow it. - The Paths looked at him in pity.

The man was clearly defeated. He had failed to protect his most precious comrade, and failed to see his own pupil was a dreaded Samunashi. He had saved Renji from a beast, only for him to be overtaken by it again, and when struck with a powerful genjutsu he had failed to free himself from it for months. And now, the only enemies he had been capable of defeating, were alive, and about to leave the Land as if nothing had happened to them. What was once honor and pride in himself, were now mistrust and despair. He knew what he had to do, and yet he was sure he couldn't do it.

- I can't let you leave this place. Not after what you've done.

- And how exactly do you expect to stop us? - Rakuma grabbed his blade with his good hand. The Paths could see though his pain. And they knew what would take to defeat him.

The Deva Path raised his palm, sending a repulsive force towards Lai's corpse, pushing it away. Rakuma looked back, feeling the need to protect his best friend's corpse, only to be stabbed through the chest by the Asura's Path tongue. With the brute immobilized, the Human Path put his hand on him saying:

- I will give a swift end. - Rakuma not accepting those terms, balanced his head back and hit him with a headbutt that pushed him back.

With brute force he broke through the Asura's Path tongue, and enveloped his sword with chakra. The Petra Path quickly absorbed it, only to be knocked away with a kick. The Animal Path invoked a purple wolf, who scratched his hand, forcing him to drop the weapon. Rakuma picked up the wolf from its throat with one arm, throwing it back at the Animal Path. The samurai master recovered his breath, giving the Naraka's Path the chance to catch him with the King of Hell. Rakuma's tongue grew and connected with the one from the invocation. The Naraka Path asked:

- Why do you keep fighting even after you've lost, samurai? - Rakuma knew he had to give an answer, unfortunately, he himself wasn't sure of what it was. All he said was.

- A samurai who dies without fighting isn't a samurai at all. - The tongue snapped, alongside that of Rakuma's. He told a lie, and death would soon follow.

Rakuma felt himself wither away, as the answer came from within. He fought because he didn't know what else to do. It was all that he knew. He tried to be a master, only to have his pupil betray him, he tried to be a guard, but his friend died in his arms. What meaning was there in his life? What else did he have to fight for?

His body fell on the ground as the life that twinkled in his eyes vanished. The Paths observed him, only to leave soon after. Their business there was done.

I looked up at the sky, unable to move, seeing at the side of my vision a determined Renji facing the cause of his beast. He told me he wouldn't kill me yet, but honestly, I think he might have already done it accidentally with all the blood that drenched me. He said:

- Orochimaru, you're going to remove this cursed mark from me right now, or else you die.

- And then who will free you from that? Come on Kurama...

- It's Renji, and only Renji! If I kill you then I'll get someone else to remove this. It can't be that hard.

- Oh, not only is it hard, it's simply impossible. You've linked with that beast, you've even used its power as your own. You have become one with it, so if I remove its essence... I'll remove your soul alongside it.

"Looks like we're stuck together forever.", Kurama said inside Renji's mind.

Renji had already suspected this was the case. He looked down at me still paralysed, and crunched his fist. With anger in his mind, he averted his look towards Orochimaru.

- Then I guess I'll kill you, serpent man. - Renji rushed at Orochimaru as they began their struggle, Lin on the other hand was slowly getting up.

Thankfully she hadn't taken much damage, a couple broken ribs at most. She had fainted before due to exhaustion, but thankfully she had woken up once more. Looking at the situation, she removed a layer of clothes, leaving her top with only a bra. She dragged herself towards me, and began to open my jacket, in an attempt to undress me. I joked:

- I like your forwardness...cough... but I don't think now's the time.

- You stupid pervert. - She said with a grin. With a kunai, she cut though the cloth of my clothes, grabbing a big piece, and cutting it in half. With one half she covered the hole in my shoulder, carefully tying a knot to slow down the bleeding. With the other... I didn't know. Before I coukd ask what was going on, she explained like she read my mind. - I'm going to draw us our way out. I'm not sure if your gray jacket and my brown shirt will be good enough of a template, but it's our only way out.

- You really are amazing, you know that? - She put her hand on her mouth, launching a kiss towards me.

- You get really nice when you're near death. Maybe I should get you like this more often. - She responded with a malicious smile. I was scared.

She began to draw something in the cloth as my attention diverted somewhere else.

- Weapon Change: Halberd! - A chakra halberd was invoked on Renji's hands as he attempted to poke Orochimaru.

With the swiftness of a serpent, the snake man dodged every strike while doing hand seals. With a quick change into a katana, Renji tried to laidõ his way into stopping his seals, but Orochimaru was skillful enough to finish the jutsu while dodging. He did a backflip dodging the strike, and bending himself under and up.

- Fire Style: Snake's Poisonous Fire Breath. - From his mouth came out green flames headed towards the ex-samurai. Renji invoked a shield of chakra, however some of the flames passed through, hitting his arm and melting his skin on it.

- Done! - Lin said, gaining my attention once more.

With one swipe of her hand, a large black and white turtle came out with a shell drawn to fit two people. Its eyes were dots, and his mouth a closed line, Lin clearly didn't waste any time, which begged the question.

- Why a turtle?

- Their backs are easy to mold in drawing. It would look terrifying if I drew a tiger with two seats on its back. Now, get on. - Lin harduously picked my immobile body up with some hardship, and placed me on top of the turtle. We began to move at a regular pace, as if we were walking slowly. We were barely moving away from Renji's fight. I had to ask again.

- Again, why a turtle?! - Lin looked exasperated.

- They're cute and cuddly?

- No, they're no... - I moved my head to the side out of instinct. A chakra slash came flying towards my face, almost cutting through my eye.

- The Worst Kind? The Human Beast? Orochimaru? So many opponents and still no sign of the Paths. Dammit! - Alizo shouted in frustation. She was clearly injured from the Deva Path's Almighty Push, but she could still stand. - Valkyries! I know we're all tired, but let's hunt these guys down! - Three of the four Valkyries beside her shouted in agreement, but one asked.

- What about Captain Renji? He seems to be out of his beast state.

- If he could leave it, then he should have done so before massacreing the people of this Land. Kill him with the others! - The female samurai rushed their opponents in formation to hunt us down. I yelled.

- Why a turtle??!! - Lin exasperately answered.

- I'm fixing it! - With her brush in hand, she began to redesign the turtle's feet. I felt the turtle bumping around, but honestly I rather be uncomfortable than having to face the Valkyries' leader. She was the one who moved towards us, telling us with anger in her eyes.

-You know, Worst Kind, I never got to repay you for impaling my shoulder. Better late than never! - In a fast forward leap, she stuck her sword in the ground, as chakra light emanated in it. The ground succumbed to the power, following a hellish path towards us.

Once it finally reached us, the ground erupted launching me, Lin and the turtle in the air. Alizo jumped from broken floating rock to the next, as she readied a blow. The only one capable of facing of against her was Lin, which left me with one choice. I stretched my hand towards Lin, placing it on her back, concentrating whatever chakra I had left on her. She looked back at me confused, as I told her:

- Go all out, babe! - I closed my eyes, blacking out.

Lin thought to herself: "I feel so much more powerful. Did he just give me chakra? I didn't even know he had any left.". She looked up towards the incoming general's guard, leader of the Valkyries, with only a brush in her hand. She knew what to do.

- Ninja Arts: Turtle's Shell! - With one swift motion, Lin spread the ink in her brush, connecting it with the turtle underneath us, forming a protective layer around us, leaving only a hole underneath. Alizo struck with all her might, cracking the shell, and pushing us back down. Lin probably only had enough ink for one more trick. Her idea of putting rabbit legs on the turtle, while ingenious wasn't enough. She ripped the cloth that composed the turtle's legs and threw it down, directing it with the brush. What remained of the animal was a round shaped shell.

- Ninja Arts: Ramp! - A ramp was formed beneath us, letting the turtle roll on it. We were both now inside a turtle ball, travelling at high speed across the Land of Iron's streets.

Alizo could not be more annoyed, however she wasn't worried. She was more than fast enough to keep up with the rolling shell, and she had enough trust on her remaining Valkyries to finish their target.

Renji tried to hit Orochimaru while avoiding the Valkyries' strikes. He didn't want to kill them, since they were merely innocent samurai warriors following orders, yet they were still a nuisance.

"Come on, you know you want to.", Kurama's voice inside him kept telling him to finish them off. Renji shouted:

- Stop talking! - One of the Valkyries landed a powerful kick in his moment of distress sending him against a building's rubble. Orochimaru commented with a bored expression:

- This is too big of a mess. Guesss it's time I make my exit. Earth Style Release! - Orochimaru's body morphed into that of a large white snake. He dug his head in the ground. Renji shouted.

- Wait! - However it was too late. Orochimaru quickly dug his way through, moving underground. The Valkyires quickly began stabbing the ground trying to hit the snake man, however he was already headed out of the Land.

Renji fell on the ground, hitting his fist against it. White chakra fur began growing across his body, as Kurama's presence became unavoidable. He looked to his side, seeing me and Lin inside an ink ball rolling through the streets. In front of him were 4 Valkyries with him as the only remaining target. Renji told Kurama:

- You want to take over me? To use my chakra?

"I want to work with you boy. Cause carnage only the two of us can do together!", In front of Renji's mouth a Tailed Beast Bomb began forming. The enclosing Valkyries leapt back and gained distance, knowledgeable of the bomb's power. Renji looked directly at me and Lin. Kurama shouted:

"Die, Roderick!", Renji smirked.~

- Or survive if you can. - He shot his Tailed Beast Bomb towards us.

Alizo was one attack away from breaking our only safeguard. She had once again stabbed her sword in the ground to throw us upwards and deliver the finishing strike. Lin held me tightly, hoping for a miracle to happen, and it did. The chaotic ball of beast chakra grazed Alizo's approach, and hit directly against our ink turtle ball. With unstopable force, our ink casket was launched at insane speeds across the air, breaking midflight. Me and Lin were now moving through the air uncontrolably. Across the Land, over the wall, through the icy landscapes, above the forest, we flew away from the Land towards a fatal fall.

Beneath us was a campfire, with a pervy white haired man cooking up something. He sighed to himself:

- I wish I had the chance to see that sexy Lin once more. If only god would let me... - In this moment, he felt something tingling in his sixth sense, his pervert sense. He looked up, seeing me and, especially Lin, flying with only her pants and bra on. With steam shooting off from his nose, Jiraiya was launched upwards. He increased the size of his hair, catching us two midair, in the most comfortable way. Dizzy, and about to pass out, Lin begged him.

- Heal him. - Lin lost consciousness, as Jiraiya noticed my presence in between her arms. He was a bit disappointed, however he was a rigtheous man. He knew what he had to do.

Days passed before I opened my eyes once more. I was now inside a wagon on top of some hay. By my side were two people, Lin and Jiraiya.

- Wha... where am I? - I asked as I slowly opened my eyes.

- Finally! - Lin shouted as she hugged me. I felt pain all over my body, realizing that I was filled with bandages all over it. She proceeded with watery eyes. - I was worried you would never get up.

- Don't worry, not even death can stop me.

- Oh come on, don't wake up with such an awesome line. - Jiraiya complained. - Now I truly feel like I don't have a chance with Lin. - Lin sighed.

- Good. I was getting tired of the constant chasing. - But Jiraiya wasn't finished.

- But just because I feel like that, it doesn't mean I will stop trying.

- Please do stop trying. It's hopeless. - I giggled. Lin and Jiraiya looked at me, asking in unison.

- What's so funny?

- I'm just so happy we can have this type of fighting. The punching and slicing kind was so tiresome. - Lin showed me a nice smile. - So where are we headed?

- To the Hidden Leaf Village to drop off Jiraiya. He helped out a lot in treating you, but now he probably should return to his home.

- I wish I could spend more time with you and your sexy as... - In a quick movement, Lin kicked Jiraiya in the face, creating a hole in the wagon's wall leaving his face sticking out. I asked Lin.

- And after that, where should we go?

- I've put some thought into it, but honestly I don't know.

- We'll do what we've both always done then. - Jiraiya got his face back inside the wagon, as he caressed it. He asked:

- And what's that?

- We'll let fate decide. - The image of a bright future appeared in my head, one where I could live in peace, without any worries of being hunted down, together with Lin. An unknown voice asked:

- And where is fate exactly? - The wagon's driver asked. - I never heard of it. Ha ha!

- It's wherever our life takes us. - I smiled back at Lin, as she smiled at me. The driver seemed annoyed.

- That's still not a place.

- Go wherever you'd like. We'll just stay along for the ride. Does that count?

- All right! Hidden Village of Clouds it is!

The trip continued on with friends gained, and others lost. With powers earned, and others remembered. But most importantly, it continued with Lin by my side. Whatever came my way, I was ready. Bring it on, life!


Done, finished, fin. I'm sorry if you're hoping for more, I did stupidly leave certain open ends, which I've found has become somewhat inevitavle for me, but I legitimately don't want to write this anymore. I hope you've enjoyed Roderick's adventure, and are not too mad about his name choice xd. Leave a review if you've enjoyed it, and even if you didn't, I appreciate all kinds of criticism. Goodbye and have a good time.

P.S. I never watched Naruto, I was just interesting in its world, and when I found out there were samurai in a ninja shounen, I thought it would be fun to write about them.