Chapter Three: The White Eyes

A Power Of Light came out of the tape, as if someone was trying to break free. "Help Me, Natural...I'm stuck in this video tape" it said as Natural notice and turned to the tape "guys I think somethings trapped inside there" Natural cases his Narration and reversed the curse and Calabaza broke free as they were shocked "CALABAZA You we're in that video tape" They all said as Zero came down stairs annoyed "what's with all the yelling" zero said curious as he walked in and covered his mouth as he looked around the training room "It's ruined, We Just Got this room too. You know how much money we had to spend for this room to be created" zero said as Scrotris crosses his arms "you don't even go in here half of the time" Unknown said as he turned to Natural "How did Calabaza get inside that VHS tape in the first place" Unknown then looked at Calabaza as a white orb appeared as bright as the sun's, splitting Natural And the others apart "Hey, guys were did you all go" Zero looked around as he bumped into Neely "Ouch That Hurt, Who's there. Man it is pitch black in here I can't see a thing" Neely said as Zero poked Neely "zero is that you" Neely said trying to figure out who's that as zero laughs "yeah it's me" Zero spreads his hand, then spreads light across the room as Neely looked around surprised "I didn't know you could do that" Neely said as zero confused "do what" zero said while walking towards Calabaza "Hey look, Calabaza is with us" zero said. "Woah...Natural, Static" Unknown called out as static looked around "Oh Great I'm stuck the Masked Face" Static crosses his arms as Unknown looks at a door and hears something behind it "I know, that voice...." Unknown Said shocked as Static Pulled Unknown by his sleeve as it reaped, then Static backed up and hided as he turned around "Static, MY WORST FRIEND EVER" Unknown looked at his sleeve as he remembers Natural pulling him by the arm "Oh yeah, Silver gave me this sweater....on Christmas" Unknown looked down sad, as static came out "Ah, I knew you reaped my sweater, Static why are you with me" Unknown said while Static backs Up "I didn't do it on, purpose I was trying to pull you away from that door" Static cried out, Natural walks forward and noticed the room, "it looks familiar, like I've known this place before" Natural said trying to remember, he opens the door and walks down a hallway where a living room and a kitchen use to be as he remembers this house "I remember now, this house is where I use to be. Before began to happen and, the cat that I use have passed away in my arms" Natural said sad as he turns to Netro and Roxy "So your saying that, that cat of yours died in the real world" Roxy covers her mouth and was confused "but then why is the cat in this world" Roxy ask surprised "Every Universe has a world, same earth, but different timeline. In This world or in another world the cat hasn't died yet, in this world or the other but in the one that I know. Died in the real world" Natural smiles trying not to cry, "it's emotional to see anyone go, or to see someone pass away" Natural took another step and a piece of a wooden board broke and he fail down the wooden floor "NATURAL" they both cried out as Natural yelled "I'm okay, woah...hey come down here quick" Natural yelled

As Scrotris went down with Natural "oh, what the hell" Netro said while he jumps down with them, white eyes glowed "what a pathetic fool" it said as it faded , "hey look it's a tape recorder from before" Neely Picked it up and it played on it's own "The Disposition Originator is a voice of words that play between people of whatever he cases in his mind, he helps others to get them on the right path but before, he was always more of a trapped person. Never listened, never learned, never understand. But he figured out a way to stay on top, he was bullied got into fights but we can't blame him for what he's seen, or what he's done, the respect still lives within him, but old pieces can't fix new ones" it stopped. Neely and Zero stayed quiet and the tape had ended, "The Disposition Originator, Who's That?" Neely said curiously as Calabaza eyes widened "The Disposition Originator Is NaturalSfmStudios" Calabaza Yelled "What, Wait a minute. You mean this is talking about Naturals past, before he became this world creator or something" Neely said as Zero not caring "When Will we get out Of here, it's starting to get board" Zero said frustrated and got up "if we can't unlock this door, I'll break it open with a karate chop" Zero puts his hands in position, directly toward the door while Neely frowned "You do remember, when we did train at our Sensei's dojo and you couldn't even break a wooden board" Neely laughed, as Neely gets up. Unknown Dragon Kicks The Door, "We gotta get out of here" Unknown said as Static notice that Unknown is hiding something

"Unknown, we know you have powers.... Multiple to be exact, So Why don't you use your powers" Static Said as he crosses his arms "I don't know what you're talking about" Unknown said as he thinks for a moment. The door suddenly opened and Unknown pulled the door wide open, "Well, isn't that obvious" Static said as they both looked at each other "We can settle our beef later, right now we need to find the others to figure out what's going on and who's doing this" Unknown said as he reaches his hand out as static looks at Unknown as he tries to greet him, he then thinks for a moment "So what do you say, Friends" Unknown said as static shakes his hand "then it's settled, now let's go find the others quickly" Unknown said in a hurry as static follows "right" static said