Chapter Seven: binded

Roxy uses her brothers technical vision that looks like

zoomed in glasses, as she scouts the place she spots a

portal rift and her eyes widened, Roxy grabs her earpiece

mic as she quickly puts it on her ear "Brother, Brother come in"

Roxy said as Netro uses hacking body techniques and was able to disable  the devil Jill's fighting Abilities from there mind and sliced there nerves from the inside of there body without using a knife or blades "Sis, I'm in a tight spot right now, what is it" Netro said doging a danger from a devil Jill While Scrotris

defends Netro using dark Shadow shield "We Might've found a

way out of this mansion, theres a rift portal but we don't

know where it leads to" Roxy said as Netro's eyes widened "Ok, thanks Roxy I'll let Natural, NO" Netro Drops the mic, "Brother, Brother Are You There...Come In" Roxy Puts her Earpiece mic away and She

Goes to tell Silver, "Anything" Silver said "No not yet, I told my brother but it looks like there fighting" Roxy said sorrowful, "so How do we stop Akuama" Neely said to Unknown as he turned around "there's a portal that leads to our Dimension And This Dimension, If We Can Find It...we can Be Able To Get out of here, But Natural Needs To Not Only Destroy this Mansion he needs to make sure Akuama does not escape" Unknown said as they quickly run. Silver and Roxy still

planning there counter attack as verilan is working more on his

abilities and tries to use his powers more neatly and carefully, "Really appreciate it if you'd help us out verilan, cause this

will be hard for us to complete and me and silver would like to complete it with you, if you don't mind" roxy said as verilan looks at roxy "oh alright" verilan said in a rusty voice as silver looks

and gives him a mean glare "get serious verilan, before i slap you...natural isn't relying on us, he's counting on us-" silver stopped while verilan looks at her confused "are you okay silver" roxy said worried as silver got up "I hear someone, not one but three and there coming this way" silver said as verilans eyes widened "Wait, are you serious" Verilan cautiously Looked in both directions as roxy gets ready to fight, "Almost there" Neely said as they're running, Neely sees a fire fist as it hits him in the face, as he falls down on some garbage cans, as unknown looked fast and he blocks the punches, he then jabs but stops and noticed roxy "Roxy, Silver And Verilan, i thought you guys were planning your counter attack" zero spoke unknowns mind, as roxy covers her mouth "I'm so sorry, Neely are you okay" Roxy Said sorrowful as neely pulls his head up "don't be, it was for the great or good" Neely said dizzy as he limps his head back down, "So Did you fine the All the tapes" silver asked as Unknown smirked "Even Better, I have a plan and that's why i came to you, we don't need those tapes to escape what we need is to work together" Unknown Pulled Out His Sword "Ready To Go Home" Unknown Said Confident.