The Fun Continues

And since Harry – that is the name of my host – is finishing off his shift for the day, I can stroll straight out of the school via the school gate without anyone being any of the wiser.

The much younger guy than me, who is starting his shift as the security guard did give me a handwave, and I return his friendly handwave with one of my own before hastily head towards the parking lot in order to get to my car.

My very crappy car, apparently.

Why am I driving this unsafe piece of shit?

Oh yeah. I cannot really afford anything else at the moment. Or ever, really.

Well. It could be worst. Like being strapped to an interrogation chair against my will in a dark and cold place somewhere deep beneath the school with several priests and hot-looking nuns discussing how to exorcise my perverted ass. Heh.

I wouldn't mind getting send to heaven by Grace. Hah!

Grace is an angel. Literally. Spiritually, actually.

Not really sure how that all works, but I am thankful for the confirmation that angels do exist. It means that very sexy succubus or demoness exists too. I need to somehow summon one to just learn a couple of things or two if you know what I mean. Heh.


Calm down Ghostly. There will be time for that once you get out of here. As far away from this dreadful place as possible.

And I probably need to possess someone much younger too. This is because Harry is already in his 50s, yet in spite of that, he is still working two fucking jobs. Actually, it is more like one and a half job since the other one doesn't really have a salary of sort.


"Hello, Mr. Potter."

Someone speaks up or maybe more like sneaks up on me when I am trying to open the car door. That damn door is pretty hard to unlock because the key and whatever locking mechanism are fairly rusty simply because of how damn ancient this car is, at least to my standard.

I need a new car. A brand-new car. A sport car. Too bad I cannot actually afford it. Actually, if I think a bit outside the box, maybe I can.

And that is done by suing a certain someone. Someone very famous, but not very likeable.

Oh. Did I mention my full name is Harry Potter? That alone would have been hilarious, but none of the teenagers at school read the book due to it about witches and wizards, the tools of the devil.

Anything to do with the devil is a bad no-no. That includes procreational sex, apparently. I mean recreational sex. Same thing in my mind. Hah!

Anyway, I am against the whole church and its doctrine because I am not allow to sex for fun.

Sex is awesome. Sex is great. Everyone should have sex with everyone else, regardless of relationship or whatever like the Great Maker has wanted. Hah!

Maybe I should start my own religion in his great name? A very awesome religion called Our Daughter of Perpetual Kneeling, where cum is a Holy Sacrament, provided by fathers for their daughters to drink, or sons for their mother.


Ahem. That is fucking awesome! Super perverted awesome, but still, awesome! Hah!

"Um. Hello?"

I utter when I turn around to see who it is.

The voice sounds hot enough, meaning that I definitely don't know her, at least in any capacity.

But how does the owner know me though? Oh Shit. Don't tell me that she can see me for what I truly am!? Shit!

Calm down Ghostly. If she actually does, you wouldn't be standing here talking to her. She would just murder you or worst, tie you up to deal with you later. Hey. Wait a second. How is getting tied up by a really hot girl for some severe spanking later worst!?

That should be way better than getting straight up killed.

Please send me to heaven before sending me to hell.


Once I take a good look at her face, my life-time buddy stirs within my pant.

I have thought that Junior was actually dead after all of these very dry years, but apparently not. Good thing too since I will be needing Junior to be a hell lot more active from now on, all to earn me more of those sexy, sexy sexual points. Hah!

Seriously though, I need more as the SP act like my health of sort.

I do have a health stat on my status window, but that is for my host than for me. It is the same as that new profession stat, which is basically job. There are two. One for my host and one for me.

Obviously, the profession stat for me is far more important.

But I will talk more about that later.


I state her name since I do recognize her now. It is pretty hard not to due to the spitting image of Alice with her long dark hair and dark-brown eyes. The holy cross around her neck is even more threatening than before.

Sexy as hell too since if Alice is a 10 on the scale of 1 to 10, Eva is definitely 12. Hah! Grace is obviously a 15, but that is because I want to corrupt an angel with my cock. Hah!

"Is there something you need?"

I question and swallow the hard lump in my throat. As much as I want to bend her over the car just to teach her a lesson about being nice to her little sister, I am far too frightened to do so.

Also, not a good thing, given where we are at the moment.

Eva narrows her eyes slightly, trying to see something beyond physical appearance. Probably trying to see me, who is playing it cool right now.

I wonder if I can outrun her if she attacks. Definitely not.

Therefore, I rather not. Please stop staring at me with that beautiful eyes of yours. If you don't, I might not be able to control my perverted nature. Hah!

"No, but please take this. It will keep evil spirits away from you."

Eva eventually speaks up. She hands me a non-descriptive box, and I obviously don't need to open the box to know what is exactly inside.

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, I will knock you right up.

Actually, I will definitely do that anyway because motherhood is the greatest thing ever. Hah!

Speaking of which, Harry just watched Terminator last night. The crappy Woke Fate shit that basically kills my boner for one of the hottest actresses of all time. I don't want to know how old she looks.

I honestly like Sarah Connor a lot better in the second movie because she is fucking hot. I totally want to be a Terminator right now, and I am certainly won't be hunting down John Connor to shoot him up.

I will just be shooting up Sara Connor instead. Hah!


Good thing that Eva doesn't know exactly is going through my mind in this moment, or she would not be so very calmed and composed right now.

Eva also doesn't know what happen to her pretty little sister right now. There is no way that she would be calmed and composed like this if she does. Heh.

"Um. Thanks for this, Eva."

I thank the girl and open the box to look inside. It is mostly for effect.

The holy cross that will be spending the rest of its day on a shelf somewhere greets me. Maybe under the nearby river in case somehow it manages to crawl out of its box and attacks me.

"You are welcomed, Mr. Potter. I thought you need one because of what happen to your wife. I hope that she recovers soon."

Eva tells me as she turns her head slightly to the side, taking note of her partner. A young priest, who looks like he had just woken up.

The guy is still fixing his hair and checking his holy bible. It is not a normal bible by any mean, as it can suck up spiritual energy from the surrounding. I wonder if I can suck up spiritual energy too.

What for though? I cannot just ask them about it because I am not supposed to know.

Eva bids me farewell after that and joins her partner to head across the road and into the school. They aren't the only one, so I assume there is a special meeting going on.

Not my problem.

I need to get out of here before someone notice me. Eva did notice something, but what it is, she isn't able to tell, at least not right now. Once she is more trained, she will be able to see my ghostly self.


I hope that I am strong enough to defend myself then. That is where my profession comes in, but since there are so many to choose from, I need to think more about it.

Most of them requires me to join a Guild, which I don't really want to, as I have to follow their probably crappy rules and guidelines.

As for what Eva is referring to, my wife is actually very sick. She is losing her vision despite being much younger in relation to me. She is only in her early 40s while I am in my mid-50s.

And because of her growing blindness, I have to do much of her job too, looking after the rather cheap motel that we have sunk so much money into.

I guess it could be called a family business of sort. Still, it is bleeding us much of our life saving.

We have nothing left, and honestly, I rather just sell the damn rundown place for just its land and use whatever money we get to find a retirement home somewhere.

But no, my wife is stubborn. She wouldn't have that even if it is killing her. It is killing me too, especially when I have two daughters and as son I need to look after.

None of them go to this Catholic School, however. Well. Not exactly true. My twin daughters do go to a Catholic College instead. Big different.

As for my eldest child. He already drops out of College, citing that he wants to work to help out around the house, but I am sure it is more than that. He is always sad and depressed, and seeing him mopping around the motel, doing jobs of a cleaning staff breaks my heart.

With his brain, I want him to graduate and get a proper job, not wasting his life away like I have done so.

Wait. Am I crying!? Fuck.

This isn't my life, but still, I cannot help but becomes emotional whenever I think of my wife, my son and my two daughters. Damn.

I drive away from the school before returning control to Harry finally. If I actually didn't force him out of the school just now, he would have gone to the Principle to hand in his resignation letter.

That is fucking dangerous, considering the Principle is constantly surrounded by priests and nuns. They will be able to detect me if I am anywhere near them.

I did put some suggestions into his mind, telling him that he doesn't need to resign just yet.

At least until I think of something.

Harry wants to dedicate all of his time to his wife and children, and it is a noble thing to do, but it isn't a good thing for me. I need to claim more virgins. Well not exactly.

This is because the [Deflowering of a Virgin] achievements net me 2,000SP per girl. That is more than all of my other achievements combined. I also get 100SP for [Exploring New Ground].

That achievement is for my host fucking someone new. My host. Not me. That gives me a really good idea of what to do to get a lot more SP.

I do need it, considering that the requirement for SP each level grows exponentially. Or maybe geometic? Too much math for me. Heh.

Regardless, I actually have a look at this. Well. Work out in my mind from what I remember. Level 1 was 200. Level 2 was 400. Level 3 was 800. Level 4 was 1600. Level 5 was 3200.

And now, to get to level 6, I need to 6400SP. That is fucking insane.

I could also lose my level too if I get myself chewed up by those damn Spiritual Beasts since I consume Sexual Energies to heal my perverted spirit. Hah!

While it did take a bit of SP, like 120 or so, I did learn that I need to be level 30 or so to break through those dimensional barriers in order to get into heaven or hell or other spiritual realms. How much SP is that in total?

I honestly don't fucking know, but it is probably a lot. Like a shit ton.

Since I do get 100SP for every new hole that I fuck with a new host, I think I should drop by a strip club or something. Too bad. No money. Oh. I know where I can get some money. I know where I can some pussies too.

I take over Harry once more and turn the car around, passing the long route around the Catholic School since I don't want to alert anyone. It didn't take long for me to reach a house.

Once there, I park the car in the driveway and head to the front door. I check myself before knocking on the door.

It did take a while for a balding man to open the door and greet me. He looks sweaty and greasy, and from the perverted thoughts hovering above his head, I can understand why. I would be too if I were watching three well-endowed teenagers being all tangled up in sexy positions when playing twister.



Richard questions and tries to recall who I am. He obviously met Harry before, but he hasn't really met me, his greatest benefactor, and I am here to claim my payment. Hah!

"Hello Richard, may I come in to join the fun?"