Chapter Six: Secrets Revealed

Its Been Two Months, Silver, Neely And Zero still go to school to finish the best of what they can achieve other than trying to fight crime, Unknown was looking through files from Naturals Folder. "What are you looking for" Natural said as Unknown stopped and turned around "Natural i know your mad at me for not asking but -" Unknown paused as Natural spoke "I know, unknown you want anwsers from me. About your mother, isn't it" Natural said as Unknown turned away as Natural looked down and punched the wall angry "Unknown what do you want from me" Natural said as Unknown turned around "All I Want Is The Truth" Unknown said as Natural spoke back in a more aggressive voice "Unknown You Cant Keep Trying To Figure Me Out And Keep trying to See Me As The Bad Guy Without Knowing The Story" Natural said exasperated, it was silent for moment "All i want is find out what happened to her" Unknown said as if he talked any further he would start crying "Look...It was 15 years ago when i was born into a world over my imagination, and no, i wasnt given powers just like that i had to figure myself out through experience and i struggled, felt left out, never liked rules or wanted to obey them, but they told me if i don't change myself overtime it will be worst than a failure, and they were right. i wasnt given the power to narrate, i learned it or knowledging the the fact that i had to learn through people around me, but the thing is i never wanted to be a creator just a character beside them" Natural said puzzled trying explain everything "i Understand your situation, cause i lost my own mother when i was seven. i experienced what a family is like cause I'm from the real world, and here im still coping the hope of good" Natural said as he sobs, "What was her name" Unknown said Lonely as if he was trying to understand "Sylvia, And I Know Its a beautiful name, i had to cope without a mother. I still had my father, but things went downhill and i dont wanna talk about it. Im just sharing details of what I've been through....its why i know how you feel" Natural said as he gave a friendly hug to Unknown "Let Me Help You Find Her File‚ Ok" Natural said relieved‚ an hour later Natural and unknown were exhausted and couldn't any records of his mother's past "This doesn't any sense‚ her file has to be here" Natural said Looking through the files as Neely walked into the storage room and seen Natural and Unknown Looking through paper work and other things "What Are You Guys Doing" Neely said innocent trying to be sneeky "We've been trying to look for our mother's record of her past before we were born but no records hers were found" Unknown said as Natural looked through the file in Abc order but still nothing‚ as static was hidden behind them as he looks at the file and walks away "If Unknown sees what ive done to his mother he would kill me for sure" Static said and hides it‚ "Guys I'm Home‚ Uhhgh And turn on the cooler is burning up in here" Silver said as she walks in the kitchen and Sees Dishes "HOW MANY TIME DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU GUYS NOT TO LEAVE THE DISHES IN THE SINK" Silver Yells as She dramatically Cleans Them All‚ Natural and Unknown walk through the living room and sits down "It's Very Frustrating Not Being Able-" Unknown Falls Down As Silver threw a mug at his face angry "You know What Else Is Frustrating‚ Me Having To Come Home From School Doing six Assignments four Essays and nine tests. Knowing that I studied very hard to find out that I passed and having to come home in this hot weather to find out my reward is cleaning Dishes" Silver said breathing angry as Zero comes out "I thought you failed all of them" Zero laughed as Silver throws another mug at And it hits zero in the face making him fall down "And I thought you failed to keep your mouth shut You broken toast" Silver said dramatically as Natural looks at Unknown and zero "Ouch that really hurt Silver" Unknown said Rubbing his head as Natural looks straight at Silver "What are you looking at Natural" Silver said as Natural backed up "Oh uhh Nothing eehh ehh" Natural said with a nervous smirk and as Roxy barged Into the house gasping for air as Silver and Natural looked at her Surprised "What are we gonna do‚ Natural there were these guys that were from soulvine plaza and they were looking for you" Roxy Said as Natural confused as Silver walked to her worried "Roxy take a deep breath a sit on the couch okay I'll get you some water" Silver hurried to the kitchen‚ Unknown and Neely were cautious about these people and wanted to keep they're guard up "Roxy Who Are those guys that you mentioned" Unknown said sitting down while kicks Back While sleeping "huh Unknown‚ Unknown" Roxy Said as Natural Looked At Unknown sleeping "I guess all That work made him sleepy" Natural said Confused as Silver Surprised "He Looks So Peaceful While He sleeps" Silver said smiling while Unknown Blushed and peeked at Silver "I could still hear you guys‚ I haven't been able to get any sleep I've searching all night to find my mother's file" Unknown said Yawning as Silver Smacked Unknown and He fell off the couch "Ouch‚ That Hurt" Unknown said while Rubbing his cheek‚ Silver looked at him mad "So It Was You who Drunk All Of The Energy Drinks" Silver said then turned around as Natural and the others paused Looking at Silver silently  "Ohh‚ When I Asked Unknown Who those drinks Were I didn't Expect it to be yours" Natural Laughed as Silver Annoyed "I never new you liked energy drinks‚ Me I'm Really Not Much of Sugar consumer" Natural said smiling as Roxy Yelled to get there attention "Guys This is serious These Guys Are samurai's and they would do anything to take things from others" Roxy Said As Natural looked At her serious "Take care of it Roxy and Make sure they don't track where we are or place a Hitman to do it for them" Natural said as Calabaza came out of the room "Guys something bad has happened" Calabaza yelled