Harry Potter

September 1, 1991

Earlier that day when Ron arrived back to the British Ministry, a worker from the ministry wanted to inspect his belongings in case he was trying to smuggle anything illegal.

He of course wasn't going to show him anything, Instead he handed over his aunt's letter declaring him the heir to the Prewett Family and new member of the Black Family. After which Ron demanded to speak to someone with higher status and rank, the nervous worker not wanting to dealing with him quickly agreed.

A few minutes later a middle aged woman entered the room where Ron was placed, as he saw who it was Ron knew he wouldn't have to reveal anything.

"I'm, Maxima Flint I was informed that you don't want to hand over your belongings for inspection?"

The woman didn't even spare him a glance as she stormed inside the room and sat down while going through some documents. Ron didn't respond and waited for her to realize his identify, so he sat there silently while observing the woman with his ever present grin.

"How are you a Prewett and Black! This is obviously fake!"

Expecting that reaction, Ron passed his aunt's letter to her. She hastily grabbed the letter and read it, after which she still couldn't believe it. To clear any doubts that lingered in her mind, she casts several revealing and inspection spells on the parchment which all showed the same result.

"Hello, Mrs. Flint. Please let me introduce myself I'm Ronald Billus Prewett Black Weasley. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, again."

"This is impossible you're a Weasley! Besides those lines should already be extant!"

"No, that's false. My aunt Lucretia Prewett (Nee Black) is still very much alive and my legal guardian. Making me the Heir to House Prewett and official member of House Black."

Nothing was making sense for the Pureblooded Auror, those two houses were thought to have died out, yet a new heir had just been named. She knew that many Purebloods were eyeing their wealth and properties, which now all belonged to a small boy. As she was trying to sort out the information she'd just received, his next sentence also surprised her.

"Now that we've cleared that up, I'd like to ask a favor from your esteemed self."

At this point Maxima, realized that the "Boy" in front of her spoke and acted as if he was the one in control. Everything about him told her that he wasn't normal, he reminded her of an old fox right down to his sly grin.

"Why would I do a favor for a brat specially a Weasley!?"

"Oh, but you're forgetting I'm not Just, a Weasley. I'm the Heir to both the Prewett and. Black Family's, and one who repays his debts."

"What about Sirius Black!?"

"You mean the one locked up in Azkaban? Do you honestly think that he'll be let out? Besides instead of worrying about that criminal, how about you name your price to let me walk out of here without an inspection?"

Although the woman didn't respond right away, Ron knew that she'd break. She was a Death Eater working as a low ranked Auror, why would she care to uphold justice now. After a couple of seconds, he was proven right when she stated her price albeit a steep one.

"10,000 Galleons. Not a coin less..."

"*Eh, she's asking for quite the sum... I'll just think about this as an investment.*"

"I don't have-"

" Then don't waste my tim-"

"... All of it."

Saying that Ron pulled out his Item Pouch and covered the room in Golden Coins.

"6,500 Galleons. I'll be sure to deposit the rest once I'm allowed to leave, so what do you say, do we have a deal?"


Using the Ministry's Floo Network Ron went to Diagon Alley for a couple of reasons. The first to exchange some British Pounds for Galleons at Gringotts, and to make the deposit to the Flint Family Vault. The second to go over to Knockturn Alley to make a few purchases and settle another debt.


All that led him, to be late heading into King's Cross Station. Hailing a cab as soon as he came out of the Leakey Cauldron he reached the train station with under half a hour before the train departed.

"*Fuck, maybe I should've worked out at least a little bit. Or learn how to Apperate, then I wouldn't need to ride the train in the first place.*"

While he was berating himself, he failed to notice the attention he'd attracted since Muggles weren't used to seeing a suit wearing, Crimson haired boy run through the station.

"Are they filming a movie!?"

"The boy looks so cute with his little suit!"

"Cute? Have you seen his hair? Must be some kids messing around, let's go we'll miss our train."


"*There, Platform Nine and Three-Quarters!*"

Running straight at the barrier, Ron passed through before arriving at the Platform. Off to the side he could see the scarlet steam engine surrounded by a large group of people.

"*I made it!*"

Making his way through the crowd of people, Ron was trying to locate his mother who had his supplies.

Maneuvering around cats of every color, caged Owls and various trunks left unattended he caught sight of his mother's bright red hair. Next to her was his little sister who seemed to be pouting, he guessed because she also wanted to go.

Almost as soon as he noticed them, they turned around and saw him walking towards them. They were happy to see him again but, getting a better look at him they noticed that he'd changed again.

"Ronald! Where have you been!? You should've arrived in Britain hours ago! You almost missed your train!"

"I'm sorry mom, I got held up at the Ministry, but look I made it, with time to spare! Hey Ginny, here so you don't miss us too much."

Ron tossed her a small red pouch exactly like his, Ginny gladly accepted his gift and gave him a hug.

"It's an item Pouch, but wait until you get home to open it."

"Thanks Ron!"

Having given his sister her gift, he faced his mother who looked at him with mixed emotions.

"Are those my things? Thank you for buying them for me... "

"Ron, about what happened with your aunt, I'm-"

He didn't let her finish as he hugged her and whispered in her ear.

"It's fine mom, don't worry I'm still a Weasley. As for everything else that doesn't matter right now, I've missed you and Dad."

"Silly boy, we've also missed you, although o could've gone without seeing my boy dressed like some old man."

Seperating from his mother's embrace, Ron did a little spin for her.

"You don't like it?"

She and Ginny giggled before his mother told him to go get his brothers so they could all say goodbye. Ron sent the trunk with his belongings into his bag and entered the train in search for them

It didn't take long to find the twins since they were always quite loud. He found the both of them talking to a someone he recognized, a boy with a lightning bolt scar and glasses.

"Harry Potter."