Not A Cat Person

Breakfast went by relatively fast, with Ron answering most of Hermione's questions while simultaneously reassuring Daphne that he was fine. Harry on the other hand stayed silent the entire time only answering when Hermione asked him about his time with the Gryffindor's.

As they were getting ready to leave, Ron told Daphne and Hermione to go on ahead while he had a chat with Harry.

"Ron! Don't be late we have Transfiguration First! Goodbye Harry!"

"I'll save you a seat. Bye."



Seeing that both girls were out of sight, Ron put a arm around Harry's neck. The latter was both surprised and confused by his actions but Ron simply gave him a smile as he explained himself.

"You wanted to know why I told you that on the train right? Let's go for a walk."

"Where are we going...?"

"Nowhere far, just act as if we're having a normal conversation."

Albeit a bit forced Harry nodded.

"I'm sure you've asked my brothers about me. I wonder what they told you?"

" That's..."

" Probably something about me being a loner and being some genius right?"

Harry slowly nodded causing Ron to sigh.

" They're right, you know. I am a "Genius" as for the loner part I'm working on it. That's why I told you to stay clear of the old man, I wanted to warn a friend."

" But why? Why warn me to stay away from him!?"

As Harry's voice was rising Ron pulled him in closer causing Harry to stop talking.

" Don't yell, we're having a friendly chat remember? As for the reason, do you remember the hat sorting? When everyone heard my name they freaked out."

" Yes, but what does that have to do with the headmaster?"

" My family names Prewett and Black are old and powerful families in the Wizarding World specially the Black Family. Being part of such a powerful Family I know information others don't..."

Ron's sudden pause caused Harry's anxiety to flare up.

"*What's this information!?*"

" I've heard that Dumbledore wants to use you, or to be more precise your fame to scare people into believing You-Know-Who is back in an attemp to seize more power."

" What!? I don't... But why!?"

" That I don't know. As someone with very little power right now my information is limited. I just wanted you to know that his intentions aren't so pure."


Ron left to attend his class, leaving Harry behind who was deep in thought.

"*I'm not going to let you have your way so easily old man. If you want to use Harry, let's see how far you'll go to pull him to your side.*"


His first class was Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, which was on the first floor. As he was about to take a turn he noticed a familiar dusty cat hissing at an obnoxious Gryffindor.

"*Oh, I got quite the big fish..."

" Get away from me you dirty flea bag! I'm going to be late! Damn you!! Get away!"


" Stupe-"

" Silencio"

Caught off the tall Gryffindor student angrily turned to the one who'd silenced him and was about to rush at him. He only stopped when the Crimson Haired boy took out a small bowl and placed it in front of the cat.

" Recipio."

" I could've taken care of it myself!"

" I'm sure you could've, but why have Filch make things difficult for you the entire semester?"

The big oaf didn't know how to respond and begrudgingly thanked Ron.

" Thanks... I'm Cormac McLaggen. I'm a big deal around here, if someone bothers you tell em my name."

" Sure anytime. I'm Ron."

" I remember you now! You're that Prewett Black Kid. I wasn't at the feast but some guys described him with Crimson Hair. I guess we might be able to be friends after all."

"*Eh, shouldn't this guy be better suited as a Slytherin? Well it doesn't matter...*"

" I'd like that."

Ron extended his right hand with his trademark grin, the robust boy didn't think too much about it and shook his hand.

" I've got class right now, so I hope to see you later Cormac."

" Same too you. You've got to teach me how to get that crazy cat to back off."

After a promise to have dinner together Cormac went to class while Ron picked up the bowl and also went on his way.


As soon as Ron walked in the first thing that he noticed was a black cat laying on top of a desk overlooking the classroom.

He made sure to not make any noise as he closed the door and headed to an open seat next to Daphne. That's when the black cat jumped off the table and towards the newly arrived Ron.

" Eh!?"

Ron suddenly took out his wand and pointed it towards the cat, who stopped and wanted to jump back. Before it had a chance to, Ron transformed the floor around it into a small cage trapping the cat inside, as if scared or frightened the cat began to hiss at Ron.

" I'm terribly sorry, I have a fear of cats, but who does this little "Guy" belong to? Although it's against the rules to bring your pet to class, Professor McGonagall still hasn't arrived so take it back to your room. Don't worry. I will cover for you, so you don't get reprimanded."

He scanned the room but none of them stood up to claim the cat as their own, Hermione and Daphne also asked around but nothing.

" Since it's no one's cat I'll take it to Filch. If Professor McGonagall comes back please help me explain my absence to her."

" We will Ron, thank you for capturing the cat, We were actually intimidated by it .

" Yeah, thanks Ron."

Ron who was carrying the cage with the hissing cat inside, briefly blushed before turning away. His act of bashfulness caused the girls in the room to fawn over him and the guys to think he was shy.

" I'll be going then, but seriously please tell Professor McGonagall that I wouldn't dare skip her class if not for today's circumstances. I'd hate to leave a bad first impression.

" We got your back!"

" Thank you again!"

" I bet you'll be rewarded for capturing that stray."

After another short round of admiration, he left the classroom with the black cat. Who hadn't stop trying to break free from it's entrapment.