They Know.

" Ronald! Did I make myself clear!? You're lucky these two girls are speaking on your behalf otherwise I'd have taken House Points and given you detention."

" I understand, I apologise for my reckless behavior, it won't happen again."

Surprisingly or maybe not so much considering what he did, Ron was reprimanded for flying off at full speed. He was able to escape without getting any detention time which was great since he'd hate to waste his time.

Daphne and Hermione helped his case by explain that it was his first time riding and they'd keep him from doing another mistake again. For their help they asked for him to help them with their homework, which he "Reluctantly" accepted.

" Mion, do you think we should have asked for more? Maybe for him to tell us where he goes at night?"

" You're right, Daph. We did just save him from who know how many days in detention, after all."

" Uh, I think I'm late for my class... Goodbye!"

Not wanting to answer that line of questioning, Ron ran to their next class, Transfiguration.

As he was running through the long corridors Ron wondered if after what happened in their class, Prof. McGonagall transformed into a cat for her other classes.


When he got to the classroom, Prof. McGonagall handed him a book and told him to read it during her lesson. When he received the book, he quickly recognized it.

"* A second year book? Unless it's a sixth or seventh year book I've most likely read it. Then again it's still to early to demonstrate all of my capabilities, so for now let's go with a third year level.*"

Soon after he sat down in the back of the class to "Read" his book, Daphne and Hermione ran inside. By the look of their flushed faces they ran after him, causing Ron to let out a low chuckle.

When they heard his chuckle both of the girls quickly walked passed him and smacked him of the back of his head.

" That wasn't nice, Ronald."

" Hmph!"

" Oww."

Prof. McGonagall who was readying some parchment on her desk failed to notice the two girls actions until she heard Ron's cry.

" Is something the matter, Ronald?"

" No, nothing at all. I apologise for my sudden outburst, I think two flies might've bitten me."

" Since the class hasn't started I'll let it go but I hope you don't disturb the lesson."

" You have my word, Professor."

" Many of you might remember me, as I was the one that brought you into the castle two days ago. Our classes together were to begin yesterday, but after suffering an unforeseen accident I was unable to. For that I apologise to you as it wasn't your fault... "

When she said the last line she looked towards the back of the class for a brief moment before continuing.

" For today's lesson I'd like to teach you a simple transfiguration spell..."

When the class began, Ron quietly sat down and after half a hour casted a spell from the book he was given. Each Class was a hour and thirty minutes long, so at the end of the class Ron had casted the first six spells from the book.

There weren't many spells inside the book to begin with, since most of it was about the theoretical uses of Transfiguration Magic.

Prof. McGonagall was impressed with his ability to cast a second year spell, which he found awkward since they were child's play to him.

Leaving her class Ron didn't waste anytime and ran towards the Dungeons for Potions before he could be caught.

" Ron! Don't run away!

" Ronald!! Get back here!"

" Sorry I can't be late! We'll talk later!"

The rest of the Ravenclaw's went along with the funny situation and laughed. Which prompted the Hufflepuff's to join in, causing the two girls to chase after the fleeing Ron with blushing faces.


Unfortunately for Ron as soon as he was about to head in to Snape's classroom, the Potion Master had him stand outside for half a hour as punishment for his "Disturbance" the day prior.

Not being able to enter when the his two female pursuers arrives he couldn't run away. The duo then proceeded to wait until everyone entered the classroom to ask him about his whereabouts the previous nights.

" I didn't go anywhere, I stayed In my room and went to sleep."

" Then why did you run away from us this morning?"

" I was just messing with you two. Besides you two should go inside class is about to start, you wouldn't want to get detention would you?"

" Ronald, we saw you leaving the Common Room yesterday. Don't lie to us, where did you go?"

"* What!? I made sure that I wasn't followed. So how did they... Does she suspect me but isn't sure and wants me to out myself?*"

" Daphne, I didn-"

Before he could finish the girls doll like face was covered by black lines as she glared at him. Turning to Hermione she was also angrily glaring at him.

" Don't lie to us, Ronald."

"* How the hell did they find out!? Damn it!*"

" Fine, I'll tell you but later. I can't say anything here."

Right as he said that Ron regretted it

" What did I tell you Mion, I know Ron and he's always punctual he never over sleeps. That is unless he was up to something the night before."

" You were right Daph, but what could it be that he's all secretive about it?"

"* Fuck. So like always I was right. Well then I guess I'll just have to speed up some of my plans.*"

" See you inside, Ron."

" I'll save you a seat."

Left alone Ron leaned against the nearby wall thinking about his future plans. After Potions Class they'd have a break which he'd have to take full advantage of to set up his plans for Neville, Hermione and Daphne.