The Next...

After the three of them had enough time to process the fact that Ron had declared having a Fiancee. Lucius was the first to call him a liar and demanded that he give up his futile attempt to not be expelled. Prof. Flitwick was meanwhile trying to figure out who Ron was referring to, as he tried to remember all the girls he'd seen around Ron.

" I have had enough of this charade, Headmaster are you or are you not going to expel this, this, This Infidel!?"

Again the one to respond to him wasn't Dumbledore but Ronald.

" Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot Dumbledore, I Ronald Billus Prewett Black Weasley would like to formally charge Draco Malfoy with defamation against myself and my aforementioned Fiancee Daphne Elizabeth Greengrass."

" WHAT!?"

Yet again another bomb went off in the office, Prof. Flitwick wasn't as shocked by the name and was able to wrap his head around that since he'd seen how close they were in class. Lucius however couldn't believe what he'd just heard, for someone he'd painted as a lowly Weasley, kept repeatedly destroying that image.

"* First he became the Prewett Heir, then an official member of the Black Family, and now he's engaged to the Greengrass Heiress!? How the hell did he managed to gather so much power and important allies!?*"

" I will also inform my father in law Aster Greengrass, the Vice-chairman of the Board of Governor's to get to the bottom of this and get justice for Daphne."

"* Damn him! So that's why he was acting so arrogant!? Aster is backing him up!? I knew I couldn't trust that spineless bastard, I should have known...*"

Lucius's glare had now become a death glares as he could only think of getting rid of the boy in front of him. Ron was delighted to see the always arrogant Lucius trembling in anger but unable to do anything about it.

" As Chief Warlock of the Wizarding I have heard your accusation and will -"

" Albus! You cannot be serious! How can you take a child's ranting seriously? He's obviously mad!"

" Lucius, the "Child" is after all the Heir to a Noble Family I cannot take his accusation lightly. You know this, have you not also acted in similar fashion before? Don't worry I will simply present the case I have no power to rule on his behalf, so you can present your case to the court."

" Good! Good! Is this how you want to play!? You might believe that being a "Heir" and having that coward Aster as your backing somehow makes you important but you're nothing! You want to go to Court!? Fine, I'll make sure to bury you! Let's see if the Prewett's left you with any money because your Poor Starving parents sure as hell won't be able to help you!"

Ron did instinctively clench his fists but made sure that he did so as he placed then behind him.

" Oh I'm looking forward to seeing that! As for money I have plenty you can be sure of that, isn't that right Ancestor?"

Not bothering to mince his words the Portrait outright sentenced Lucius to death.

" Of course since when have we Black's been afraid of some poor mediocre family such as the Molfos!? As the last official member you can use our vast wealth to not only win the case but leave them on the streets with nothing! Hahahahaha!"

Lucius bit his tongue in anger as he heard the Portraits blatant threat. Yet he didn't try to argue back instead opting to remind him of his wife's Identity.

" Lord Phineas, you threaten not just me and my son but also your great great great great niece! Narcissa Malfoy Nee Black! Who was actually born in the Family unlike this boy!"

" Eh, what good does that do me or the Black Family!? Her children will bear your name not ours! This boy as you call him, can pass on our name for future generations with the Greengrass Family."

Done kicking the downed Lucius the Portrait went back to sleep. While Ron's grin grew wider, Lucius felt as if he'd been repeatedly struck on the head since nothing made sense anymore. The only thing he was certain of was that Ron had become the greatest threat to himself and his family.

"* I have to get rid of him! By any means necessary, he cannot be allowed to grow any longer lest he become the executioner of the Malfoy Family.*"

His thinking was then interrupted by the cause of his worries.

" Is there anything else you'd like to discuss? If there isn't then I'll see you in court Lucius. I hope you get yourself a great lawyer, you're going to need it."

"... "

Without saying another word Lucius glared at everyone present before he stormed off. The three remaining people made sure to keep their eyes and attention on him as he walked away.


With his departure certain, Ron's confident figure faded replaced by an exhausted boy trying to not fall over. Seeing him such a state Professor Flitwick quickly helped him sit down while Dumbledore made sure to go over everything he'd just heard and witnessed.

" Ronald, are you okay? Is something wrong?"

" I'm fine Professor but facing someone much older than me and experienced took quite the big toll on me both mentally and physically. I just need to rest a while I'll be fine..."

He was actually exhausted but more so for putting so much effort on his acting than anything else.

"* He's a total Enigma. As soon as I think I've gotten a hint towards his real motives and nature I'm repeatedly proven wrong. Are you the new Light that will oversee over the next generations or are you the biggest threat that the world has ever seen? Who are you Ronald Weasley?*"

Ron caught the pensive Dumbledore deep in thought with the corner of his eye and couldn't help but snicker in his head.

"* You must be trying to piece everything together aren't you? Trying to decipher me and from your decision you'll either try to groom me to be another one of your loyal followers or try to hinder my growth before coming up with numerous plans to bring me down. Yet isn't ironic that I'm not imitating Gellert Grindelwald or Tom Riddle, I'm following the path that you treaded upon to become what you are today. I'm not the next Voldemort, I'm the next Dumbledore!*"