Sorry, baby... you're stuck with me.

"You're such a bully." Katherine had her back face Damien as she laid on her side.

He laughed, clearly amused by her reaction. But compared to how he was feeling earlier, he was definitely, definitely satisfied now — except for the fact that he badly wanted to have a shower to cool himself down but he stayed in bed with her as she refused to look at him after what he did.

Obviously, it wasn't a punishment and he knew that he was teasing her too much. 

"And you're even happy that you're being called a bully," she scoffed.

Closing the gap between them, Damien snaked an arm on her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder, "Are you mad?"

Katherine rolled her eyes and refused to respond. A smile threatened to form on his face but he suppressed it to pacify her and asked, "Didn't you like it?"

Heat crept up on her neck and her face was flushed. "Oh my god. Stop asking ridiculous questions."