“I won’t do it again," she said.

7 am

The buzzing of a phone on the nightstand woke Katherine from her sleep. She shifted and stretched in place and slowly opened her eyes to see the walls of Damien's bedroom. A smile appeared on her lips as though she had the most amazing sleep ever.

She reached out for the phone and realized that it was Damien's, so she placed it back to the nightstand, wondering where her phone could be.

Sitting up, the blanket that decently covered her body fell to her waist, and when she looked down to herself, her eyes widened upon discovering that she was only wearing her black bra and underwear. 

With a gasp, she immediately covered herself up and looked around the room to see if Damien was there, but he wasn't, making her breathe a sigh of relief. However, she realized – that didn't mean that nothing happened last night. If she was in his bed, then where was he?