It Just Had to Be Her

The next morning…

Katherine stirred in bed and was disappointed when she roamed her hand on the space next to her only to find it empty. She breathed out a sigh before opening her eyes and stretching her body. A blush crept on her face when she recalled what happened last night. She buried her face onto the pillow as the scene continued to play in her mind, not allowing her to escape from the dirty deed she did yesterday.

She had gotten used to waking up and not seeing Damien beside her the morning after their sleepover. She never really asked him why he was always up so early even though he would go to bed late in the evening. Usually, after she wakes up, she would find him in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She appreciated that he always made sure that she had her fill in the morning especially during weekdays. But she would prefer for him to stay in bed with her longer. Sighing, she swung her legs out of bed and washed up before going out of the bedroom.