Shameless Cousins

Alianna and Katherine rode the taxi towards the luxury shopping district in the city. The place was not crowded but it was where the socialites, celebrities, and wealthy people splurge their money.

During the commute, Katherine learned that Ali was a year younger than her. She spent most of her time in Europe and would occasionally visit Nana a few times a year. This time, she was going to stay for a month because of work.

When the taxi stopped, they alighted the vehicle and Alianna dragged her inside a clothing shop where beautiful dresses were neatly lined up on the  racks.

"Damien told me that you were going on a trip next weekend? Tell me about it. Do you know where you're going?" 

Katherine shook her head. "He wouldn't tell me anything."

"Hmmm… Well, he only told me a little information. Which means... this dress is perfect." Alianna shoved a light blue dress to Katherine's arms.