A Regular Booty Call

Stepping inside the luxurious foyer of Katherine's apartment, Damien's eyes immediately scanned the room and froze.

"Why'd you stop?" she mumbled in a whisper that only they could hear.

"Is she…?" The voice came from an old man. Her eyes slowly opened ever so slightly and she peeked from her position through the small slits of her eyes, only to find her grandfather, aunt, Styles, and Amelia who was wearing a disguise in the living room.

She stiffened in his arms, her brain almost malfunctioning at the thought of what she and Damien did past her foyer… and past the stairwell door—all while her family was in here the entire time. And now she's not moving while he was carrying her.

Feeling his grip tighten on her, she didn't know what to do. Was she supposed to wake up, jump out of his arms, and run to her grandpa? Or should she pretend to be asleep?

"Mm… She fell asleep in the car," Damien answered for her.