Challenge Accepted

"P-Prove it?"

Katherine gazed at Damien like he was a god. In some ways, at least in her eyes, he was. Hearing the words escape from his lips, her heart skipped a beat as if she had just heard the best news in her lifetime. He was challenging her and damn if that didn't excite her.

He stared back at her but it took him a while to respond to her probing. He silently nodded and she revealed a small smile as she asked him, "How do I do that? What do you want me to do?"

He shrugged, looking so nonchalant about it. "That's for you to find out."

"But… How would I know which one will work?"

Damien curled a corner of his mouth into a crooked grin and tapped the tip of her nose with his pointer finger. "You're smart, Katherine. You'll figure it out."