A Night Out (5)

Damien and Detective Donovan's voices woke Katherine up. She slowly fluttered her eyes open and her vision was still somewhat blurry. She and Amelia hadn't been sleeping long as they were only brought in twenty minutes ago.

Though she couldn't see him clearly yet, she could already see his form and she knew right away that it was him. "Oh, my King is here~" she sang. Her face was still flushed and she had a silly grin painted on her face.

Next to her was Amelia, who got woken up by Katherine's announcement. "What? Oh! The bossy man is here, Kitten?"

Hearing their words, Damien's gaze narrowed at them in pure bewilderment. He had so many questions running in his head but he didn't know which one to ask first or if he should even ask at all. The two had been talking about him behind his back? He mildly scoffed. His expression was laced with full disbelief as he was amused and annoyed at the same time.