Her Other Project

It was almost lunchtime when Felix came back to Golden Phoenix Residences. He found Amelia, Katherine, and Styles in the living room hovering on a computer that the latter was working on.

"Right… there…" Styles tapped a key on the keyboard and the screen froze, showing a picture of a man in a suit.

"That son of a bîtch. I was right," Katherine cursed. Her brows furrowed as she stared at the screen and saw Chris getting out of the Central Harbor Restaurant on the day that he paid them a visit in the penthouse. In fact, the footage that they saw showed a timestamp, and it was an hour before Chris arrived at the penthouse. 

Though seeing him come out from there didn't prove anything yet, she was already feeling positive about her doubts. "Did you see who else was there? We could only see his exit, so where did he enter?"