Silhouette (5)

Leaving the main hall of the event, Damien and Katherine found themselves in the hallway. The colors of the walls and the carpet reminded her of that time in Magnum Hotel where they first saw each other again a couple of weeks ago during her Welcome Home Party.

That time, they were estranged, hurt, lost, and all sorts of things altogether. After promising each other that they would always be together, they still separated and were heartbroken. Tears were spilled, hopes were almost gone, and they thought of giving up. But as fate kept leading them back together, they took their chances—even if it meant that they would still keep hurting.

Katherine and Damien took the leap. Their relationship was flawed and so were they.

The two had every reason to let go and just be done with each other. They were like two magnets— repelling and attracting each other. But subconsciously or even deliberately, despite their differences, they made their choice and bonded.