Dark Minutes

Getting up from his bed, Gus attached a tiny camera in the disguise of a button on his henley shirt. He stretched his limbs and rolled his neck from side to side. Pulling out the tiny flash drive that he had to plug into the mainframe, he recalled what Katherine told him before he left her old apartment: "This is the only thing I ask of you. After this, we'll stage your death and help you get to wherever you want. You wanted to be reborn, right?"

He briefly closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. When he opened them again, his whole demeanor changed—in his mind, he had nothing but one goal: to get his job done in the least amount of risk possible. 

Opening the door, Gus strolled out of the quarters—where the bunks were located and headed to the central part of the base. He leaned against a railing that's overlooking many areas of the base that were all enclosed in glass windows; he was currently on the second floor.