The Company

A black Volkswagen sedan parked in front of an abandoned research facility on the outskirts of Harbor City. Dressed in a light grey suit and long trench coat, Parker Green got off from the backseat of it and scanned the other cars that were parked nearby. He let out a small sigh and a fleeting misty cloud formed before him. It was almost December and the weather became colder by the day.

He headed towards a door to the side of the building and entered, leaving his guards outside. He walked towards the innermost part of the building. It was dark and the only light that illuminated his path was from an emergency light at the end of the hallway. He stopped in front of an elevator, pressed a button, and entered as soon as it opened. Pressing another button, he tapped a card onto a panel and an automated voice sounded from the speaker.

"Welcome back, Mr. Green. I hope you have a pleasant evening."