
After Damien and Katherine had their lunch at the Jade Oriental restaurant, they headed out of Harbor City—towards the safe house where Chris and Gus were staying.

The location was an hour's ride from the city, in a vast land by the forest. They made sure no one was following them on the route before they turned towards an old gate that opened as soon as it detected their presence. Damien drove down the path that led to a medium-sized mansion.

They alighted the vehicle and entered the place as a few guards greeted them. The house was pretty much empty and outdated. It had fundamental pieces of furniture like a couch and dining table, and a few foldable beds on the side. 

Chris and Gus were in the dining room, looking over some sort of map on the table. Noticing the presence of Damien and Katherine entering the room, they looked up and nodded at them.

"What's this?" she said.