Frayed (2)

Three days.

Three days and Katherine was still unconscious. Most of the tubes and wires that were attached to her were already removed. She was breathing fine, and her vitals were back to normal, but she just wasn't waking up. 

In the first twenty-four hours of her being unconscious, Damien was somewhat calm as he patiently waited for her to wake up. She suffered so much and endured the torture that he didn't even want to imagine. He cleaned her gently with a wet towel and read her a book that she had once told him she wanted to read but just didn't have the time.

He received calls from Chairman Young since she hadn't come home to the mansion that day she was supposed to. At first, Damien was able to come up with an excuse not to worry the old man. However, with her condition, she would need weeks to recover and there was just no way they could lie about how she got the wounds and bruises.