A Very Little Key Can Open a Very Heavy Door

An unearthly and strangled scream echoed the massive master bedroom of Damien's penthouse in Golden Phoenix residences. Damien woke up in a start, his heart pounding in his chest as he witnessed Katherine thrashing in bed next to him. He immediately gathered her in his arms, stroking her back and trying to wake her up gently. "Baby, wake up… It's just a dream."

She gasped as she came to, her cheeks streaked with tears from her nightmare. Sweat formed on her forehead, and her back was drenched in sweat. She panted as if she just ran a hundred miles, sniffing as she buried her face into his chest.

"It's just a dream…" he mumbled, despite not knowing what she was dreaming about. Katherine had told him she had nightmares from time to time, but she didn't tell him what it was about. Frequently, he'd ask her, but she'd say she didn't remember what it was. It pained him that there was nothing he could do except just being there for her.