Intuition (2)

Katherine's fight-or-flight response kicked in involuntarily, feeling like someone was keenly watching her. She scanned the crowd but did not see anyone threatening at all. This was what she hated—being observed. It brought back familiar feelings from when she was still in Shadow. Thinking that it was Maverick Security, she whipped out her phone, tempted to call Damien. However, he was probably in a meeting at the moment, so she decided to send him a text.

[ Katherine: Can you tell your men to go away? At least don't let them come within twenty feet from me. I feel anxious with them around. ]

She furrowed her brows and headed towards the shopping district's entrance where she was supposed to meet Alianna.

"Kath!" Ali excitedly pulled her in for an embrace as soon as she saw her. "You look glowing. Are you pregnant?"